
I am Krillin!(Completed)

One day our protagonist was walking home from work, unfortunately for him he was met by truck-kun just a few blocks away from his house. After a talk with God he got reincarnated in the dragon ball universe with literally nothing else besides his scattered knowledge about the anime/manga. I do not own the cover picture. my patreon support me if you can :) https://www.patreon.com/KaiokenGuy Daily chapters! Patreon donations increase the number of daily chapters based on the donation.

KaiokenGuy · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Learning magic and visting Korin(Edited)

I walked towards Urenai's Baba palace with my whole crew they were all interested into her special abilities to find anything and fortune-telling, Roshi was boasting about his sister and how she was the greatest fortune teller on earth unlike all those fake's out there, her powers were truly genuine.

We were met by a rotund pink ghost with a bamboo hat at the entrance, he bowed and told us to follow him inside, we met Baba inside one of the palace's rooms and she started with her introduction:

"Welcome, to find one thing your heart desires you have to pay one million zenni!"

After that she looked towards us and her eyes narrowed at seeing her brother Roshi, She was a woman of small stature and she wore black witch clothes, witch hat and all she was sitting cross-legged on her foretelling orb, she was also missing quite a few teeth.

She sneered at Roshi and asked:

"What have you lost this time you old fool?"

Roshi looked betrayed and said:

"While I might have lost something big sister we are not here because of that!"

She looked puzzled if they weren't here for her to show missing items then why were they here?

I walked forward and said:

"Baba I'm here to learn some of your techniques if you would be kind enough to impart them."

She snorted and said:

"Here to learn my craft so you could make money and take away my customers no chance I will teach you that for all the zenni in the world!"

I sweatdropped I didn't need her fortune-telling skills, I was here to learn how to summon those pink ghosts and I clarified it for her.

She nodded her head thoughtfully and said:

"So you want ghost servants eh? This can be done but the price isn't low for me to teach you this summoning technique, it's as much as you would get for a session of fortune-telling, one million zenni, not one zenni less."

It seems the rumors of her being a miser was true, Roshi shouted from behind and said:

"No family discounts?"

Baba looked at Roshi and said:

"For a perverted brother like you? no chance lecherous old man!"

Roshi was angry and said:

"Old man? but I'm your little brother what would that make you ancient?"

Immediately Baba entered a frenzy, you could never question a woman's age especially in the way Roshi said it.

I immediately started to defuse the conflict but it seemed she didn't want to teach me anymore even if I paid her, Roshi's comment angered her quite a lot.

I insisted on her teaching me but she said she would only teach me if I beat her champions just like how she would act when there were people who didn't have money and they wanted free fortune-telling.

We made our way outside the palace and into a fighting arena that was placed outside, I didn't want to waste time so I got up first.

Fighting with her weaklings was easy enough, Vampire man, Invisible man both knocked out before they could do anything, Baba was dumbfounded at my strength but she still had two aces in the holes.

She changed the fighting ring into the mouth of a stone statue that looked like a demon after we entered we would have to fight on the tongues of the demon statues.

Out of the dark came a mummy-like fellow which got instantly knocked out just like the other two.

A blue-skinned man wearing a devil outfit came out next I didn't even let him charge his devil beam, which would turn people with wicked intentions or thoughts into stone. I'm sure the beam would work on me as I couldn't ride the nimbus.

Baba was angry at how easy I disposed of her greatest warriors that almost no one could beat.

She made one last warrior come out and the warrior insisted that he would like to fight Goku and not me, he also said he wanted to fight outside.

The warrior wore a green and orange martial gown, he also wore a rabbit mask and he had a halo above his head.

It was grandpa Gohan the poor guy who died cause Goku crushed him in his Oozaru form.

Goku and Gohan started to fight but it was obvious Goku was way stronger than Gohan due to my influence, Goku easily defeated him but his mask slipped off his face and Goku immediately started to cry rivers.

He flew in the man's embrace and sobbed calling out all the time grandpa Gohan.

Baba explained to us how she would contract strong fighters from the other world and bring them outside for a day so they could fight for her.

Goku was extremely sad as his reunion with grandpa Gohan wouldn't be very long but he accompanied him till he started to dissipate as he was ascending back to the otherworld's heaven.

I patted Goku on the back and he smiled towards me, it seemed he was content that he knew his grandfather had gone to heaven.

Baba gave in and taught me her summoning technique, as my mind and soul grew stronger my memory almost become photographic and in the future, it would evolve there, I could also comprehend things way faster than when I was small.

So it wasn't hard for me to learn the technique, the technique used ki but it wasn't a ki technique it was more like magic.

I used my ki to draw a special array on the ground which helped me to summon the ghost servants.

I used my ki and the array started to glow an ominous black and out of it didn't come any strong demon but a pink ghost with a bamboo hat which bowed to me and said:

"Daboto greets master."

The ghost wasn't strong it was supposed to be a caretaker for the house. So I gifted him to Roshi so he would cook food and do the housekeeping instead of Launch, I still lived at kame house so it didn't matter anymore, In the future though I would get my own house in north city.

I even saved zenni as I didn't need to pay her because I beat her champions.

Now it was time to save some senzu beans from Yajirobes fat face.

I informed the others of how I would go to Korin's tower to train some more there, Goku already trained there so he knew how things would go, Roshi was the same, but Tien and Yamcha insisted on coming with me so they could learn Korin's techniques as well.

I decided to let them come so they would become stronger for the future so they wouldn't die and make us waste wishes which could be used for a better cause.

We flew quickly towards Korin's tower and we arrived a few hours later, we didn't need to climb the tower so we just flew straight up and entered one of the holes below the tower.

We immediately met with Korin the fat white cat hermit and Yajiroabe who was trying to stuff his fat face with a handfull of senzu beans.

I kicked him in the head and took the senzu beans away from his hands, those were precious resources that grew very slowly, I didn't need to let this fat slob who didn't even want to train seriously before the Saiyans came to eat them and waste them.

Korin looked surprised at my interference he wanted to chide him, but he couldn't as Yajirobe sneakily made his way to the pot full of senzu beans.

Yajirobe got up the ground and asked what was the matter, I berated him on Korin's place and told him of the beans scarcity and importance, after Korin also chimed in on how he would have inflated like a balloon after eating these many he calmed down and shut up.

Korin inquires to me how I knew about the bean's effects and told him how Goku used them on Roshi back after King Piccolo died.

Korin nodded his head and inquired why we were here. I came here to save the senzu beans while Tien and Yamcha wanted to train. The cat didn't have many techniques besides the knowledge of growing senzu beans. I already knew the after image technique.

So I inquired about the senzu bean's growing technique before I let Yamcha and Tien start their training with Korin.

Korin said that the soil used for the beans was essential while it was supposed to be nourished by ki day and night, the technique used to nourish them was also special, it was too much of a hassle to grow them by myself... Maybe I could just ask Shenron to give me a bag with an infinite amount of them, I should also make sure to ask Shenron to make the bag indestructible.

I bid goodbye to Tien and Yamcha as they wanted to train with Korin, at their power level Korin's training was still effective for them.

I decided that I would train my body and go to Kami's so I could learn to materialize and some of his other mind techniques, it was time.

I started by directly using the gravity around me to ten times normal and it was a qualitative change, I see why Goku could increase his power level to eight thousand in one year, it was way more effective than below ten but it was also quite harder.

I immediately started to climb the tower and I climbed and climbed and it took me day and night under the stress of the gravity my power level was going up every day.

It took me ten days and my power level increased to five hundred and twenty and it was still going strong. I didn't get exhausted and I took some senzu beans from Korin if I got hungry I would eat one and I didn't need to eat for half a month.

After I got up so high not even the clouds remained I spotted a ladder and the backside of the lookout.

It looked just like in the anime, a big circle with a red bottom, I got up the ladder and arrived on the lookout.

Kami's palace was in front, white porcelain squares on the ground, palm trees planted around in ground took from below the lookout.

Suddenly sinister laughter that sends chills down my spine came from the palace's entrance:

"Hua ha ha huhu hue."

Then the laughter suddenly stopped and a voice that shouldn't be heard by human ears suddenly was heard:

"A maggot made his way to Mr. Popos lookout?"

At this moment I knew I fucked up.

Abridged mr popo makes his debut? I will also add more abridged characters but only side ones, the main characters won't be abridged, I made them like this so the story can give a good laugh from time to time. About the asura mode Im not sure if I should implement it on or not since you guys don't seem to like it, in this chapter you can post two comments with I want asura mode and I don't want asura mode and the one with most likes will win, so in the future chapter I will or I will not implement it.

Like always point out mistakes so I can fix them.

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