
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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107 Chs

Chapter 67

It's not that the Nine-Tails lacks integrity; it's mainly because Kaze's proposal is too enticing!

Even its previous tsundere nature has been abandoned and replaced with anticipation.

Anyone who has been sealed for dozens or hundreds of years, constantly restricted and unable to move, or given a tiny space, would exhibit the same behavior!

If they could truly establish a chakra link as described by Kaze, then it would be just as he said.

He could completely attach his will to a Shadow Clone and freely enjoy himself outside the seal!

He wouldn't have to worry about being captured again and could even roam in the human world!

With these thoughts, the smile on the fox face of the Nine-Tails became even brighter.

Looking at the sudden change on its face, laughing like a red-haired Husky, Kaze couldn't help but shake his head in exasperation.

Minato and Kushina were also dumbfounded.

"What is chakra linking!?"

"Why did the Nine-Tails suddenly become so fawning?"

Once again, Kushina grabbed hold of Minato's ceremonial robe, her excitement mixed with doubt as she inquired.

After pondering for a moment, Minato answered somewhat uncertainly.

"When I was alive, I once read about this legend in a certain scroll."

"It is said that chakra's original purpose was for people to link with each other, to achieve mutual understanding and eliminate war and injustice. Unfortunately..."

Minato didn't need to finish the rest, as Kushina understood as well.

The objective was not achieved, but rather, due to chakra, the battles became more devastating, social classes solidified further, and more lives were lost.

Previously, everyone was more or less equal, and a revolution could redistribute power.

However, with the emergence of shinobi, civilians could only remain as civilians forever.

But Kushina didn't care about all that.

She simply stared with starry eyes at Kaze, who easily subdued the Nine-Tails and made it fawningly submit.

"My son understands even this. He truly is an exceptional genius!"

"He's much more impressive than his useless father!"

Minato: "..."

There was no need for flattery and mockery, but if he had to say something, it was because of his good genes!

Unfortunately, this personality...

Thinking in his heart, Minato shook his head and let out a sigh.

Fortunately, there was another side, Naruto, with an innocent and pure personality who could temper Kaze. Otherwise...

In front of them, Kaze squatted down and patted the Nine-Tails' fox face, wearing a mocking expression.

"You want to take back what you said? Sure!"

"But I still prefer your previous unruly demeanor. Shouldn't you go back to that?"

Upon hearing this, the Nine-Tails' expression froze, then immediately reverted to anger.

Finally, it opened its huge mouth and angrily roared.

"I'm not asking for your help, old man! I'm informing you!"

"Don't underestimate me!"

"Not bad," Kaze nodded in satisfaction.

Then he waved his hand, releasing the Adamantine Sealing Chains and freeing the tightly bound Nine-Tails.

The Nine-Tails immediately flipped over and sat down in a comfortable posture.

Upon seeing Kaze release the Nine-Tails, Minato and Kushina immediately rushed forward, standing on its left and right sides to protect him.

Lowering its head and looking at the nervous Minato couple, the Nine-Tails sneered through its nostrils.

"Tch, I'm not like you humans, with your deception and changing your words. I won't betray my own principles!"

After saying that, it focused its gaze on Kaze.

"Kaze brat, are you really planning to link chakra with me?"

"Although I don't know where you learned about this method, I want to make it clear to you in advance."

"This kind of mental connection, all your thoughts, and secrets, will eventually be exposed in my mind. Aren't you concerned about that?"

As the proud Nine-Tails, it explained the pros and cons of this chakra linking.

Of course, partly it didn't want to be silenced by knowing Kaze's secrets.

"It doesn't matter. I have no secrets worth hiding. But you, don't be frightened by my extreme emotions deep within."

Kaze shrugged indifferently.

With the system's help in concealing, even the completely interconnected main personalities couldn't break through the defenses.

It was just a chakra link, and Kaze could let the Nine-Tails perceive whatever he wanted it to see.

"Hmph, what a joke!"

"Being a gathering of hatred, would I be scared by you?"

After being sealed for so many years, the Nine-Tails' resentment towards humans had long reached its limit.

Could it hate a brat for more than a decade as much as it hated humans?

With a disdainful expression, the Nine-Tails lowered its head and spoke.

"Since you don't mind, then let's begin. I'm tired of this narrow and cramped place!"

The thought of being able to go outside soon without being feared or captured made the Nine-Tails unconsciously open its big mouth, revealing a smile.

"Fine, then start linking with me."

Kaze extended his fist directly towards the Nine-Tails.

Nine-Tails: "?"

"Don't you know this method!?"

The Nine-Tails was surprised. Did it all turn out to be an empty promise?

"You know it, so it's enough. I know that the Sage of Six Paths has linked with you before."

Kaze's expression remained calm, without a hint of embarrassment or awkwardness.

"Impressive! I admit defeat. I acknowledge you in my heart and mouth."

What the Nine-Tails thought was that in terms of shamelessness, Kaze was even thicker-skinned, but it didn't dare to say it out loud.

Wouldn't that be another tsundere trait of not telling the truth?

During their conversation, the Nine-Tails also clenched its paw into a fist, meeting Kaze's fist.

In an instant, ink-like darkness surged deep into the Nine-Tails' heart, causing it to exclaim in haste.

It was a memory of being isolated, rejected, and ostracized by the world, giving the Nine-Tails a suffocating feeling.

Everyone around it harbored terrifying malice and hatred!

But the owner of this memory had to face them every day, unable to escape and hide in the deep mountains and forests as it did!

If it had only hated humans during the years of being sealed, then the owner of this memory had soaked in this pot of malice and hatred for over a decade!

"A bunch of despicable bullies and beasts!"

"At that time, after regaining consciousness, I should have used the Tailed Beast Ball to completely destroy this damn place!"

Personal experience was more direct than observing from the sidelines.

The Nine-Tails now deeply regretted letting these people live.

"Is the link failing? Is the Nine-Tails going to go berserk again!?"

Kushina's body was once again enveloped in Adamantine Sealing Chains.

"Let's finish this quickly. We can't let Kaze's spirit be harmed!"

Minato also formed hand seals with a serious expression, prepared for the Nine-Tails to lose control.

Upon hearing the words of the two beneath it, the Nine-Tails, with bloodshot eyes, looked over.

"I won't lose control and go berserk. They are not my loved ones."

"But you two might be, hehehe."

The Nine-Tails had a mocking smile on its face as it clenched its other idle paw into a fist and extended it.

"Experience it, the sacrifice of your lives for these people. Experience the gratitude they feel towards you."


Advanced Chapters- Patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy

Meh, 5 chapters of today done, cya guys tomorrow!

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