
I Am Not A Mage Lord

Time traveler Lin Qi awakens in a classroom in the middle of the "Mysterious Magic Unified College Entrance Examination". This modern world is dominated by mysterious mages who are immortal and possess extraordinary magic! Recover from terminal illnesses, teleport across thousands of miles, control the minds of others, transfigure objects, stop time… In shackles, the first thing he must do is to become a "mage apprentice" and received a death penalty pardon. Mages dominate this world, relying on exceptional memory and incredible computational skills. Lin Qi suddenly discovered that he had a "memory palace" in his mind which can record everything, including all complex spell models. This is his path to become a "Mage Lord".

Miracle Prayer · Games
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40 Chs

Moving From Memory Palace to Microprocessor Structure

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Everyone knew that "Minecraft" was essentially a sandbox construction game that could build exquisite buildings, crafts and artworks using cubes.

Lin Qi's "memory palace" could be understood as such.

But laters-stage Minecraft players were no longer content with copying magnificent buildings from places such as Hogwarts, Forbidden Palace and Lord of the Rings. With the introduction of Redstone, the entire game moved from the Stone Age into the Electric Age.

The geniuses relied on "Redstones" and "Torches" to achieve "NAND gate" logic. Thereafter, they crossed over to the super-large integrated circuit model and the three-dimensional digital circuit. Through planning the command collection structure, storage structure and command transmission methods, they replicated a simplified set of instructions for modern CPU prototypes.

As for the 'Principles of Microsystems', 'Digital Circuit', 'Compilation Principles' and 'Computer Graphics', which were needed to build the entire microprocessor, Lin Qi could obtain them from the current Planet Blue world without much difficulty.

Once a microprocessor was successfully replicated, the hardware algorithm can be easily achieved through the CPU's PN knot.

Complementary addition algorithms could achieve "addition and subtraction", "series multiplication", then "elimination", "positive string algorithm", "floating-point operations"…

In an instant, Lin Qi found the shortcut to have a breakthrough in his computational ability after his "memory ability" erupted!

However, after thinking carefully, Lin Qi calmed down.

From then on, no matter how magical the memory palace was, it was a product of his mind.

One could never break through the limitations of the brain!

This was a "natural chasm" that could not be overcome by just pure human effort.

Lin Qi's "memory palace" was the computer "pointer" tool that allowed him to easily detect all the information that his brain had received!

The brain of mice had 13 neurons, and scientists have spent a full 1TB (1024GB) to analyze these 13 neurons.

The human brain weighed about three kilograms and had a total of 14 billion brain cells. The neuron structure was 100 billion!

In the simplest conversion terms, it would be 760 million TB!

The reason why Lin Qi's memory palace was so impressive was because the human brain was naturally this impressive.

As for others, they lacked the "pointer tool" to "precisely search" for where the corresponding memories were stored. So that they ended up as lost memories.

Therefore, no matter how impressive Lin Qi's "microprocessor structure" was, it could only be achieved with the suitable foundation.

Just like in his memory palace, there were only "memory books" and "shelves". There was no way to recreate the most crucial "PN knot" for the microchip.

Through the process of crafting and diffusion, the intersection of the P-shaped and N-shaped semiconductors on the same semiconductor was the PN knot.

Their unidirectional conductivity was the foundation of electronic technology, as well as the key to achieving formal logic and NAND gate.

PN knots were processed into transistors, transistors were processed into integrated circuits, and further miniaturization would end up with the extra large-scale integrated circuit—the microchip.

Lin Qi was a little depressed. He took out his phone and was about to read the relevant thesis.

Only then did he realize that the idol celebrity and mage apprentice, Wang Ruoling, had sent him a friend request.

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows and accepted it. Out of curiosity, he scanned her Moments' page. His eyes instantly widened!

On the cover of Wang Ruoling's Moments' page, there was a group photo with her inside. She looked very pure and sweet. She could be the standard model of how first love looked like. Under her curved smiling eyes and eyelashes was a delicate nose and charming dimples. Her skin was as white and smooth as snow.

Sigh, Student Wang, if you didn't wear a mask this morning, I would have been over 10,000 times more friendly to you.

No matter how upright a person's character was, they still liked a beautiful face. One could really live off a pretty face.

Lin Qi's impression of Wang Ruoling instantly shot through the roof. He curiously scrolled down the photos on her Moments page and looked through the highlights of her life. But then, his finger suddenly froze—

"I'm so happy. I've finally published my first science novel today!"

At the bottom of the text was the accompanying photo of the book "The mysterious human brain, the barriers of memory and computational power".

She was a beautiful girl who was also a top academic!

It was as if someone had given him a pillow just as he was about to doze off. Lin Qi saved himself the trouble of going online to search for the thesis and sent a flirtatious message on the spot.

Lin Qi: Student Wang, drink more hot water.

Wang Ruoling: "?"

Lin Qi: Just kidding.

Lin Qi: I just saw the book on your Moments, so I have a few questions about the brain.

Ever since Wang Ruoling obtained the Rubik's cube rapid restoration method, she had still been rather distant with him. Nevertheless, the hand that had received would not reach out. One should always cash in on favors as soon as possible before they expired.

Instantly, Wang Ruoling took the initiative to call. The voice chat screen lit up, and Lin Qi picked up the call.

"It's better to talk over the phone. If you have any questions, ask away." Wang Ruoling's sweet voice sounded.

Sigh, ever since he saw the photo, even her voice automatically sounded more pleasant now.

Lin Qi smiled and said, "It's nothing. I'm just curious about the difference between a human brain and a computer."

At this time, Wang Ruoling, who was next door, had already washed up and changed into her Donald Duck pajamas. She was lying in bed practicing the Rubik's cube. Hearing his words and recalling his 400 points, she found it a little strange.

However, she still answered patiently.

"You can think of the human brain as a powerful computer. However, under the effects of the genetic algorithm over thousands of years, the direction of human evolution is based on the pressures of life and death. The percentage of neurons that are purely used for mathematical calculations is not high. Most of them are for controlling the muscles of the body, storing and processing feelings like visual information, and suppressing neurons to lower the temperature."

Lin Qi understood instantly. The CPU only did computational work, but human brains didn't stop there.

A 1080P movie only cost $300,000 per frame.

If Cyberpunk 2077 started a 4K resolution machine, the resulting drop frame would be crazy.

In terms of pure computation, the upper limit of the pixels that the human eye could see and process could reach 1.2 billion pixels. This was equivalent to 100 million pixels operating at 60 frames per day.

In terms of storage, visual imaging elements were a hundred times better than blu-ray movies. According to the conservative estimate of 1TB per hour, it would be 8760TB per year. In his previous life, there were only a few TB mainstream household machines.

However, humans could still recall what had happened decades ago.

Wang Ruoling continued to explain. "The algorithm for the brain based on the 'electrochemical' system is not longer than four operations. Compared to computers, the redundancy is much more complicated. In addition, our storage capacity is limited, so naturally, it is beaten by the computer."

"However, the structure of the brain is suitable for the Bayesian algorithm. Therefore, when the human brain analyzes things daily, based on intuition and experience, such actions based on the Bayesian algorithm can be faster than a computer's conclusion."

Lin Qi was aware of this point. Our storage capacity was insufficient, so he had to make a physical Rubik's cube before he could continue to the next step.

"Is it possible for a brain to achieve computer-level computational results?" Lin Qi asked.

Isn't your computational ability already off the charts?

Shouldn't you be improving your memory instead?

Wang Ruoling was surprised. "If you can use your brain to simulate a replay of the clock, the main line, Ram Search Address, and all kinds of logical calculators, then you are essentially no different from a transistor computer."

"Sigh, I'll tell you a secret. The so-called spell model, combined with the Sisma language, is essentially carving the entire 'spell algorithm' into the depths of our brain."

"Every time we cast a spell, we essentially rely on 'memory' to adjust the hardware algorithm once. However, once the performance of the algorithm is insufficient, we need to use 'computational ability' to compensate for the shortcomings of the algorithm."

"If you can transform the brain into a CPU logic processor, you can just write it into an algorithm for spell models."

At that instant, Lin Qi was completely stunned.

He had not even arrived at the Magic Academy and he already had a clear target on who he should suck up to!

It was a beautiful idea.

But now he had to figure out how he was going to make this damn PN knot work?

Begging for help.