
He is not a completely bad man

I am just writing this to try and get inspired, I have a creator lock, please read and tell me what you think


In the morning In the city of Kamino inside an ordinary family home, another day has arrived, but today in this home There is an emotion that is easily noticeable.

In the kitchen of this household a woman who many would describe as a beautiful housewife is happily preparing a delicious Ben-to (lunch), while humming a song.

Why is this beautiful woman so happy? .... The reason is simple, she is happy because today, her son will be taking the exam to attend the biggest Hero school in Japan!

The UA school!

She looked at the clock and noticed that it was getting late, she needed to hurry her son up, after all, she has a fantasy that her son will become a famous hero, and have many children that she can play with as a grandmother!!!...

" I'll tell Mi-kun to hurry up."

She walked up the stairs until she reached the second floor and knocked on the door of her son's room.

( Knock, knock, knock)

" Mi-kun~~~!!... You're late for the exam~~."

She waited for a moment for an answer and soon a voice answers her.

" okay, I'll be down to the kitchen in a second!!!".

Happy with the answer, she goes back to the kitchen to continue cooking.


Meanwhile, inside the room the owner of the voice is in front of the bedroom mirror seriously thinking and reflecting on everything he has done to get to this point in his life,... or to be more specific, his new life. ( Reference XD)

The owner of the voice He is a young boy, 15 years old, this young man is short in stature even compared to other kids his age He is even smaller than 13 year old kids.

He has big black eyes, but despite his short stature you can clearly see that he has the right amount of muscles on his body, he is definitely athletic..... Despite this, he cannot be described as handsome..... quite the opposite, his face could be described as plain, and Boring.

This young man you may know, he is Minoru Mineta, the favorite pervert of the Boku no Hero story.

Well, he is Minoru Mineta, but he is not the Minoru Mineta you know, No..... this young man is a soul who was reincarnated in this world full of heroes and villains, and unfortunately for him, he was reincarnated in the body of the newborn Minoru Mineta!!!..... How unfortunate!!!,... although, quite possibly this is some kind of karma punishment.

Why?... Well..... this young man before he came into this world did some not very good things.... For example, he wanted to go out with a girl, that girl was beautiful, with a nice figure, great ass, and big breasts, but that girl was too popular and proud, many times she rejected him, but what did he do?... He came?..... Did he kidnap her? ..... NO!!..... He is not that bad .... But he was wicked.

He preferred to use his head, his greatest gift. First, he caused the girl's group of friends to fight among themselves because of a rumor he created, then he started spreading more rumors, this time he made the rumor that the girl was trying to steal her friend's boyfriend.

Everything could have been fixed if they would have talked civilly, and if the boyfriend would have denied the rumors..... But he knew how to manipulate these idiots.

First, the boyfriend was a teenager, and obviously he would be happy to have 2 beautiful girls arguing over him, He felt Important, obviously he didn't deny the rumors, the girl's friends acted like hormonal teenagers, they got mad at her and excluded her from the group, They even created more rumors of her, some even said she is fine with any man.....

The girl went from being a beautiful popular girl, to the perfect victim of bullying.

She fell into a deep depression, and what did our reincarnated one gain from all this? ... He took advantage of the situation to become closer to the girl.

When everyone turned their backs on him he was there for her, ..... everything according to plan..... but obviously this did not make her fall in love with him, and he knew he needed to do something else.

He decided that if he wanted to achieve what he wanted he needed to take a little risk.

He confronted the boyfriend of the girl's friend, to tell the truth, obviously the boyfriend said nothing and half beat up our Manipulator.

He recorded everything they talked about and with a little audio editing it was easy to create a false confession from the boyfriend.

The next day at school, our young manipulator came in with bruises, obviously The girl was worried about him, and he showed her the audio recording ....

She was speechless, she knew the reason why he was so beat up was to get this recording.

But there was something she didn't understand..... why her ex-friend's boyfriend confessed?..... She knew what a jerk that guy was, there was no way he was telling the truth.

Then Our Reincarnated One explained to her that he edited the audio to make it a confession... After learning this, she could only ask in surprise.

"Why? ..... Why did you do something so foolish and dangerous? You didn't think for a moment that the rumors could be true?!!!!! Why did you do this?!!!," she asked him almost on the verge of tears.

He knew that her answer would define whether everything he did would be worth it or in vain.

" You told me the rumors were a lie.... I need another reason to want to help the girl I like..." he told her, doing his best performance of An Honest Boy. ( Watching anime helped him a lot to learn how to act).

That was enough .... With those words alone he got his way, ..... from the beginning to the end she danced into his plans .

After that day he and she began a relationship. After all that happened, she was the one who looked with almost obsessive love to the reincarnated him,..... He transformed a proud girl into a loyal, faithful and almost obsessed girlfriend,

In the end, she told him she didn't need the recording, if the people who hear the rumors decide to believe them, it is because those people are not necessary for her, she just needed to have him. (I told them, obsessed).

So great was the way she changed, that only a week after starting the relationship, she took him to her house when her parents were not there, to make love .....y (she was a virgin).

He is A lout who acts like A good guy, he is not incredibly evil, After all, he married That girl and they lived happily, of course that was not the only time he Manipulated other people to get what he wanted,..... He even managed to convince his wife to let him have some Lovers.... He even had threesomes with his wife and his boss's daughter.... (Obviously he also manipulated her into accepting the threesome and more..... but that's another story).

He is that kind of man, perverted, lustful, perverse, selfish and manipulative, but in spite of all that, he is not completely evil....

That's why he earned a second life, if he was completely evil he wouldn't have this chance, but it seems that karma punished him for his actions by reincarnating him as the least popular and most lustful guy in the world!!!.

And after a few years here he is....

"Haaaaaaaa ( sigh)..... ( look in the mirror).... My body is athletic, I have muscles but I still look like a fucking kid!!!..... At least my hair doesn't look like a damn bunch of Grapes..... maybe some Wives like my Shōta body legal..... "

That's right this new Minoru Mineta's hair doesn't have the shape of a bunch of grapes.... But why? ... The answer is, because the reincarnate, forced his hair to stay that way.

Originally when Mineta's Quirk awoke, his hair took the shape of a bunch of grapes, the original Minoru Mineta, never cared and lived his childhood without using his Quirk or train it, because it did not seem very useful, but unlike the original Minoru Mineta, this version, I train constantly every day to learn to control his Quirk and if possible, evolve it as he saw some Quirks did in the manga.

All this in the hope of changing the shape of his hair.

3 years after awakening his Quirk, he managed to do something that the original Mineta never could! .... Gained control of his balls...no, not the balls below, the ones in his hair!!.....

He could now change their shape and even levitate them a few feet away from him!!!

Obviously the first thing he did was to change the shape of the balls on his head (XD) and gave them the shape of normal hair... he couldn't make them straight but he liked the result....

At least his hair didn't look like a bunch of grapes anymore.

Now it just looked like a tousled Shōta.

He put those thoughts aside and quickly got dressed to leave, he had to hurry, today is an important day,

today is the day of the UA Academy exam,

As a former Otaku, he knows that today he needs to prove his worth to get into the Academy.

To achieve the future he planned, a life surrounded by beautiful Teen Hero Girls that he once could only fantasize about when he was young, is now possible.

Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, Jirou, Mina, Itsuka, Hagakure, Tsuyu, Mei, and many other beautiful women.

Now he has an opportunity, and he does not intend to waste it.

Having a quick breakfast, and saying goodbye to his mother, the new Minoru Mineta set off in search of his desires and ambitions!!!.

And the first step will be

To excel in today's exam!!!!.


Thank you for reading

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