
I am Krillin!(Completed)

One day our protagonist was walking home from work, unfortunately for him he was met by truck-kun just a few blocks away from his house. After a talk with God he got reincarnated in the dragon ball universe with literally nothing else besides his scattered knowledge about the anime/manga. I do not own the cover picture. my patreon support me if you can :) https://www.patreon.com/KaiokenGuy Daily chapters! Patreon donations increase the number of daily chapters based on the donation.

KaiokenGuy · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Unlocking the potential within(Edited)

I got up from my position of being cross-legged scratched my head and yawned, training in high gravity started to lose it's efficiency, if I increased the gravity by too much it would take an effect on the environment so I couldn't increase it by too much on Earth or even in the universe, I might create a black hole and damage the universe, I'm not sure how Zeno or The Grand Priest would like that.

It was time to unseal the Elder Kai, I let him stay in his sword for a bit more than he should have. I teleported to the kai's world, Shin and Kibito were surprised at me knowing the coordinates of the world but remembered how I had god ki as well and said:

"As a fellow deity, I welcome you in our humble realm Krillin, would you mind telling us what's your position? Though your ki is familiar, I remember feeling it from somewhere but I'm not sure where from."

Kibito didn't interfere in our chat as he wasn't a kai but an attendant, even though his position was higher than the normal kai's he couldn't interfere in other deities talks.

I nodded towards Shin and answered him:

"I'm supposed to balance your work with The gods of destructions, I should make sure he does his job well, while you create planets at least once every few hundred years."

Shin started to sweatdrop and said:

"Uh well, you see about that... since Majin Buu absorbed the other kais who were more experienced and knew how to create planets, there was no one left to teach me anything, I don't actually know how to create planets thus I can't do my job as a kai."

I sighed as I already knew of this already, I changed the topic and asked him:

"I heard something about a sword that should be around here, would you mind showing me it?"

Shin immediately started to smile, feeling awkward at his lack of knowledge, by my words he realized that I would have to punish him if he continued doing nothing. He started to walk towards the Z swords location and said:

"Follow me I can show you the location of the Z sword, while I and Kibito aren't able to get it from the stone it's lodged in, you can give it a try, with your immense power you should be able to drag it out of there!"

I nodded at Shin and followed him towards the location of the sword, it was up a giant hill a few kilometers away from the initial location where I teleported to, Kibito was following us from behind with a stern look on his face.

I flew up the hill directly to the top and easily dragged the sword out of the hill, both Shin's and Kibito's jaws dropped to the floor seeing how easily I took the sword out, for them, it seemed like it wasn't sealed there at all!

Of course, I was already in my Supreme Bodhisattva mode, the dragon's crystal eyes were sparkling as I flicked a finger on the blade of the sword, it immediately broke in two. They couldn't even their jaws back from the floor when they saw how I destroyed their precious Z Sword with only a flick of the finger.

Out of the sword's remains an old kai with a similar skin color and clothing to shin appeared, he was wrinkled and wore potaras on his ears like Shin, he also had a small mustache and had an unkempt clump of hair on his head. He started to cough and looked around spotting me and the Shin he immediately got down the hill and said:

"You goddamn failure! I was sealed in this sword for tens of thousands of years and none of the other kais could help me get out, all generations got worse from mine, and now they were absorbed by Majin Buu too, letting only a newbie like you, *sigh* I guess I have to teach you the basics and everything else."

The old kai looked towards me bowed and said:

"I was good friends with the previous holder of your deity position, I can see that you still have some potential that has to be unleashed I can help you with that as a reward from breaking me out of that goddamn sword."

Shin looked at the old kai with an awkward expression not knowing what to say, he could identify the kai as one of his own kin, his ki had the same quality even though it was lower than his, he bowed towards the old kai and said in a serious tone of voice:

"I will follow the teacher's instructions!" Kibito looked from nearby and bowed as well, he was just an attendant so he would follow whatever instruction the old kai had for him as well.

Old kai nodded his head and smiled, his smile showed that he lacked tooths in certain spots of his mouth, I knew he looked like this because he fused with a witch, so I declined to comment on his appearance, the other two unknowingly blurted out:

"Uh... it seems you are really old, teacher/supreme kai."

The old kai immediately started to flare up and shouted at both of them:

"I look like this because I was tricked into fusing with an old witch, I didn't look like this originally!" Kibito and Shin looked at each other and asked simultaneously:

"How did you fuse unwillingly?"

Old kai shook his head and said with an exasperated voice:

"Those guys didn't even teach you the basics eh?" He pointed towards the potara earrings of Shin and said:

"You can fuse with the earrings, the power level increase is extremely high, but there's a disadvantage you won't be able to defuse back again." Shin nodded his head absorbing the information.

I coughed and stopped the old kai's teaching session, he looked towards me and said:

"Oh yeah I almost forgot, come over here and wait, I can unlock your potential right now."

I came down from the hill and approached the elder kai, he immediately started to do a weird dance as he circled me. I waited and waited and waited some more... After a few weeks of dancing I could see the old kai panting his tongue stuck out of his mouth as he said in a exhausted ton of voice and fell down:

"I can't bring out all of your potential this is the most I could get out." Shin and Kibito helped the old kai up while I clenched my fist as I observed my internal situation with my ki sense.

My base power level was already a little higher than Gogeta's which was already stronger than Goku in his super Saiyan three!

I started to power up as the whole sacred world of the kai's started to shake, old kai immediately shouted back:

"Stop or you will destroy the whole world!"

I swiftly stopped, deciding to keep my ki in check and not externalize it. After the activation of my Supreme Bodhisattva mode, the purity of my ki directly increased to seventy percent. My eyes glowed as I could feel that my power was getting to unexplainable heights. I still couldn't defeat Beerus, but I was about thirty-five percent there. As for Whis and the others, not being a battle maniac like Goku, I only needed to be stronger than Beerus to keep him in check and properly do my job as the new Buddha of the Universe seven.

I breathed out as I reverted my transformation, old kai got up from the ground and said:

"Well I did everything I could for you regarding the unleash of your potential, to thoroughly master that guy's technique you have to get to his sacred land, I'm not entirely sure of its coordinates though, there you could train and master his technique fully."

I waved at the Kai's as I left their planet after I left the old kai looked at Shin and said:

"Ok, now it's time for you to learn everything I know so I can enjoy my retirement."

Shin sweatdropped Kais can retire?

I was back on Earth as If on cue my children immediately sprang up in my embrace, both Jeica and Lazuli were waiting for me too they got up from the table they were waiting at and said to me:

"Krillin it's been some time since we had some family activities, we decided today it's time for some, we let the children pick where they wanted to go."

Both of my children looked at me with happy smiles on their faces, they weren't that small anymore as Marron was eleven and Ryu was nine and a half now. I smiled back to them and said to everyone:

"Of course, where would you like to go?"

Both children smiled at each other and said at the same time:

"Let's visit some other planets!"

I decided to entertain them since the children were in my arms, I motioned for Lazuli and Jeica to grab my shoulders, I could use instant transmission without putting my fingers on my forehead by now, combined with my mastery of the spatial elements I learned from fighting Janemba it was easy peasy to teleport wherever I wanted to.

I decided to teleport to a random civilization and I appeared into a futuristic city, tons of people with red skin looked at me with wide eyes as they started to whisper to each other, out of a nearby big building came out... wait I knew this guy it was Mu Tart!

I teleported to the planet which I saved from that Slug guy. Mu Tart immediately approached me and said in a loud voice:

"Our savior came back to visit!"

Everyone immediately bowed to me, I used my ki to bring everyone up, Mu Tart was actually almost kneeling to me. Lazuli, Marron, and Ryu looked at me with a questioning gaze.

Jeica gasped then said:

"So this is the planet you saved from back then."

I chuckled and asked her:

"You still remember about that?"

She nodded her head and smiled at me, Mu Tart immediately invited us inside the building with fervor. He clapped his hands and tens of servants put up a feast extremely quickly, Mu Tart bowed again and said:

"For our savior and his family only the best!" Lazuli and Jeica giggled while the children immediately got to the food and started to eat. the servants helped Jeica and Lazuli with their chairs, they did the same thing for me and Tart as well. The children didn't care as they ate the colored food and said simultaneously that the food was extremely good.

I ate some of the food myself and I could say they improved the food by quite a lot since last time, of course, last time feast was from the remains of the food they scavenged, by now their crops and livestock should have all been replenished. I looked around but I didn't spot Mu Sarka at all. Mu Tart started the conversation after the meal:

"You remember my daughter Sarka? she married a nearby kingdoms prince, and now she is even expecting a child." I nodded my head it was normal for things to happen like this, It was just sex, I wasn't emotionally invested in her at all so I didn't really care what happened to her. In Tart's eyes could be seen disappointment.

After the feast, we toured the planet and it wasn't very different from Earth besides the different cultures food and the skin color they were pretty much like humans.

We bid our farewell towards Tart and teleported back to Earth, we all enjoyed the mini-holiday on the planet which I now knew was called Rioatoa Porat.

I let the children go to play while I had some extra special fun with Jeica and Lazuli.

Unknowingly time flew by... there was just one more year before Beerus woke up and I still didn't purify my ki to one hundred percent.

I just couldn't find the sacred place where I could finish my training, maybe it wasn't in-universe seven?

I didn't fully explore universe six, I needed to go back.

Thanks towards my patrons:Bdogarum and Carson.

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