
I am Krillin!(Completed)

One day our protagonist was walking home from work, unfortunately for him he was met by truck-kun just a few blocks away from his house. After a talk with God he got reincarnated in the dragon ball universe with literally nothing else besides his scattered knowledge about the anime/manga. I do not own the cover picture. my patreon support me if you can :) https://www.patreon.com/KaiokenGuy Daily chapters! Patreon donations increase the number of daily chapters based on the donation.

KaiokenGuy · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Fodder movie villains and secret fun?(Edited)

The ship was extremely fast as it made its way towards the super dragon ball, the galaxy outside was beautiful, stars were shining everywhere and planets could be seen fastly disappearing and appearing as the ship made its way within the cold space.

After a few hours of traveling I finally arrived at the super dragon ball's location, it looked like a dead planet, it just was covered by a layer of space dust. I looked towards it and I suddenly realized that I wasn't strong enough to get it, it was too big, I also remembered I couldn't use it as well, it required the language of the gods or something just like Nameks dragon balls required namekian language.

I sighed, I couldn't gather all of them anyway, I didn't know how to breach the barrier between universes and I'm not sure if Champa or Vados would notice if I entered Universe six either, the super dragon balls could be collected later, I wasn't in a rush to wish on them anyway, I already had everything that I wanted and more.

I decided to let the ship wander among the galaxy while I trained under the high gravity combined with my gravity field and weighted clothes, my power was increasing every day, I didn't forget to continue training my techniques and their combinations, All of my current power multiplying techniques were:

Kaioken up to fifty times multiplier, Benevolent Buddha stand ten times increase in its weakest form fifteen times at its strongest, Super mode sixty-four times increase, full power technique one point five increase, Godspeed two times increase, I also learned some foreign alien techniques but I didn't have the required physique to use them, while the strongest couldn't even rival my Buddha technique.

The combination of my techniques brought a qualitative change towards me, so I didn't need to learn any more than these, I didn't care about most of the techniques but some could be used by my friends on earth, there was a special Saiyan technique that Goku could use before he learned to go super Saiyan, the fake moon technique, there was also a mantra which could help him learn to control himself in the form.

There was a technique for Tiens three-eyed race as well, it was a five times increase in power level, unfortunately, besides the Kaioken the humans couldn't learn other techniques, while the Kaioken wouldn't be pushed beyond twenty times in their hands as that was the limit of a normal body, Saiyan or not.

I could combine some techniques like the Kaioken and the full power technique, Kaioken, and Godspeed, etc I could even combine the Kaioken full-power technique and Godspeed all together but more than that and my body would give out unable to handle the stress, and I'm not talking about normal Kaioken I'm talking about it at fifty times it's maximum. It would take me a while but I could combine all of them with the Benevolent Buddha stand as well, it might take whole tens of years before I fused every technique into the Supreme mode though. But there was no need for such an overpowered mode till Beerus came.

Speaking of Beerus, I hope my constant use of the dragon balls didn't hurt the balance of the universe, while it was unlikely what Porguna told me put me on thoughts hopefully he will sleep the same amount of time so I could prepare myself thoroughly.

As my spaceship wandered around space my communicator suddenly started to beep, it was an emergency signal from a nearby planet. On the screen appeared a bug humanoid with big flies eyes, he looked at me with a what I could only interpret as an imploring gaze as he started to talk in common tongue:

"Oh please help our planet traveler we are besieged by a bunch of space mercenaries and they want to suck our planet resources dry, quite literally they have a type of tree that sucks the energy of the planet."

His explanation was cut short as two blue midgets appeared before him and snapped his neck they had huge bulbous heads and they destroyed their communicator.

The midgets were kind of foreign to me, I wasn't sure of who they were I didn't care either.

I could use Instant transmission relatively well now and the spaceship wasn't truly needed for me to breathe in space, my body could adapt to outer space due to it's healing factor and ki strengthening making me able to easily hold out on the void.

My body would automatically conserve oxygen that it would reuse every time I was in an unhospitable environment I could also use ki to make a barrier around me which would extend the time I could stay in outer space. I also didn't need as much oxygen as normal humans to survive after the exposure to space, in time just like Frieza I would not need oxygen to survive in space at all.

I got out of the spaceship and put it in its capsule mode, I put into my chest pocket and put two fingers on my forehead and started concentrating, the planet the signal came from was nearby and I could sense the power levels there, The highest was at twenty-three thousand, while the other's were lower below ten thousand.

I immediately used a special magic technique to make myself invisible and teleported towards the highest power level.

Surprisingly it was a Saiyan who looked just like Goku hairstyle face and all, he was standing on a giant tree which was endlessly growing into the red sky, the earth below was cracked buildings stood in ruin.

Bug people everywhere dead, some of his subordinates were even eating the body's and chuckling saying that it tasted like space chicken.

From their words I heard that the name of the Saiyan was Turles, I didn't know if he was one of Goku's relatives or not but I didn't care about that, Goku wouldn't care about him since he was evil.

I immediately appeared behind him and thrust a ki blade straightly in his heart and bifurcated him in two, the cronies were immediately scared shitless but I obliterated all of them with mini lightning infused Kamehameha.

They were all weaklings, unfortunately for the planet, I came too late, it couldn't be saved it was thoroughly drained of its core's energy and it would die soon, it also seemed that most if not all of the bug people were exterminated, it was a pity since I came too late but nothing could be done.

I observed the tree and saw how it used it's roots to drain energy from the depleted core of the planet. suddenly a fruit appeared on its branch, it was extremely big and it looked quite juicy. I think I shouldn't waste it since the planet was doomed anyway.

I grabbed the fruit and took a big bite out of it and finished it in one gulp. I could feel endless energy explode inside my body as my power level jumped to one million and five hundred thousand, this was the combination of the fruit and my prior training for almost six months. There was still half a year before the next Budokai Tenkaichi tournament will start so I still had quite a lot of time to adventure myself in the galaxy. There would also be four years after that to adventure even more before Raditz came to earth.

The planet was on its last legs, I didn't like the tree as it was feasting on planets life energy, even though I ate its fruit I wouldn't use it for myself, If I destroyed planets willy nilly Beerus would go bonkers, Frieza could destroy planets from time to time because he got the OK from Beerus, from planet Vegeta till Namek Frieza never destroyed planets with high life force. Planets with high life force increased the universes mortal level.

And the best nourishment for this tree were planets with high life force, thus if Beerus ever found it he would destroy it with whoever used it.

I got out of the planet's stratosphere and made my way out of to the starry field of space, I clenched my hands and put them around my body my palms facing upwards, with all of the techniques of the universe learned, I knew the Galic Gun, Vegeta's attack so I used it to exterminate this dead planet since it was useless to let it remain here anyway, there was a zero chance for it to make a comeback since the core of the planet was destroyed, destroying the planet would destroy the tree as well, two problems solved in one shot.

I charged the ki into my palms as a purple aura started to gather around me and I shot it directly into the core of the planet it was already drained so it exploded and everything from the planet became space dust. I already scanned the planet thoroughly before I made this decision, the space pirates were bloodthirsty and had Scouters so they killed truly everyone leaving no survivors.

The universe was cruel where the strong reigned supreme, as the Kold clan was the strongest they pretty much controlled the whole universe. There was the galactic patrol but they were a bunch of weaklings who could only go after second-hand villains. They didn't even have a force as strong as the Ginyu force.

I popped the ship out of its capsule form and continued my wandering around the universe while training.

As the ship wandered and I trained time was just flying, with the infinite food I had in the ship there were no problems for me, loneliness wasn't even a concept I grasped anymore as my mind and soul attained a strength that not many people would have, I could control my emotions perfectly and I attained a perfect martial mind-enhancing my training speed, by the time the Budokai Tenkaichi came I already reached a power level of two million and one hundred thousand.

The higher the power level the faster it increased, well if you didn't encounter a bottleneck, but with my body having its unlimited healing and my mind being extremely strong there was no such thing as limits for me, I could train and train and my power level will increase continuously. I didn't have a limit or a wall yet like Goku would have in the future, the wall which he would break in super to attain Ultra instinct.

I was passing by a nearby planet when I got out of the ship and I was ready to use Instant transmission to go back to earth but I suddenly noticed that the planet was encased in ice and its vitality was slowly getting lower and lower.

This wasn't a naturally icy planet so I decided to explore it before I got back to earth, Goku was already extremely strong by now if my sensing of his power level was true, he breached two thousand becoming the strongest on earth.

I flew towards the planet and approached one of its more populated cities, chaos was everywhere as armored grunts used their hand blasters to devastate the city, a giant ship was releasing a beam that was draining the planet of its warmth.

I vaporized all of the grunts and took a better look around, the inhabitants of the planet we're looking like humans but they had pink skin and pointy ears like elves, they were also tended to look more handsome. They were all hiding around behind rubble that the grunts created. They started cheering when they saw me kill all of the grunts in one swift move.

I smiled towards them and charged a Big bang attack another Vegeta technique, it wasn't hard to learn it, after learning so many techniques it was easy to copy every technique of the main cast and villains.

The Big bang attack struck the ship squarely and exploded nothing remained out of it, I could swear I heard an old voice cough a curse out of it before it thoroughly exploded well whatever I guess? the villain was old and with one foot in the grave, I just put him in the grave completely.

The cheering of the inhabitants continued for a long while after the space ships explosion, out of the rubble came a beautiful woman with red hair and the characteristics of the race, she had an angular face and a small nose, she was quite a beauty if I said so myself.

She bowed towards me and her voluptuous chest bounced I averted my eyes but I still snuck a peek before she got up.

She started to speak in a soft tone of voice as she blushed:

"I'm the daughter of the leader of this planet and I thank the great warrior from saving us from the evil lord Slugs clutches, he has been draining our planet of vitality with his cold technology for years, if this continued for a few more years the planet would have lost all its of vitality and it would become uninhabitable."

I nodded towards her explanation as a burly middle-aged man with handsome features also came out of the rubble and said in a modest tone of voice while also bowing towards me:

"I'm the leader of this planet great warrior before you leave I would like you to join us for a special feast our race hold's for great heroes and warriors like yourself."

There was still a day or so before the tournament started so I decided to indulge in this guy's wishes. when I nodded towards him he started to smile, while he nudged his daughter she started blushing furiously, she was already red so her skin started to take a hint of blue.

I flew down and landed the middle-aged man introduced himself and his daughter:

"My name is Mu Tart, and my daughter is called Mu Sarka, we hail from the guardian family of the planet, as guardians we are also their leaders."

I nodded my head towards his explanation and asked him:

"What was the deal with that Slug guy?"

His gaze became frosty at the mention of the name Slug and he answered:

"He started to terrorize us some years ago as he heard our race has a fountain that restores the youth of a person for a certain amount of years, he wanted to take it all for himself, when we refused and didn't tell him the location he started to attack and terrorize us, he told us that he will destroy the planet slowly and make his grunts and warriors destroy our city's till we collapsed and gave in to his demands."

"If it wasn't for you great warrior we might have gave in right now as we couldn't handle this anymore if I'm not rude could great warrior tell me his name?"

I responded casually:

"Name's Krillin."

He nodded his head at me like a chicken pecking rice as he guided me towards one of the more intact and grander buildings, somehow food was already prepared as if a banquet table was prepared before they even knew I would come.

He insisted on me taking the head chair as he would be on my right and his daughter on my left.

She just continually blushed during the feast, there were also some other people invited at the feast, I could already hear outside the sound of machinery it seemed they were ready to fix their cities and reconstruct.

After the feast, Mu Tart insisted for me to take a night off and sleep at the residential room I decided to humor him I could instantly teleport towards earth whenever I wanted some hour of normal sleep instead of meditating would be relaxing even though I didn't need it physically or mentally.

I stood on the bed as the door of the room suddenly opened, Mu Sarka gently entered the room wearing nothing but a little bikini her fair red skin showing almost everything, her voluptuous chest couldn't be hidden at all by the small cloth.

I widened my eyes as she made her way towards my bed, she was blushing extremely hard as her face was all but blue, I could sense her father waiting outside the door, I used my telekinesis to close and lock the door. When Mu Tart saw this he immediately left.

After a night of fun, I put on my clothes and checked that everything was where it was supposed to be. It was my first sexual experience in this life and I could say that it was pretty enjoyable, Sarka was a virgin as well and she didn't have any experience but it felt good enough.

She was sleeping on the bed the sheets covering her fair body, I made sure to not impregnate her, I didn't want any children yet, I wasn't sure if Maron would even come into being, maybe if eighteen would ask for a child, I didn't like children much.

She suddenly woke up and looked towards me she was sure that I was going to leave as I was already dressed, she smiled towards me and said:

"It was a fun night hero Krillin, I don't mind that you will leave, our race has a very open mind concept about our bodily needs, you don't need to take responsibility if anything happens, I was pretty shy cause it was my first time, and my father insisted saying that it would give us a good relationship in the future."

I nodded my head towards her and said:

"Whenever you would be in trouble you can call me on this number." I handed her my spaceship communicator number and I prepared myself to leave. She was pretty cute but I didn't look for a long-standing relationship yet. It was just a little bit of fun between two consenting adults nothing more.

I put two fingers on my forehead and concentrated, it was time for the last tournament before Dragon Ball Z started.

I would enjoy watching the fight between Piccolo and Goku, there was no reason for me to join as I was already too strong for them. And I didn't need the money prize either I could just give some ideas to Bulma and patent them, like the scouter and patent it as my idea, getting at least fifty percent of the profit maybe sixty-five percent, With my mind, I could already understand quite a bit of how this futuristic technology worked.

I disappeared out of the bedroom and appeared on earth on Papayas Island, it seems I was early as not everyone was here.

The dragon ball saga is almost done :) we are moving into dragon ball z and I read quite a bit of comments on how krillin should have some fun before he gets to eighteen, I don't know how to write lemons so I leave the scenes to your imagination.

Anyways point out mistakes so i can fix them tell me your thoughts in the comments review and etc you know the drill

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