
I Am Not A Hero

Max was a normal seventeen years old kid until he was summoned in another world to save them from the Beasts. When he got summoned in their world, he found out that he has the ability of one of three legendary heroes from the past. And the ability he got was not a normal one but a special system ability. Let's join Max on his adventure and find out how he turned from a scared boy to the guy who will kill ruthlessly. Also please give me review about my story. Gonna continue this story new chapter's from Monday.

FrostMist · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Bob’s Worry

Chapter – 46 Bob's Worry

[ You have killed an Advance Beast 11 Exp. gained.]

[Advance tier crystal gained you can use this to convert them into Exp.]

Max dismissed the System messages after taking out the crystal from the beast. Looking at the shell of the beast, Max wanted to try hitting on it to see whether it will break or not. He raised his sword above his head and made a downward slash on the shell. His sword hit the shell but other than making loud noise nothing happened, the shell was unscratched. Max had a surprised look on his face, his sword was of Advance-tier but still it was able to hurt rare-tier beasts but right now in front of his eyes was a shell of advance-tier which he was not even able to put a scratch on it.

"We should collect these shells; they are sold for a good price in the city. A lot of people use this to make a shield." Bob stated from the side. "Considering the sturdiness and toughness of this shell it's natural people use it as a shield," Max said to Bob and he pick up the shell, putting it in his pocket bag which in fact he was using as a disguise cause Max didn't have a spatial bag, so he just used his inventory inside the bag and others think that it's a spatial bag.

"Should we head in, because I don't see any more of these beasts here? They might be deeper inside the cave." Max suggested and Bob also know that; they are only going to find more beasts inside the cave. "Definitely, or we won't be able to find these beasts here. It is only the entrance and I told you they mostly stay in the deeper part." Bob said. After they were done conversing both of them continued going further. Bob was assured that Max would be able to handle himself very well here, as he just saw how easily Max defeated the beast.

Because of the speed of these beasts, it was nearly easy to deal with them. And they didn't have any ability, other than their sturdy shell there was no major issue dealing with these beasts. The inside was getting darker as they were getting deeper inside the cave, the light from the torch was only making the path visible for only two feet ahead of them, it was hard to see what was ahead of their location cause of the darkness. Max was getting a spooky feeling from here because of the random noise he was hearing from the darkness. It felt like someone was scratching the surface of the wall to make the sound.

"Bob, did you see any beast here? Cause I still haven't seen any beasts and I'm walking close to the walls." Max said as it had been so long and they weren't able to spot a single beast. Even Bob was finding it abnormal as he never heard or seen something like this about here. "Maybe someone hunted all the beasts from here. The beast that we saw at the entrance might have gone unnoticed by them. It is going to be a waste if we continue." Bob said he was already turning back to go back.

"But what about the noise from earlier? Shouldn't we see where it was coming from? Maybe there might be some beasts left there." Max suggested as he didn't want to waste his time, he was already close to leveling up, he just needed a couple more beasts and he will turn level 4. "We aren't sure Max, if it turned out to be a trap then it would be dangerous for both of us, it is better to head back. We haven't seen a single beast yet, it's not wise to continue anymore. Let's head back Max" Bob started taking steps towards the way they have come from.

Seeing that Bob is already walking, Max also followed up and discarded the thoughts about that noise from earlier. Bob had much more experience in hunting compared to Max, believing in his judgment was the right thing to do. Leaving the cave both of them started heading back to the city, they could have continued to go someplace else but Bob had refused for some reason. "shouldn't we head to another place; we still have the whole day left." Max suggested, "Yeah, we have the time but I have a feeling that other places are also going to be the same as this one. You see the forest is in turmoil right now and the cave was emptied out of the beasts. There's something suspicious about all this and until all of this is over, we should stay inside the city." Bob said as they were able to see the entrance of the city gates.

"Max, I'm gonna report about the cave, there might be a connection that the guards can find. We can meet tomorrow or when all of this is settled." Bob said as he started heading towards the place where city guards reside. After Bob left, Max was thinking about what should he do next, other than hunting he never gives anything else much of a thought. "Should I go and study the geographical structure of this area or practice my skills." Max was thinking, then he suddenly heard a guy shouting.

"Join the fight! And win big prizes. Join the fight! And wing big prizes. Don't wanna fight then come and watch others fight." The guy was prompting about a fight. Max found it interesting and headed toward him to know more about it. "What is this about?" Max asked the strange guy. Seeing that Max was interested, the guy stopped shouting and talked with Max, "We are holding a Casual Arena fight in the city, you can come and watch the fight. The ticket is very cheap, hunters and adventurers will be fighting each other, also anyone can join the fight as long as you pay the entry fees and you can fight. And according to your wins, you will be getting a price for it." The guy explained to Max, that it was a fighting competition open to everyone.

"Where is this thing going to happen?" Max was thinking to go there, for fun and he can also learn a lot of things from seeing those guys fighting against each other. Max had some idea of how to fight beasts but fighting a Human was still something he was not too familiar with. He had only sparred sometimes against Lucas and no one else. "It's going to happen In the Arena of the city. Why don't you join the fight, judging by your appearance and the sword you're carrying, I guess you know how to fight. You should join it, you can earn a lot of things there, the First price is going to be a King-tier Armor." The guy's job was to get as many people to join the fights or make them go there to watch the fights. And he was doing the same with Max, by suggesting him to join the fight.

"I'm not that good of a fighter, I'll go and watch but I won't be fighting," Max said as he was not sure what kind of people he will be facing there; they all might be stronger than him. "You don't have to worry about that, they won't be making you fight someone too strong otherwise it will be a one-sided fight." The guy said, "There's also a rule to not take the opponent's life, if someone did that they will be disqualified. So, you don't have to worry about that." After saying the guy again started shouting to attract the attention of others.

"If they are going to put me against someone with the same strength as me, then it will be good practice for me. If I don't lose, I might even be able to get a good prize out of it." Max thought as he started to ask where this arena Is? And started to head there to register himself as a fighter.

After spending half an hour, Max was able to find the arena. It was located at the corner of the city which Max had never visited. Usually, this kind of thing would be built in the center of the city, to make it an attraction for everyone. But here it was the opposite like they didn't want it to gain attention. It was a huge place and a lot of people were walking inside and out, some were civilians while the others were hunters or adventurers with their weapons. The whole place was large enough to have enough seats for thousands of people. While there were also some special rooms reserved for VIPs.

Max walked inside the arena and found the place where fighters were registering for the fights. It was a long queue around fifty peoples were ahead in line from where Max was and as time passed more people were coming behind Max in the queue. "Even though this place is located here, there are a lot of people coming here, how much attention would it have gained if it was to be built at the center of the city." Max thought coz most of the people who visit this city won't have enough time to find this place or they won't even know about it when they will come here because of its location.

After some time, Max was the one who was next to register, and in front of Max was a beautiful lady with short silver hair, "How can I help you, sir?" she asked and for a moment Max stood there stunned cause of her beauty. "Hey, kid hurry or we will kick you out." A guy from behind shouted to Max which make him come to his senses.

"Sorry, I would like to register as a fighter," Max said