
I am named Zero

This is a story that is located in a world like any other middleage era in earth. The only difference is that magic exist here and many more. Our mc will be a prodigy in magic but not only magic but other fields, but sooner or later he will find some secrets that will change his views and will make him search for power, not to become someone respected by everyone or feared by everyone. His goal is to protect those people he cared for and unveil more secrets and have the power to face the secrets he unveiled in the long run. ( I hope you will like this, but if not then its okay... i am just doing this to atleast share my views in life of fantasy and fictions.)

Cielo08 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


*In the heighest realm on this universe where Celestial beings live*

An oldman with golden skin and white as snow hair with a long beard is slowly walking and looking around his creations, "Why is it that for billions of years, The origin stone is not even been manifested, haixt maybe my experiment had failed once again.

When he went back to where he came from. he decided to meditate again for another billion years once again and if this still bears no hope then he will just make another experiment, for an immortal like him who lives for eternity, a billion years is like a blink of an eye for him.

Another hundred years had passed, in the room where lights of different elements is held, a golden orb is slowly being manifested, after being manifested to a full size of a marble, a mysterious portal had sucked the golden orb inside and the place stays silent like it was before.


A man of nothing but an old coin with dragon embedded to it with unknown letters is walking down the street.

Joshua, this is his name, after taking exam for a work in abroad and failed, all his money on works he did to have a chance to study the required foreign language, he failed to pass with only two points less to the passing score.

Because of this, he didn't know what to do anymore, going back to his past works will only make the cycle of life bland and uninteresting.

While flipping the coin, he remembered those novels he read before about those cultivation world.

He wanted to have an exciting and fullfiling life in those kind of fantasy world, but it seems too impossible.

Out of nowhere, he just tried to wish through the coin and flip it above, he just thought, maybe there is a chance that an impossible will become possible, then after flipping the coin, nothing happened, then he just laugh a self mocking laugh.

When he picked up the coin, it shined then a golden lightning struck him..

The only words he though before he totally blacked out are" what the....." then boom, he died with nothing left to him even ash is gone.


In the pitch dark place, where even light cannot exist, an blueish orb with a golden core is floating to nothingness, it doesn't matter how long this orb is floating, this place has no time or even if there is, it is impossible to count though.

The small orb at the size of a baseball ball is slowly rotating like there is something spinning it so fast, then suddenly cracks in the void itself is manifesting like a mirror being broken to pieces.

A meter around the orb was totally broke and light blended to darkness then the orb was sucked inside of it.


Kingdom of Saffiria, first day of the first moth of the year 198 of the new world order. The duke of the northern region of Saffiria, Duke Ashton Grant is busy reviewing the reports of his subordinates.

Three knocks is heard outside his office, then a woman with silver white hair and blue eyes walks inside. The duke whose hair are black with golden eyes slowly lifted his face and a smile painted his handsome face while looking at the godess infront of him.

"Hello Lilliana, my love, what brings you here?" the duke says with a smile

Lilliana, hearing her husbands words smiled with love and her face shows happiness.

"Ash, my love, this day we should celebrate and have our relaxing time, because..." she literally held her words with a smirk.

Duke ashton, not knowing why his wife is acting like this, asked " because?"

" Because you are going to be" slowly she spelled the word "F. A. T. H. E. R"

"Father??", slowly the word sink to the mind of Ashton then suddenly " I WILL BECOME A FATHER!!!" with happiness written all over his face he run to his woman and lifted her above kissing her lips and cheeks then he slowly put her wife down and he kneeled down kissing her tummy and mumbling, " i am your father" so many times that even me the narrator himself didn't bother to count.

Lilliana seeing her husband who rarely shows excitement like this felt so happy and doesn't want this to end.

*Eight months and three weeks had passed*

In a wide room that is decorated by golden doves and rare flowers with jade vases, a woman lays in the bed exhausted but with a smile on her face.

While on here leftside is a baby that is wrapped by a blue silk cloth, with little hairs on top of his head. His hair are silverwhite like her mother but his eyes is still unknown for it didn't opened yet.

Beside the bed is a man with dark hair and golden eyes, with handsome face.

With smile on both of the woman and the man's face they both look unto the little guy who is sleeping with silence.

" Thank you Lilli, you brought this little angel in our life." the man said with love in care on his words and sincerity on his voice.

Lilliana, smiled and said " Ash, this is our child and what do you suggest we name him?"

"Oh i know, we will name him Mooderanium D. Gra.... " before he could even finish what he is saying, he was thrown out of the room, by none other than his wife, even if she is exhausted, she still has the power to knocked her husband.

(narrator: is all the guy in the world are this weak infront of their wives? haixt. thankfully i am not like them.

" what did you say dear?, a voice of a woman was heard then the narrator slowly turned his head around , then he paled.....)

(This is the author, sorry for the narrator, uhm let us say that we just have to pray for him, for now i will be the narrator}

" My love, we won't call him that okay?" Lilliana said with a smile that is not a smile.

Ashton just nodded his head and sighing on his mind, and thinking that the name is a good one but he doesn't understand what is wrong with it.

"Okay my love, then what we will call this little guy?" Ashton is not weak or all but in situations like this, he retreats,

" How about, Joshua D. Grant?", with a smile on her face she said,

"uhn, then we will call him Joshua, Joshua D. Grant." Ashton likes the naming sense of his wife, and again thinking to himself that his naming sense is not that bad but he relented to his wife.

( And now the birth of Joshua D. Grant of the Kingdom of Saffiria will signify the start of a new legend)