

Chu Du gets reincarted as the daughter of the richest family in country X, from a poor college student who can barely afford three meals a day. She vows to make use of every opportunity she gets if she's given a second chance at life.

Essel_Sandra · Fantasy
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2 Chs


In C city's university of technology, sat Chu Du, a software engineering student who was lamenting her life and all the hardships she had to go through from childhood. "why wasn't I born in one of those rich families so I don't have to suffer so much?" thought Chu Du as she looked at the rich brats in her class.

" uh! why's the the teacher not ending the class? its already pass closing time and I'm late for my shift" Chu Du said as sat in the lecture Hall. She had to work part-time at a restaurant as a waiter and if she was late, she will be dismissed. By the time the teacher ended his class, it was almost two hours past the reporting time. Chu Du had to ran on the way there but when she got to the restaurant, the manager was already waiting to dismiss her. "Chu Du! do you think this is your family business for you to waltz in here anytime you want?" scolded the manager. "Please manager my class just ended and I came here as soon as possible. please forgive me, this will not happen again" said Chu Du with pleading eyes. "yes its not going to happen because you're not coming here again. Now take the rest of your salary for the week and never come back here again" the manager shouted at Chu Du while throwing an envelope to her.

She walked back home dejected and hungry, thing about how to get a job to pay her fees which was due next month. As she walk home with plenty on her mind, she fails to notice someone following her with a knife.

By the time she notices, it was too late for her to run away. She was stabbed in the chest by a man she didn't recognise and he took the little money she had on her. As she lay there, all that was on her mind was how she lived pathetically and died pathetically. She smiled self deprecatingly and prayed for a better second life if there ever was one as her mind drifted into unconsciousness.

She later opened her eyes to handsome man looking at her with a smile on his face as he stared at her and since she couldn't understand what was happening, she just smiled back at him beacause it was the polite thing to do. she felt sleepy and dosed off to sleep.she later awoke from her sleep to a beautiful female voice talking about feeding her. she opened her eyes to a woman holding a feeding bottle and about to put in her(Chu Du's) mouth. she raised her hand to push it away, when she noticed that she had baby hands. she tried asking what was happening but only blubbering sounds came out.

Then it dawned on her that she had been reincarnated."so my wishes has finally come true and looking at the clothes of the people I've seen so far, this family is rich" thought Chu Du. she felt hungry, so she put aside any thoughts to focus on the food.