
I Am Not A Hero

Max was a normal seventeen years old kid until he was summoned in another world to save them from the Beasts. When he got summoned in their world, he found out that he has the ability of one of three legendary heroes from the past. And the ability he got was not a normal one but a special system ability. Let's join Max on his adventure and find out how he turned from a scared boy to the guy who will kill ruthlessly. Also please give me review about my story. Gonna continue this story new chapter's from Monday.

FrostMist · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Unavoidable Fight

Chapter – 29 Unavoidable Fight

After being inside the space for an hour Max decide to get out of it and the moment he got out, he used Dimensional Travel to get away from this place. He doesn't want to get attacked by the beast.

Running out from the forest, Max was hoping not to meet the same beast again. He knew if he had fought that beast his life would have been in danger. He also didn't know what kind of ability the beast had, so running away was the best option for him. Max was able to get out from the middle area of the forest and now he just needed to cross the outer area and he will be safe.

Compared to the middle area, the outer area was relatively safer for everyone. Only Basic-tier beasts roam this area and most of the people can defend themselves from the beasts here. The danger in this forest starts from the middle area and the center part of the forest is the most dangerous area.

"Maybe I shouldn't have killed those little beasts." Max was regretting a bit; he didn't even get a lot of Exp. from those little beasts and now he has a beast on his tail. Even though Max had left the middle area, even now after getting out of the middle area he was feeling that the beast will show up.

"Just a little more and I'll be out of here." Recognizing the surroundings, Max knew that the end of the forest was close. But before Max could reach the exit, the beast showed up in front of him. Seeing the beast Max was surprised that the beast had caught up to him. "Was this beast waiting for me here?" Max thought, ready to fight any movement Max was looking at the beast to see what it will do.

The beast was angrily looking at Max, his sharp teeth were waiting to taste the flesh of a human. Letting out a roar the beast dashed toward Max, seeing the beast coming, Max pulled out his sword and prepared to defend himself from the attack. Max knew if he attacked the beast directly there was a chance that he will get injured. Thinking about what he should do Max disappeared again and appeared beside the beast. Swinging his sword Max hit the beast but it didn't make any scratch on the beast.

Getting hit by Max's surprise attack the beast lost its balance, shifting its body the beast landed on the ground without getting hurt. The attack from Max had only pushed the beast away, getting hit by Max the beast was getting angrier, "Shit, it's above Advance-tier, what should I do now?" Max thought seeing that his sword was not able to hurt the beast. The beast again started running toward Max but this time his claws were shining with a green light.

"I really shouldn't have killed those little beasts, what type of ability is this?" Max wasn't sure what the beast's ability will do but he knows one thing if got hit by that it was game over for him. Making sure not to get hit by those claws, Max used Dimensional Travel to avoid the beast's attack and attacked the beast from its behind. Max's attacks were not doing any damage to the beast, other than pushing the beast away, Max wasn't able to harm the beast.

"If this continues, I'll run out of stamina and the beast will kill me without any problem." Thinking about stamina Max realized that maybe he could drag the fight with the beast. Now that he has those Energy Crystals to replenish his stamina, Max thought of continuing the fight with the beast.

Taking the initiative to attack, Max vanished and appeared above the beast, and made a full swing with his sword. Getting hit by that, the beast's head got slammed from the ground and the sword at the same time. Instantly Max made some distance between the beast and himself by backing off and also using one of the Energy Crystals to restore his stamina, his stamina was depleting quickly because of the Dimensional Travel but if he doesn't use it, then the beast will Overspeed him.

The beast was getting furious by Max's sneak attacks, shaking his head the beast got up from the ground, even after all these attacks the beast had not gotten injured, it's like his internal organs were not even damaged. "Let's continue, this fight," Max said to the beast after absorbing the Energy Crystal he was fully energized, the moment particles of that crystal entered his body, the fatigue he was feeling instantly disappeared.

The beast charged toward Max furiously, seeing the beast coming at him. Max disappeared from his location and appeared beside the beast to attack but this time the beast was ready for Max's surprise attack. The beast instantly dodged the attack, while attacking back at Max with his Glowing Claws. Max was not able to dodge the beast's attack at the right time and the claws of the beast hit his left arm, ripping his flesh and throwing him some distance away.

[-6 HP]

[You have gotten hit by a Poisonous Attack]

[You are bleeding if you don't stop the bleeding, you will 1 HP per Minute.]

[You will lose 1 HP every 1 minute.]

"Aaargh, Damn, I'm bleeding now and poisoned too." Reading all of the system windows that were showing in front of Max after getting hit. Max didn't know that the beast's ability was poisonous, "With the current amount of my Health, I only have around thirty minutes to defeat the beast. Only if I don't get hit again." Max thought while looking at the beast, who was probably smirking right now.

Seeing that his claws had hit Max, the beast didn't waste any time and run toward Max to attack him again. Max got up from the ground, and without covering his arm he teleported some distance away from the beast. He doesn't want to get close to the beast again but first, he wanted to make some distance between them.

"Think something Max or you'll die here and no one will even know." Max wasn't able to think of anything that can help him in this situation, "I don't think I can make the beast tired, with how furiously it is still attacking, I don't think it's even close to being tired." Max thought looking back at the beast who was chasing after him.

"Will it still chase me if I get out of the forest?" Max thought that if he leaves the forest, the beast might stop chasing after him. Right now, this was the only plan Max was able to come up with, and seeing that he was close to the end of the forest, with all his remaining stamina Max used Dimensional Travel to teleport the furthest he can.

Seeing Max again disappear the beast continued chasing in the same direction. Looking back Max realized that he had left the beast behind but not wasting time Max used the second Energy Crystal to replenish his energy and again used the Dimensional Travel. This time Max had gotten out of the forest in one go, seeing the light of the sun Max was happy that he was able to escape from that beast.

Max got close to his horse and took out some clothing that he torn into two pieces, then he used the clothing to wrap it around his injured arm, it was difficult to do it with one hand but Max had used his mouth to hold the other end when he needed to tie the knot.

In relief, Max was ready to go back to the city until he heard the sound of something. Looking where the sound had come from when Max saw the thing that was responsible for that sound. He wanted to curse himself for being greedy and killing those beasts.

"Can't we come up with some agreement my friend? How about you kill my kids in the future?" Max didn't even know why he was saying those stupid things to the beast, even though the beast won't understand a single word. The beast pounced toward Max, seeing the beast coming at him Max tried to use Dimensional Travel but he realized that he doesn't have any stamina left to do that nor he had the time to use another Energy Crystal.

Pointing his sword in the direction of the beast Max was ready to counter-attack the beast. But before the beast had reached close to Max, something hit the beast and it was sent flying in the direction of Max but it didn't hit Max it had gone above his head. Seeing that the beast had died in one hit, the beast that had given Max that much trouble was lying dead on the ground with a spear in his body.

Looking in the direction where the spear has come from, Max saw a familiar face coming out from the forest. "You Need Help?" saying that, the same man from yesterday walked out from the forest.