
I am Krillin!(Completed)

One day our protagonist was walking home from work, unfortunately for him he was met by truck-kun just a few blocks away from his house. After a talk with God he got reincarnated in the dragon ball universe with literally nothing else besides his scattered knowledge about the anime/manga. I do not own the cover picture. my patreon support me if you can :) https://www.patreon.com/KaiokenGuy Daily chapters! Patreon donations increase the number of daily chapters based on the donation.

KaiokenGuy · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

It was the night before Super(Edited)

Frozen in time and space divided but he has with the universe survive Duck Dodgers of the twenty-fourth and one half-century protecting the powerless and the weak Duck Dodgers he's fighting tyranny in the twenty-fourth and one-half centuryyyy.

These lyrics could be heard on Duck Dodgers ship as the pig Cadet fumbled his hands on the controller of the ship, Dodgers now way buffer and taller than before came behind him and nodded at him saying:

"This song is good, this will be my theme song from now on, be sure to play it every time we save a planet."

Dodgers had saved quite a few planets since he started his space journey and he loved the feeling of being adored by others, he also did his job and spread my teachings, my face appeared on the giant monitor of the ship and asked:

"How's the situation Dodgers?"

Dodgers saluted me and started to debrief, I nodded at his information things were going very well for Universe seven, the average level of the Universe was getting higher and higher these days, it would be very helpful as I wasn't sure if I could participate in the universal tournament anymore due to my god status. While Beerus Whis and the Supreme Kais recognized me as a God, I haven't got any notifications from Zeno or the Grand Priest.

I was laid in a hammock in the backyard of my house as I communicated with Dodgers using a special device created by Capsule Corporation for universal communication. After Dodgers finished his debrief I gave him some encouraging words combined with some advice on how to get stronger and closed the communication channel.

I had to check on my other disciples as well, Felix was doing well himself, he started to buff up as he took on the Viking path, he wasn't the scrawny young man from before, he now had a Viking's physique and took a liking to fight with tomahawks and axes. I wasn't proficient in these weapons so I just gave him some advice on normal hand to hand combat and asked for his debriefing as well.

Rhymestyle was doing well with his instructor job, he even started a youtube channel where he showed his collection of characters on a mobile game, it seemed most of his pay was going there.

As for the others, they gradually grew stronger every day, Vegeta Goku and the other Z Fighters with the help of the incense from the Buddha Kingdom were slowly but surely starting to break through the wall that was blocking their advance. My power was also increasing every day as my body was adapting and evolving according to the sacred ki. My mind was getting clearer and clearer every day, my psychic bottleneck disappeared as my mind power started to increase again.

I also found a few more talented individuals at my dojo's, one was a purple little dog who seemingly wanted to protect the grandmother who took care of him since he was little, he called himself Courage and he was pretty cowardly individual, but he did his best in training himself. A noble goal for a little guy like himself.

Some other strong individuals would be a trio of animals, a little brown mouse, a cat with a bluish coat and a gray bulldog, they weren't humanoid just like Courage but they could talk and think like humans, the cat and mouse had a rivalry while the dog was just there to train, then he got entangled with the duo and they became a trio.

I gave all of them instructor positions but they choose to decline, Courage had to protect his grandma, while the trio was uninterested in money. They just came to the dojo to get stronger plain and simple nothing else needed.

There weren't many talented people that got a power level over fifteen thousand, but these four almost reached twenty thousand. Most of the people that trained at my dojos reached a power level of one thousand or so, the average of the planet also increased to half that.

The environment started to change as the trees became stronger and some even gained sentience, the animals just like those before reached human levels of intelligence, however, they were a minority.

Whis was observing the happenings on the planet with his ki sense as he smiled at Bulma and ate some dessert. He was impressed with the way the planet evolved, he said to himself:

"Hmm Krillin did a good job on Earth... even though it isn't in his jurisdiction to strengthen a planet and the universe, he is supposed to balance things out, but I'll let this one slide just because the food is sooo goddamn good here." He started to giggle to himself as he stuffed his face with strawberry icecream.

Beerus was sleeping in his bed, he was snoring so hard his whole realm was shaking when he suddenly started shouting:

"SUPER SAIYAN GOD, AOUCH DON'T FLICK MY FOREHEAD!" then he just started to sleep like a rock again, there wasn't much time left before he woke up again though, after the feast on Earth where he ate till he almost burst he got back to his realm to take a few years nap.

He sneezed and a ball of destruction obliterated a nearby wall, unfortunately, Whis wasn't currently on the planet to stop the needless destruction, the oracle fish immediately came scampering forward in his bowl sweatdropping at the hole in Beerus bedchamber. He started to swear under his breath and left, the ball of destruction almost hit him after it went through the wall.

Back on Earth Lazuli Jeica and I were doing some extra special activities while the children were away playing at Capsule Corporation.

Trunks was sparring with Goten as Marron and Ryu watched, they both transformed into super Saiyans and clashed in mid-air shockwaves appearing around them when suddenly Trunks missed his punch and plowed down to the Earth. Ryu giggled at Trunks mistake, but Trunks got up from the ground and shouted:

"Stop doing that Ryu, it's not fun when you stop time and make me miss my attack!" Ryu just continued laughing while Marron put a hand to her mouth to stop her giggling.

Goten scratched his head and reverted from his super Saiyan transformation, afterward he said:

"It's ok Trunks we sparred enough let's eat something!"

Trunk's grandmother's eyes started to glow red as she heard the mention of food, she quickly appeared out of nowhere with a tray of food cookies and juice. It was unknown how this woman was able to hear so well when mentions of food were made.

Goku and Vegeta were sparring on the lookout both in their base forms, they smirked at each other as they met in midair, controlled shockwaves spread around as the other Z Fighters did the same thing.

Piccolo was meditating nearby. Popo was behind the lookout backhanding a blue-haired chick who wore skimpy clothing:

"Bitch this is too little, go get some more big daddy Popo isn't protecting at such cheap prices understand?"

She got up from the ground and cleaned her face, the red palm mark disappearing directly as she bowed towards Popo and said in a loud tone, but not loud enough for the others to hear:

"Yes, big daddy Popo!"

Popo nodded at her then slapped her butt and threw her off the lookout, the blue-haired woman started to fly towards a nearby the city to find work.

Bulma was doing work on her computer, while Cell was training in a nearby gravity room.

Majin Buu was eating at Hercule's home, Videl was stir-frying rice while her mother was cooking sausages and Hercule was chatting with Buu at his request, the dog which Hercule saved was under the table wagging his tail and barking.

On Namek, things were peaceful, a little too peaceful in the elder's residence two red glowing eyes could be seen before they closed themselves, no one was sure what happened on Namek after Dende left..... This would be a story that won't be told.

Mu Sarka was sighing a baby was in her rocking arms as he tried to quiet it, she started to sing a lullaby when a man came behind her and took the baby from her arms and said:

"Darling go and relax I will take care of Martok Junior, for now, you did enough."

It was the prince which she married, Martok Senior of the Garbkop Kingdom, she smiled towards Martok and started to walk towards the imperial chambers to take a rest.

Martok started to rock his kid like Sarka did he even started to sing him a lullaby, it seemed he was a great father and Sarka didn't marry him unwillingly.

Back on Earth Roshi was having the time of his life with a redhead woman in his bedroom, he was in his buff form and did his business at fast speeds that shouldn't be possible at his old age. Beeing the former master of such a strong and rich disciple had its benefits. This was the fifth woman Roshi courted this week.

Puar and Oolong were drinking tea at a tea shop in South City and they sighed at each other:

"These muscleheads do nothing but train every day, it's been such a long time since we all did something together besides training."

Puar continued Oolong's thoughts:

"Yeah that's right I miss Yamcha, all he does nowadays is train, after he got beaten by Majin Buu that day he never stopped training..."

Life was going well for the Earthlings but how were things going in large in the whole Universe?

After the Kold's empire demise countless races which were bullied or exterminated had their survivors come to claim hold of their ransacked planets, with the help of the former Planet Trade Organization employees they got their planets back and started to repopulate, during the repopulation the grunts that took their planets from them helped them to reconstruct and revitalize their races.

After those works were done they joined the galactic patrol to become officers or even captains based on their power, the criminal rating of the Universe started to lower more and more as everyone started to enjoy life, even though poverty and discrimination still existed in the Universe.. thing's were going in the right direction. Unfortunately, no godly intervention would stop these two things from popping up.

The Kold Empire individuals all responded to my commands via the proxy of Burter and Jeica, their workloads decreased with time as the Planet Trade Organization members finally all changed their profession.

From time to time Jeice would come to visit and play with his Nephew. He didn't like the name I gave him saying that it should have been something more Space Australian, but I decided not to comment on it.

Time was going by very quickly, day to day month to month year to year, it's been approximately three to four years since Majin Buu was defeated and converted to good.

In his realm, Beerus was yawning and scratched his head as he looked at Whis who was before his bed and was smiling at him.

Beerus got up from the bed and told Whis in a sleepy voice:

"Whis let's get to Earth, there one more guy I had a dream about this time."

Whis looked at Beerus with curious eyes and said:

"Besides Krillin, there's someone else you would dream off Lord Beerus?"

Beerus nodded and said to Whis in sleepy tone:

"Yeah, I think it was a super god something? super Saiyan something oh yeah super Saiyan god."

Whis bumped his staff on the ground as images projected above it:

"Does the Saiyan God resemble one of those in the images?" The images showed Raditz Nappa Goku and Vegeta.

Beerus eyes widened as he took a good look at all of them and he muttered:

"No, actually none of them resemble the one I saw."

Whis nodded his head and the projection changed again, now it showed Gohan and Beerus nodded with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The projection was of Gohan and Videl, Videl was massaging her stomach and smiling towards Gohan.

Gohan didn't wear glasses as he did in the original super, he was also buffer and had a serious aura. He was way stronger than before and he was starting to catch up and even go beyond Goku's and Vegeta's power levels unknown to them. I took him secretly to visit Elder Kai so he could get his potential unlocked.

Beerus's gaze turned sharp as he observed Gohan more clearly and his sleepiness wore off, he flew over to the hot spring of the planet took a quick bath and wore his god of destruction clothes as he intoned to Whis:

"First we get to Earth, eat something then after that, we have to see about this new super Saiyan god... also let's check on the new Buddha guy."

Whis staff clashed against the ground as a multicolored barrier of ki encased both of them as they started to travel towards Earth.

Things were peaceful for such a long time, but they would start to get more interesting from now on.

This is the last chapter of the Z saga, from now on would be the super saga, Kold clan will get ressurected in this saga as well, just like Krillin said before we need more good guys!

Thanks to all of you who put the fanfiction in their library and send me power stones daily, I also want you to know that after I finish this fanfiction im going to make a different one concerning Zoro from One Piece, it will be similar to this one but also different regarding the main character.

I hope you will support that one as much you support me on this one.

Thanks towards my patrons:Bdogarum and Carson!

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