
I Am Never Leaving

Do we find our soulmates or do our soulmates find us? It's a question that still confuses me to this day because it is just cynical ,we find each other or sometimes each other finds us. Discover the heartwarming story of Seraphina and Octavia, two souls on a remarkable journey of connection and healing. Seraphina's world is burdened by inner demons, and her friend Mike can't fill the void in her life. But when Octavia, a cheerful newcomer, befriends her, everything changes. At first, Seraphina pushes Octavia away, but destiny has other plans. As their friendship grows with the addition of Mei and Angelina, Seraphina finds a glimmer of hope. However, tragedy strikes, shattering her world. Can Octavia be the one to mend her broken heart and bring back hope?

DaisyTalie · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


"Mommy...Mommy, please..mom don't leave me," Seraphina whispered in her sleep, wriggling in her bed, until her distress turned into piercing screams. Startled, Octavia jolted awake in the guest room and rushed to her side. "Phinny... hey, hey, it's just a nightmare," Octavia reassured, gently shaking her to wake her up. His mom entered the room, concerned, and asked, "Is she okay?" as she drew closer.

"No, she's having a nightmare," Octavia replied, tears streaming down his face. "Hand her over to me," Octavia's mom insisted. "Sera, listen... it's just a nightmare. Calm down, okay?" she soothed Seraphina, who sobbed, screamed, and fought against her grip. They tried for two minutes to calm her, but her distress only ceased abruptly. Confused, Seraphina looked at them and asked, "What happened?" Octavia, still teary-eyed, hugged her tightly, saying, "You were crying and screaming as if you were fighting something, as if something was hurting you."

"Do you remember what just happened?" Octavia's mom inquired.

"Not quite. I only remember being outside, being on your lap, and then falling asleep and you both holding me tight," Seraphina explained.

"You had a night terror. Do you know what that is?" Octavia's mom asked.

"Yeah, I get those usually around this time of the year. Minnie is usually with me when this happens."


"Yes, my nanny since my mom passed away," she clarified.

"So, this is the time your mom passed on?" Octavia's mom asked.

"Yes, on this day, she left," Seraphina responded, her heart sinking.

"Octavia, please get her a glass of water, and you have some too. Don't cry, my boy, everything is alright," Octavia's mom comforted, brushing his head.

"I'm sorry I'm such an inconvenience," Seraphina apologized.

"No, darling, you did the right thing by coming here. You're in safe hands. Do you know your dad's number so I can call and talk to him?" Octavia's mom offered.

"No, please don't call him. I don't want anything to do with him. I don't want to go back home, please," she pleaded.

"Sera, at least let's inform your dad that you're safe," Octavia's mom suggested.

"No, he doesn't care at all. I am safe, I know I am, please," Seraphina insisted.

"Okay, for now, I won't, but if you have to stay any longer, then I'll have no choice," Octavia's mom conceded. Octavia returned to the room with a glass of water, handing one to Seraphina and sitting by her bed. "You need to rest now, sleep tight. We'll talk tomorrow, okay?"

"Good night, and thank you so much," Seraphina replied.

"So, do you want to sleep?" Octavia asked.

"Honestly, I need to clear my mind. I feel like smoking," she said, weariness in her eyes. "From my knowledge of night terrors, nicotine is bad for you," Octavia explained.

"I know, but I need to reboot," she replied, resting her head on the pillow and staring at the ceiling. "Well, I've heard music can boost your mood if you choose the right song," Octavia suggested, lying down beside her. "Do you want to make out?" Seraphina teased, looking into Octavia's eyes. He froze for a moment, then composed himself. "Music it is," Octavia responded, grabbing his phone and connecting it to his AirPods. "Which song do you like?" he asked.

"Play Fuck Me back to Sleep,'" Seraphina said with a mischievous smile, trying to stifle her laughter. "Phinny, I'd love to do that, but no," Octavia replied, feigning annoyance. "That's the song," Seraphina giggled. "Back to Sleep? You should have said that. 'Fuck' is not part of the song name," Octavia teased, making funny faces to feign irritation. Seraphina laughed, and he joined in. He played the song, and they both listened silently, absorbing its melody. "This song makes me want to dance. Come on, Octopus, don't ruin the party," Seraphina said, pulling him up from the bed.

"I can't dance," he protested.

"Come on, ABCD, Any-body-Can-Dance!" she exclaimed, demonstrating some easy dance moves. He followed, pretending to be clueless about dancing until he showcased his own moves, leaving Seraphina astonished. "You can dance!" she exclaimed.

"Well, ABCD," he smirked. "You liar, you dance better than me," she playfully hit his shoulder. "And you definitely hit harder than me," he replied, rubbing his shoulder. "Pssh, I'm sure you throw a mean punch," she teased, rolling her eyes.

"No, I don't. I've never fought anyone in my life," he confessed.

"Oh, really?" Seraphina raised an eyebrow, sporting a mischievous smile. "Phinny, no... no, no," Octavia backed away, but she approached him, playfully throwing punches. He evaded her, and they chased each other around, with Seraphina trying to land a punch. Finally, he lifted her by the waist, tossing her onto the bed while tickling her. "Stop!" she screamed, and they collapsed on the bed, catching their breath from their playful session.

"You make me feel alive," she confessed, gazing at him.

"You make me want to eat you raw," he teased ,smiling mischievioulsy.

"Eww, dirty boy, dirty boy, please eat your food with a plastic," she said, giggling. They both laughed heartily, gazing at the ceiling, as Jeremiah Paltan's "Found Me" (feat. Amanda Perez & Odane Whilby) played in the background.