
I am not a Fantasy Hero

I was summoned against my will along with all my classmates, they all wish to have adventures in the other world but my wish is just to go back home. Why is it so hard to accept that I am different from all of them? Why not just return me to my world? Why do they have to make things so difficult? Join Julio on his adventure in a new world after being summoned against his will and then discarded because of his difference of opinion.

Anon20K · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 20: Bloom

"I am not a goblin, I am a fairy!" shouted the tiny person in the cell "you humans are rude, you only categorize us by our looks or size, you are small so you are elves, you have wings you are fairies, but you don't take the time to study the species properly. I am a fairy royalty, my existence is as old as this planet"

"At least we know you don't keep things to yourself, that's a good thing honestly" Julio crawled on the ground to get his broken leg out of the hole.

"You'd better back up" the fairy mentioned.


"Ahg...! " she growled in annoyance "besides clumsy you're deaf I really wonder how you got here?"

"with perseverance and a lot of luck... quite a lot of luck."

"I imagine it must be so, someone with your brains shouldn't have made it this far, but you're lucky, I'll help you get off this floor to regain my peace once again. Stay back until you get used to the weight, bring your stats up slowly."

"I've already reached the limit of stats with my level" mentioned Julio as he struggled to move back.

"You're a hero!" exclaimed the fairy "this makes it more interesting".

Julio could not see her clearly, but he felt he had done wrong to open his mouth, even so, it was necessary to have the information to pass the floor.

"As far as these should be possible to get with a stat above one hundred, if you reached your limit then your level is below fifty how is it possible that a hero with a level below fifty is in a hidden dungeon in one of the most dangerous places in the world where only people of level two hundred and fifty can enter?"

"That's a pretty accurate question and I would like to answer it, but I should ask the goddess, she should have returned me to my world."

The moment Julio said that, the fairy began to laugh out loud.

"Do you really think it's funny?" asked Julio.

"Is it that you, you thought that the entity that kidnapped you to do the hard work of the world with the title of hero would really help you?"

Hearing the fairy's words, Julio couldn't help but feel like an idiot, she was right.

"the truth is she didn't summon only me, in total there were forty of us, but only I ended up in the desert."

"and you made it to this dungeon with your incredible luck, I can't decide anymore without saying whether you have horrible luck or great luck, this dungeon has a very low level requirement and is very hard to find, but the rewards must be great"

Listening to the fairy, Julio came to the conclusion that she seemed to like to talk or maybe it's the fact that she's been locked up for maybe a long time with no one to talk to.

"earlier you talked about getting my body used to the weight by raising stats can I still raise my stats without using part of my points?"

"Of course you can, there is a limit to anything, but if you get the points naturally no one can deny your increase, it's just that raising points naturally takes longer" explained the fairy.

Julio immediately understood what the fairy was saying, he had to adapt before advancing, overcoming this floor would take time, it is not the task for just one day, it was now clear.

Julio followed the fairy's advice, he stepped back slightly to the point where his body could move even with the weight, at least sit on the floor.

"Well, it seems that in that distance you are comfortable" complimented the fairy "first you should rest until your leg heals, as a recommendation eat what you have, of course if anything of what you carry with you survive."

The fairy's tone was full of mockery, but Julio wouldn't bother with that, he opened his backpack to find his last provisions, but they were simply a thousand pieces.

"My cookies" Julio said painfully.

"just eat what you have, you will need the strength, of course heroes have a higher stamina than normal humans what is the number of your stamina stat?" advised the fairy.

"Eighty-eight points."

"wow, you really are tough, you should be able to live for a couple of weeks without eating, enough to get you through this floor."

"I guess I'll be listening to your voice for quite some time."

"if you want I can watch you in silence, of course I can't be sure I won't laugh when you fail"

Julio rubbed his face using the palm of his hand "I guess it's best to listen to a voice while I get over this floor, though I have no idea how to refer to you millennia fairy"

"just call me, Bloom"

"great, nice to meet you fairy Bloom, my name is Julio"

"nice to meet you hero Julio"

From that presentation onwards the fourth floor of the dungeon would be different for Julio, that little fairy with the name of Bloom would advise Julio every time it was necessary, while they both talked about different things.

"you killed over six hundred cave bats on the second floor using only smoke?"

"yes, I poisoned them to get the job done faster."

"and you used the poison from the desert terror scorpion to take out the worm on the second floor, plus you took out all the cave goblins after you got out of their trap, I really have to change my mind about you, Julio you're pretty smart despite your looks."

Julio was doing pushups in the same place where his leg had broken in three parts, now it was healed and his stats had increased by three points surpassing the imposed limit.

"What can I tell you, I'm a genius after all."

"Don't overdo it, you couldn't figure out the mechanism of this floor on the way in."

"I would have guessed it anyway, maybe it would have taken me a bit of time, besides you already knew it, it's cheating."