
I am not a Fantasy Hero

I was summoned against my will along with all my classmates, they all wish to have adventures in the other world but my wish is just to go back home. Why is it so hard to accept that I am different from all of them? Why not just return me to my world? Why do they have to make things so difficult? Join Julio on his adventure in a new world after being summoned against his will and then discarded because of his difference of opinion.

Anon20K · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 03: The Straggler

"This is not the classroom Julio" looked around him, there was nothing similar to what he remembered before the magic circle that had teleported them, instead around him there was only sand everywhere universally, the sun was in the sky, the temperature was overwhelming and there was not a single soul as far as the human eye could see.

"This is not the school, this is a damn desert, demon goddess you tricked me!" Julio dropped his body falling on his knees and hit the ground with both hands using all his strength, his mind was overwhelmed and full of helplessness "I should have guessed it before, that false goddess had no intention of sending me back home, she just left me stranded in a desert without any help, although at least I'm on the ground"

Julio looked around him, there was only sand as far as the eye could see, he lifted his body and tilted his head "well, there is no other way, I just have to walk until I find civilization" without hesitation he took off his school jacket and put it over his head to protect himself from the sun's rays and avoid sunstroke.

Julio's steps were not fast and could barely enter the range of steadiness, he just dedicated himself to move forward from that moment on. Without telephone, map or compass he was only at the reins of destiny, relying on his sense of direction.

After three hours of walking nothing in the surroundings seemed to have changed, there were not even cacti to keep track of, there was nothing nearby, even those scavenger birds seen in documentaries now seemed to have disappeared.

"How big is this desert?" He asked with an annoyed tone while he took out of his backpack a small bottle of water, quite rationed to keep efficiency at its peak.

When the sun finally began to set and night was taking place in the sky, the temperature began to drop, Julio had seen documentaries about survival in the desert, if she stayed out overnight without proper clothing she could be risking her life, she could suffer from hypothermia.

She did not have a single branch to make a small fire and with it create the embers for her camp, she could only dig with her hands, bury her body in the sand that still kept the heat of the day and pray silently for her own survival.

It only took a little time for Julio to have a decent sized hole to hide in, he slowly covered himself until he had a thick layer of sand over his whole body except for his head "with this I will have the chance to survive tonight, during the morning I will be free again, then I will only have to keep walking until I find intelligent life, how smart you are Julio, all those documentaries I noticed when I was a kid were really useful for something more than waiting at the hairdresser" Julio laughed remembering himself in the waiting room.

While Julio spent the night under the sand, far away from that infertile place in the most prosperous lands a person could imagine was the Himmel kingdom with its corresponding capital, which needless to say had a large number of inhabitants.

In the highest part of the city on a hill was the royal castle where the royal family of the Himmel kingdom resided and where all important matters were decided.

For the inhabitants of that kingdom, it was an ordinary day in their lives until the moment when a beam of light descended from the sky to reach the castle in question.

"Mom, what is that?" asked a boy who was walking holding his mother's hand in the middle of the road.

The boy's mother looked at the beam of light just as amazed as her son, but with much more hope than the boy "that light son, are the gods sending us help" the woman as well as all the surrounding inhabitants had the same smile.

Inside the castle things were similar, there were two dozen guards in the hall, all armed from head to toe, but in the place where the beam of light landed there was no one until that moment, when the light disappeared finally appeared those people invoked by the goddess to save the planet Celio, the heroes.

"Are we here? Asked a young brown–haired man looking all around" it doesn't look like the classroom.

"We are not with the goddess Aletia either" answered a dark–haired young man next to him, those two were among the happiest students for the events, the otaku duo of the classroom and who presumably should have a lot of unconfirmed information.

The brown–haired otaku was named Nash Hegner, a young man who barely measured one meter and seventy centimeters, freckles on his face, slim build with the profession of Spearman. It was not a profession he was fond of as in his mind was the idea of being a protagonist, but the amount of fantasy stories he had read were enough to know that he should not despise any kind of class.

The second Otaku bore the name of Barton Dee, and although he had hoped to have some profession oriented towards ranged damage, reality usually differs from dreams, his profession ended up as a monk.

"Our adventure will be legendary, companion"

"You bet, Barton"

Among the students presented were the happiest, among the rest of the students there were many more classes, among them one of the students got the assassin class, who in the class was known as Brad, a young man of average height, but quieter than the rest.

Sara, the girl who had asked the goddess Aletia the questions earlier, had received the paladin class, one of the strongest classes of all.

"For me, it would be a great relief to know that Julio arrived safely to earth, I would not like him to be involved in a battle he wants to avoid fighting" Sara had always been sincere in all her thoughts, and although she had not spoken much with Julio before, she still wished well to her classmate.

"You don't have to worry about anything, president, the goddess Aletia assured us all that Julio would have no problems coming back, we all witnessed the moment he crossed the portal in perfect conditions, which is more than enough if you ask my opinion"

Henry who is the most popular student of the class received the weapon master class, thus obtaining one of the classes that possesses more guarantees regarding the others since it allows him to use any type of weapon with maximum efficiency. To make this class even more dangerous, Henry's physique is the best in the room, to the point of being the captain of the football team.

"It's best not to think about that coward, giving up at the beginning of the opportunity that could change your life only makes him a coward, it's even better that he's not here to ruin everything with his tears" Luke, another member of the football club, laughed at Julio. Now that he is in possession of the berserker class, he is aware that he can be the strongest in the whole place as long as he practices enough.

"I would have loved to share this adventure with Julio, I was just hoping to have some time alone and this was the perfect opportunity, it's a bit unfortunate that he has retired to return to our world" who was speaking was a young woman with enviable proportions, with blonde hair down to her waist, before being summoned she was one of the students who stole the most looks and so far, she continues that way. Vanessa Sparks had received one of the most important sorceress classes.