
I am Krillin!(Completed)

One day our protagonist was walking home from work, unfortunately for him he was met by truck-kun just a few blocks away from his house. After a talk with God he got reincarnated in the dragon ball universe with literally nothing else besides his scattered knowledge about the anime/manga. I do not own the cover picture. my patreon support me if you can :) https://www.patreon.com/KaiokenGuy Daily chapters! Patreon donations increase the number of daily chapters based on the donation.

KaiokenGuy · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

The aftermath of the Kold's empire demise(Edited)

On a distant planet that was shaped like a pyramid with a giant tree that stood in it's middle a blue-skinned man with white hair and a peculiar outfit looked inside a crystal ball that was embedded in his staff as a nearby purple humanoid cat who wore pajamas was sleeping and muttering:

"Whis.....food.... destroy the planet... food not good, blegh." Then he made a disgusted look on his face and he was ready to shoot a purple ki ball out of his hand, the blue-skinned man known as Whis immediately used his staff to stop the ki ball from destroying anything, he sighed and said:

"It seems this earthling is doing the work of the creator god's, even though the Kai can't interfere themselves in this kind of thing they could groom some champions using their divine techniques to help the mortal realm."

He sighed again and continued:

"And Lord Beerus is still neglecting his job, at least he should try to destroy planet's with no potential at increasing their mortal level but he... nevermind, I can't do much about him, I can only instruct him and not force him."

On different corners of the galaxies multiple Kai's were rejoicing as they met up for a party.

The west kai was a short portly man with a monocle and purple skin he had big elf-like ears that pointed upwards and a hat with a top that looked like a curled pigtail.

The east kai was a portly lady with yellow skin and orange hair who wore sunglasses with red rims and black lenses.

The south kai was a tall burly man with pale pinkish skin who wore sunglasses with white rims and black lenses.

The north kai was a short portly man who wears black glasses and a hat that covered his head.

All of them wore the same outfit in different colors and different kanji's on the front of it, their position was written in the front of their chest. They all wore gowns and differently colored undershirts. They all also had black antennas besides the west kai.

The North Kai immediately started gloating as he said:

"This guy who saved all of your quadrants is my disciple, you should repay me for teaching such a good disciple, he, of course, saved all of your galaxies while all of your champions couldn't do jack about Kold and his men!"

the South Kai scoffed and he said in an annoyed tone of voice:

"My protegee Pikkon just started training but in a few years I'm sure he could have cleaned the floor with the whole Kold family!"

King Kai looked at South Kai with a grin on his face as he continued his gloating:

"Yeah but that would be in a few years, don't you know how much damage the Kold family would have done in those years? My disciple spared all of you of the damage!"

the West and East Kai's kept mum as they didn't have champions who were strong and had high potential, they wanted to gift the blue man something just to make him shut up, he was extremely annoying. Most of the time they were the ones gloating over him, but now with his new disciple he finally got something to back him up, and it wasn't something small!

Suddenly out of nowhere a pinkish skinned man with white hair with a blue undershirt and a red and yellow-tinted gown teleported over as he said in a high tone of voice:

"The Grand Supreme Kai is making his way over!"

A light purple-skinned man who wore an outfit similar to the pinkish skinned man but with blue and red instead of red and yellow appeared.

He said in a light tone of voice:

"Thank's for the introduction Kibito, but it wasn't required I'm sure everyone here knows who I am."

Every kai bowed and nodded their head's, this was their superior, he was even higher ranked than Grand Kai, who didn't have time to join this party.

The Supreme Kai known as Shin nodded towards King Kai and said with a smile on his face:

"I heard about your disciple's work in the mortal world and I'm impressed with it, I also observed him and his work, his soul is pure and he accumulated ton's of good karma, he is a model citizen of the Universe, I would like for you to take on this little gift of mine as a compensation for teaching such a great student. Also, send him my regards!"

Shin materialized a red Ferrari which he levitated nearby King Kai, King Kai gasped as his glasses almost fell off his face, he rubbed his eyes under his glasses to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, how did the Supreme Kai know of his dream car?

The Supreme Kai just smiled and teleported back towards his world with Kibito in tow. King Kai immediately started to gloat again in the face's of his fellow Kai's, all Kai's had a passion for fast vehicles for some reason, South Kai snorted again and said:

"What are you gonna do with this fast car on your small planet anyway?"

At the mention of this King Kai turned red in the face and then retorted:

"How is it my fault, Beerus sneezed and destroyed my other one!"

Everyone started to laugh at King Kai's word's as the atmosphere lightened up after this story.

Back on Earth.

After I finished with my special time with Jeica, I decided it was time to up the training for everyone, I used one of my entries to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber but from Popo's words's I still had three more uses.

I could train everyone in there and make sure we could subdue the android's peacefully if they were like in the original after they killed Gero and they understood they couldn't kill Goku because of his immense strength they would just give up and try to live as normal humans. I also had to make sure Cell didn't get his perfect form and maybe even absorbed someone else to get stronger since he was capable of absorbing normal humans while in the first form he could absorb other people for a power boost in his final form as well.

If he realized he couldn't defeat me after he would hypothetically get his final form he would try to absorb other strong people to boost his power, I couldn't let that happen at all.

So I made sure after the androids were subdued to immediately identify Cell's whereabouts and destroy him till nothing remained!

I appeared on the lookout and made sure everyone was there, Raditz, Chiaotzu, Nappa, Vegeta who somehow didn't go into space to train this time around, Master Roshi, Tien, Yamcha, and Piccolo. They were all sparring in the gravity chamber when I teleported on the lookout.

Piccolo started to mellow out around other people more after he fused with Nail on Namek, it seemed the other namekian was influencing him a bit.

Vegeta was as angry as ever, while both Raditz and Nappa still didn't catch up to him he realized that they started to get stronger faster than him the prince, the most talented of the race!

I looked at Vegeta and he still had zero S cell's in the back of his neck, he could still awaken them with emotional and physical stress though, that's how he did it in the original, it would just be way harder for him.

I motioned towards everyone to stop their training and to come to me, they all stopped even Vegeta, from the expression of my face he knew I was going to announce something important.

I nodded towards everyone and said:

"I didn't inform you of the special training room that's available in this place up till now since you were too weak both mentally and physically but now you are ready to train in there."

I called Mr. Popo and he appeared out nowhere, as usual, he had a huge grin that showed his one tooth on his face, it looked extremely unnatural like he was forcing himself to smile.

He didn't say anything and just let us enter the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, I wasn't sure what was in that black genie's mind.

I made them pair with each other and spar while in their strongest form's so they could increase their base while mastering their techniques as well.

Raditz and Nappa would spar with each other trying to achieve their super Saiyan form, Goku would fight with Vegeta, I made it so Vegeta could get triggered even more because Goku would already be a super Saiyan, I made sure to tell Goku to never turn off his super Saiyan and Ikari mode, to taunt the prince.

Yamcha would spar with Tien and Piccolo with Roshi, Chiaotzu would focus on his mental strength by himself while I would enter further into the chamber and train in a high amount of gravity.

I left all of them to train nearer the entrance of the chamber as I made my way inside the infinite white nothingness of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, I made sure I was far enough so my training wouldn't disturb theirs.

As I turned the gravity up to five thousand times, with the gravity of the chamber being two times normal it became ten thousand times normal gravity, I immediately sat cross-legged and regulated my breathing while I endured the excruciating pain of my bones and muscles being torn, grow back and being torn and broken again.

I decided it was time fully master the Kaioken, Godspeed, super mode and full power technique combination After I mastered this combination of techniques I could become unbeatable to everyone besides the upper echelons of the multiverse. And maybe Buu could fight to a tie with me as well, Super Buu would make me exert myself, while Kid Buu would be easy to kill.

Training inside a chamber of nothingness could make you forget about all notion of time, two days already passed by when I stopped training, my base power level increased to twenty-five million and I could use the combination of techniques plus the Kaioken up to fifteen times.

I decided to check on other's and I was surprised pleasantly by them, Goku mastered his super Saiyan Ikari mode making him reach the multiplier of 300x and the base power level of five million and five hundred thousand, while he couldn't beat Cold with his power level now he could still fight Cooler and win.

Nappa and Raditz showed signs of becoming super Saiyan as well while their power levels reached up to one million-plus each, Roshi reached a power level of six hundred thousand, Piccolo's power level skyrocketed towards three million, Yamcha and Tien started to tie in power both reaching nine hundred thousand and some.

Chiaotzu was at two hundred thousand, Vegeta was surprisingly reaching two million and five hundred thousand, Goku was still wiping the floor with him though.

Suddenly both Raditz and Nappa started to shout as their power levels skyrocketed by fifty times each, Nappa's mustache and tail turned golden while Raditz's hair and tail did the same their eyes were green teal color as well now.

The combination of abundant S cells and highly intense training coupled with the adverse environment of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber made both Saiyans reach their transformation.

Vegeta was lying weakly on the ground after an intense sparring session against Goku and he started grumbling and I could even see tears in his eyes as he banged the white floor of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. He started to shout:

"I wanna be a super Saiyan to I WANNA WANNA." He immediately got up from the ground as he started to shout and his power level started to skyrocket as well, his aura started to turn golden as his hair started to do as well his eyes started to flicker from black to green, but unfortunately for him at the last moment before he could truly transform he failed!

S cells have been unlocked in the back of his neck though I could see them come into being and increase over time.

Raditz looked smugly at Vegeta, a low-class warrior outdid the Prince of the race, he felt really good right now. Nappa looked with concern at Vegeta, he cared about Vegeta as he had to take care of him since he was a child, even though Vegeta would have discarded him if he became useless.

He approached Vegeta and patted him on the shoulder and said:

"You brothers should train with each other from now, I will tutor the prince on learning how to become a Super Saiyan from now on!"

Goku and Raditz looked at each other and nodded, while Vegeta looked at Nappa with what seemed to be gratitude in his eyes? Did the Prince's pride mellow out a bit after failing to become a Super Saiyan?

I decided to let them off to their own device's while I increased the gravity around me and started to continue my training, by the time the last two years were done and we were out of the chamber, everyone grew a big beard and we each had to take a shower and shave before everyone was comfortable around each other.

My power level increased to fifty million in these last two years, the higher my power level increased the faster it grew, Goku reached ten million after focusing on his base form after mastering the Ikari mode super Saiyan combination, Vegeta attained the super Saiyan form as well but he couldn't master it in time, he decided that he would keep it on all the time from now on, his power level reached almost seven million too. Nappa and Raditz had enough time to master their super Saiyan form as well, but unlike how Goku who got a one hundred times boost after their mastery both got only up to eighty times, I wasn't sure why maybe it was innate.

Their power levels reached three million and a half though so it was something, Chiaotzu reached almost one million, Roshi reached one million and a half and he was still going strong, I was happy for him he seemed to enjoy getting stronger, it seems he was reminiscing about his younger years by training with us.

Yamcha and Tien tied directly with each other at almost two million and some, both could use Kaioken times twenty and their stands in combination now, Roshi could also use Kaioken up to twenty times and his stand, but he couldn't combine it with the full power technique as well.

Tien also couldn't use his race's innate technique to combine it with his stand and his Kaioken.

But besides being unable to use my stand combined with everything else, I could say that this training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber this time around was a great success!

I could use the maximum amount of Kaioken up to fifty times now combined with my other techniques. It seemed I reached a wall during mental training though, while my body made my ki training have no bottleneck's it didn't do so for my soul.

Magic training came along nicely as well in the last few months of training, I could say everything was done well this time around.

Bulma immediately greeted us and she couldn't even take her eyes anymore of the now blonde and green-eyed Vegeta. For now, I could explain why Trunks of this timeline could turn super Saiyan so easily."

We still had time before the androids came, but suddenly out of nowhere a time-space portal opened above the lookout, out of it came an intricate machine with the capsule corp logo on the side.

Out of it came two silhouettes.

Wait two?

Even though I was quite tired I decided to write this at home, the other chapter was written on my phone while I was away.

Thanks towards my patrons who decided to make a monthly pledge: Bdogarum and Carson. Thanks to you both for supporting me by deciding to pay monthly!

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All of you have a great day, im out for today need to rest my legs, they hurt as hell, I had to walk almost six kilometers or so today.

KaiokenGuycreators' thoughts