
I Am Not A Hero

Max was a normal seventeen years old kid until he was summoned in another world to save them from the Beasts. When he got summoned in their world, he found out that he has the ability of one of three legendary heroes from the past. And the ability he got was not a normal one but a special system ability. Let's join Max on his adventure and find out how he turned from a scared boy to the guy who will kill ruthlessly. Also please give me review about my story. Gonna continue this story new chapter's from Monday.

FrostMist · Fantasy
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52 Chs

A New Item

Chapter – 37 A New Item

Walking around the streets of the city, which was crowded because of the people that were traveling or shopping there. Max was enjoying his day; he was not thinking about going to hunt beasts or anything related to it. "I wish I could meet Bob and explain my situation to him about everything that's going on." Max was not sure what or how Bob would have felt after Lucas had told him to stay away from Max.

"Should I try to find Bob in the Forest next time I go hunting or I ask people around here to know where Bob lives." Max thought, from the first time Bob was always saving Max from the beasts or any danger when they were hunting together, it was not a long period but still, Max had a good impression of Bob because of his friendly and carefree nature that Bob had shown him. "I think it won't be appropriate to just show up at his house without telling him beforehand, the best way would be to meet him at the same area where he had taken me to hunt. I will explain everything to him then and will try to make him and Lucas become friends." Max planned how he was going to talk with Bob tomorrow.

While all of these thoughts were going inside the Max's mind, he had arrived in front of the Blacksmith shop. After getting all those crystals Max decided to ask Jack to make him some other items that he can use to improve his overall power. Now Max was able to hunt beasts of the Rare-Tier but Lucas and `Bob, both have told him that the beast that he had fought with before are only the weakest one in Rare-tier. Especially Bob had told him that even he sometimes finds it hard to kill some rare-tier beasts because of their ability and strength.

After knowing that Max wanted to make sure if he ever faced something like that he can at least escape from that beast, and after calculating how much time it would take him to improve his strength by only leveling up, Max decided that it would be better to just use items and equipment to improve his stats for now. Just like his Advanced-tier sword which had given him 2 points of Endurance he was hoping that Jack can make something similar to that. When Max got closer to the shop, he realized that shop doors were closed which was odd cause it was daytime and most of the shops or stores kept their business open, so why would the Blacksmith's shop would be closed?

After looking for a minute, Max noticed that the was locked and there was something written on a board near the entrance, {We are sorry for the inconvenience but the shop is going stay closed until next month, we all have to go to another kingdom urgently. We will be back soon – Francis}. Reading the text Max got to know that all of them had gone to a different Kingdom for some unknown reason which Max was not aware of.

"Maybe Francis would have told Lucas about this beforehand, I will ask Lucas when I will get back to the inn but for now where should I go next?" Max was thinking where else can he get some equipment's for himself, there weren't any other Blacksmith in the whole city. "Oh! I can visit that place from the last and see whether there is something new or not." Max said to himself and turned around to head somewhere else in the city.

After some time, Max was standing in front of a shop which has a cross symbol made up of spears in front of the store entrance, and the words 'Weapons' were written below that, he had once visited the store some days ago in the hope to find a good sword for him but the old man was a bit rude to him and thus Max left the store without buying anything that day. Again, seeing the store today Max was hoping that maybe today the old man would be selling something good or useful for him.

Max opened the door of the store and the doorbell rang just like the last time, the old man was sleeping on his chair behind the counter and opened his eyes to see who has entered. "You again?" the old man said while scratching his chin. "Hello, Sir do you have anything new compared to last time?" Max said with a smile and politeness. "Be specific, what do you exactly need and I will see whether I have something like that or not.".

"I need a Beast Weapons or equipment that can give me an extra power boost or something similar. Sir, do you have anything like that?" Max said in a polite manner, "I might have something but I only have one of those items, don't touch anything and wait here" The Old man said that and stood up from his chair and walked inside the other room which have weapons stored inside it. When the Old man left the chair and turned around Max saw the same sign of cross spears as he had seen outside the shop, behind his neck. "Is it some kind of Guild symbol or a group symbol? I think the old man was a part of something when he was young." Max thought and waited for the old man to come back.

Five minutes later the old man come out of the room with a small bracelet in his hands, the bracelet was purple and it had nothing special crafted on it, simply it was a ring but bigger so it can be fit on a hand. The Old man walked closer to the Max and handed him the bracelet, "Try wearing this and see if you can feel the change or not." Saying that the old man walked back to his chair and sat on it. Max was already seeing a system window when the old man had given him the bracelet.

[Advance-Tier Ring: Raging Spirit]

[+2 Agility]

Reading the description about the ring Max was a bit happy that he had gotten another piece of equipment that can increase his stats and this time it was increasing his agility which was already higher compared to the other stats. "With this how fast would I become? Would I be able to match Bob's speed? Thinking about it I think even with these two extra points of agility I don't think I would be able to match Bob's speed." Max thought and wear the Bracelet on his left arm. He felt the energy coursing through him, looking at the old man, "Yes, I can feel the difference and it's good." Max said honestly.

"Then should we discuss the price of this item." The Old man said and with the facial expression, he was making Max was getting the feeling that the old man is going to ask for a huge price or something similar. "The price for this Bracelet is one Rare-tier crystal of any beast." hearing the price from the old man's mouth Max was a bit astonished cause the ring was of only Advanced-tier but the old man was asking for a Beast crystal which was a tier higher than the Bracelet. No one in their right mind is going to pay a Rare-tier crystal for an Advance-tier Item.

"Sir, don't you think you're asking too much for an Advance-tier Bracelet?" Max said politely to the old man. "That's the price for that Bracelet if you want it, you have to give me a Rare-tier crystal otherwise you can just leave that Bracelet here. Also crafting an item that improves the user's physical strength is not that easy, you can try to find this kind of item somewhere else if you can get it for a cheaper price then I'll give you this bracelet for free. Let me tell you one more thing only Rare-tier weapons and equipment's give the user this kind of boost, not Advance-tier, it's basically the talent of the craftsman that make it possible to have this kind of boost in the Advance-tier weapons and items." The Old man said that and waited. Max was surprised he didn't know this information and nor Jack had told him about this thing.

"Should I buy this or look at another store? Only if Francis and others wouldn't have gone to another kingdom, I would have asked them to make me something like that. Ahh! Whatever it's just a Rare-tier crystal I don't have any use for it, I should buy the Bracelet. I will just hunt Rare-tier beasts to get more crystal." Max thought it through and took out a crystal from his bag and gave it to the old man.

'I can assure you kid; you're not going to find something like that in the whole city. I had also made a higher-tier Bracelet like this for someone but now I don't make weapons or equipment's anymore. This one was the last Advance-tier item in my store" the old man said and closed his eyes to sleep again.

"What!! You can craft weapons?" Max shouted he had forgotten to keep his politeness in Infront of the Old man and the sudden shouting was a bit surprising for the old man as he stand up on his feet and was looking at the source of the noise.