
I am Krillin!(Completed)

One day our protagonist was walking home from work, unfortunately for him he was met by truck-kun just a few blocks away from his house. After a talk with God he got reincarnated in the dragon ball universe with literally nothing else besides his scattered knowledge about the anime/manga. I do not own the cover picture. my patreon support me if you can :) https://www.patreon.com/KaiokenGuy Daily chapters! Patreon donations increase the number of daily chapters based on the donation.

KaiokenGuy · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Finding the other half and kindred spirits(Edited)

I stopped my training and checked my power level it increased towards three billion five hundred million. I could also enter the Supreme Boddhasivata mode at will now, the power level increase was maxed at one hundred and twenty-five for my Benevolent Buddha stand due to me reaching the maximum capability of the mantra's first half. I thoroughly mastered it so now there was nothing else I could increase my sacred ki purity with.

I walked outside of my training room and took a deep breath, taking in the purified air from Earth that was laced with ki, the average power level of the earthlings increased up to two to three thousand. My student's power level breached one hundred thousand and Goku's power level reached six hundred million in his base by now. He might have even learned super Saiyan three by now.

Vegeta's power level increased towards five hundred million while Nappa's and Raditz's power level remained at three hundred and fifty million, it seemed they stopped training as they were concerned with other things. The human Z Fighter's started to catch up with the Saiyans the strongest one being Tien at three hundred and ten million, Yamcha reached two hundred and eighty million while Roshi reached three hundred million as well. Chiaotzu reached a power level of one hundred million as well.

Piccolo's power level was the most impressive reaching five hundred million just like Vegeta's.

Marron and Ryu immediately hopped towards me, they both grew now from little toddlers to young kids, Marron was eight years old while Ryu was seven and a half. By now Trunks should be Ten or eleven while Goten would be nine or ten.

It seemed quite a bit of time had gone by. I embraced them both and checked their ki, their power levels already reached one million each, it seemed Ryu was more talented than Marron, he also unlocked his dots, but his were lower in number than mine, he only had four.

I played with them for a bit and met with Lazuli and Jeica afterward. After some fun, It was time to adventure in the universe to get the latter half of the Buddha scripture.

My first destination was the desert planet where I found the first half of the scripture. But when I teleported towards the planet's coordinates and searched it I couldn't find the statue engraved with the words again. I searched everywhere but the statue disappeared for some reason.

I scratched my head as the sunlight reflected from it, the reflection started to shine on a patch of sand on the ground, there some words were hidden which read:

"Only those fated can get the second half, follow the twin universe for the latter part."

Follow the twin universe for the latter part? So the next part of the scripture wasn't even in-universe seven!

I had to go to universe six since Whis would come from time to time to try new food, I could use his help in this regard.

I teleported back to Earth and waited, Whis was supposed to come in the next few days to try a new dish after he ate his fill I would ask him to take me to universe six.

Whis came after a few days and ate some new dishes he didn't try before, his eyes were glittering as he was eating the food with his chopsticks. After he finished I approached him, he looked at me with a smile and said:

"What would you require of me Krillin-san?"

I chuckled awkwardly, this angel could see trough me in an instant, after all, he was way stronger than Beerus and wiser too.

I told him directly:

"There's something in our twin universe which I require to get to become stronger, I was wondering if you could take me there?"

Whis put a finger under his chin as if pondering my request before he nodded his head and answered:

"It's quite easy for me to do this, but if Lord Champa doesn't want to let you explore his universe I won't interfere, take this as me repaying you for all the food I ate up till now."

He took his staff and told me to put a hand on his shoulder.

I put a hand on his shoulder as he knocked his staff on the ground, multicolored energy encased both of us as we started to travel at extremely fast speeds in the universe.

Whis turned to look back at me and said:

"To go between universes will take me a while, at earliest one hour and most two hours, just wait and meditate or something, also make sure to not take your hand off my shoulder."

I nodded my head at his words and just waited, two hours wasn't much time at all, it could go by in the blink of an eye.

Whis was humming a little song as we continued to fly at un inestimable amount of speed in theoretic terms, stars would appear and disappear in the blink of an eye. After two hours we were finally in-universe six.

A female looking version of Whis appeared, her clothes resembled Whis's but they were green instead of red.

She chuckled and said:

"What's the occasion you visit my humble universe brother?"

Whis smiled and said:

"Vados it's been a while, is Lord Champa awake?"

Vados shook her head then took a look at me and said:

"Oh, what's this? this guy gives off familiar ki, it's just like that fatty's from some millions of years ago, what's up with him Whis?"

Whis said nonchalantly:

"He is here for the other half of that person's inheritance."

Vados nodded her head at Whis and said:

"You are in luck since Lord Champa is asleep and I still owe Whis a favour I can just say I saw nothing."

She just disappeared afterward, Whis gave me a blue orb and said:

"Break this orb when you want to leave the universe, I will come and take you back."

He took his leave and disappeared in the multicolored ki.

I started to use my sacred ki in an attempt to try and see if there was someone who could respond to the ki, or if the inheritance would appear if it sensed the ki by itself.

I started to fly around in the galaxies of universe six, my golden aura encased me as I tried to find the latter half of the mantra.

It took me months and I visited many planets till I got a response, it was a pulse of sacred ki coming from a nearby jungle-ish planet.

I immediately flew towards the planet and approached the sacred ki radiance, after a few minutes I met with a man who stood upon a pole on one leg the other crossed on his knee meditating, his chest was bare which had a black tattoo on it and he had some black training pants, his fists were both wrapped in bandages and he was blindfolded with a red piece of cloth, his hair was tied with the same type of cloth into a very long ponytail.

His mouth opened as he said in a deep and low voice:

"Ah, a fellow disciple.. welcome!"

He jumped down from the pole and cupped his fists at me, I mirrored his actions and asked:

"Fellow disciple, my name is Krillin, are you the one who has the other half of the mantra?"

The fellow chuckled and said:

"Well met Krillin my name is Lee Sin, and yes I do have the other part of the inheritance, you might not know as our master is truly irresponsible on how he handled his inheritance, but the inheritance was supposed to be whole, oh whatever, there are two universes which both have a lack a Buddha position, that old fatty gave up on the position cause he couldn't be in two universes at once."

He continued in his deep and low voice:

"But with the two us the position can be fulfilled in both universes, I cannot teach you the mantra directly though, you have to go under the same test that I had to get it, unfortunately for me I was young and rash and the test took away my sight from me, hopefully, it won't damage you as it did me."

I could sense Lee's power level, it was almost the same as mine, with the other part of the inheritance he should have something similar to my Benevolent Buddha stand. He didn't ask me for the other part of the inheritance... maybe he is the reason the inheritance disappeared from the desert planet.

He guided me towards a dark cave and said:

"Here's how things will go, you enter the cave which is a different dimension where the guardian of the cave will give you a test, good luck!"

I entered the cave and darkness surrounded me immediately, I couldn't see or feel anything, out of the darkness two voice sounded at the same time:

"Little lamb. another one came, is he prey?" This one was masculine gruff and deep.

"Dear wolf he came for that person's inheritance, can't you sense the aura he exudes?" This voice was feminine and calm.

The gruff and masculine voice continued:

"Whatever, the test is your domain, I got excited about nothing."

Out of the darkness, I could see the shadow of a dark wolf's head, it had a line that leaned to the right on his masked face.

Out of the darkness came a masked humanoid lamb she had the other half of the symbol on her mask. Both of these being's eyes glowed a deep blue, their pupilless eyes could see trough my whole self.

Lamb looked at me and said:

"The test is simple, defeat me."

She took a bow out of nowhere and nocked some white arrows on it, Wolf started to pace around seemingly wanting to take a bite out of me, but Lamb admonished him:

"Wolf! this is not our domain you can't join."

Wolf growled and after that remained silent. I couldn't feel any amount of ki from Lamb's body she either had godly ki or didn't use ki at all. I transformed directly into my Supreme Bodhasivata mode. All my aura adhered to my skin giving it a little golden glow and all of my dots fused creating a now visible lotus flower on my forehead.

Lamb nodded her masked head at me and said:

"This is the first half of the inheritance, you have trained fully in it very good."

She nocked an arrow and shoot it directly towards my eyes. I knew how Lee became blind now. I grabbed the arrow and redirected it back at her, she dodged easily and started shooting arrows at me like a machine gun while moving quickly around like an experienced hunter trying to close in its prey.

I dodged the arrows I couldn't grab and tried to get close to her, she chuckled under her mask and continued to run around, she was extremely fast and her arrows were deadly, but if I could get near her I could defeat her easily. It seemed she was a long-range fighter.

Making use of her not knowing my abilities fully I used the afterimage technique to get nearer to her and charged a death beam on my finger. She leaned her head to the left and dodged the beam.

She nocked another arrow on her bow and shot it directly to my forehead, I created a ki barrier to stop the arrow which was too fast to intercept but it pierced trough!

It was ready to pierce directly through the middle of the lotus flower on my head but I shouted and a beam of ki discharged from the lotus flower directly obliterating the arrow.

I used instant transmission to directly appear behind her and I driven a ki sword directly trough her abdomen, she started laughing and said:

"Good job, you are way better than the last fellow who got here and got blinded on his first attempt."

She dispersed into white mist and appeared near Wolf, she took an ancient-looking tome from Wolf's mouth.

Wolf grumbled and said:

"If we didn't lose to that old fatty and his bet we wouldn't have to appear here every time someone enters, we are not guard dogs!"

Lamb nodded her head and said:

"A bet is a bet, now Wolf let's go our job is done, two mantras were imparted as per the old guy's instructions our debt is finally finished."

Wolf's tongue got out of his mouth as he howled and said:

"Finally no more interruptions in the hunt!"

They both disappeared in clouds of mist one white and one black.

I opened the ancient book as Buddhist characters appeared and entered my forehead, the lotus flower started to transform into a dragon tattoo with a crystal in the place where its eyes were supposed to be.

My skin started to turn golden as my sacred ki purity increased to fifty-one percent but stopped suddenly, the transformation reverted to its normal looks and the power increased just by a bit due to the one percent purity increase.

I got ejected out of the cave and met with lee outside, his skin was golden and his tattoos were glowing, his blindfold was off and his two eyes glowed goldenly he smiled towards me and said:

"While you were in there I got the hang of the first part, the combination is what master liked to call his Buddha God mode. You can call it whatever you want though."

His power level was off the charts as he suddenly charged towards me, I transformed back up again and started to fight him, during the fight my transformation from before started to flicker in appearance as we clashed, but it never appeared completely. Our power levels were equal, he didn't have something similar to my Benevolent Buddha stand, he only now unlocked the technique from comprehending the first part of the mantra. His ki purity was the same as mine at fifty-one percent.

The transformation came from the second part of the mantra, he learned it first so he got to it faster than me, after a while of fighting back and forth we disengaged and reverted.

He smiled to me, both his eyes were scarred as he put his blindfold back on, it seemed his regain of vision was temporary.

He laughed and said:

"It took you some time to finish the test, it was way faster than me though, three months and half pretty good record."

By now Majin Buu should have come to Earth right? I cupped my fist towards Lee and took my leave.

I got back to where Whis left me and destroyed the blue orb he left me, after a while, the multicolored ki appeared and we both disappeared again with it.

Whis looked at me and said:

"Congratulations Krillin-san a bit more training and you will truly reach the realm of the gods."

I nodded to him and said:

"Thank you Whis-san."

He put a hand to his mouth as he laughed and continued:

"Anyways I can tell you that I felt some kind of strange power appear on Earth if I'm not mistaken it should be that ancient guy Majin Buu, he is even a bit older than Lord Beerus. Fortunately, with the powerhouses, you have on Earth he can be easily defeated."

It seemed Majin Buu appeared on Earth but wasn't unsealed yet. That was good I could watch from the sidelines and interfere if anything happened.

After another two hours and a half I got back to Earth just in time, I could feel lots of auras gather on Papaya Island.

It was time for another Budokai Tenkaichi tournament!

Hello and daily chapter! I added Lee Sin and kindred from LoL in this chapter, he got his Bodashivata mode right now which he can't use at will, it would be comparable to let's say SSJ blue + kaioken x20 when mastered fully. I will give him something comparable to ultra instinct but more Buddhist like.

Anyways point out mistakes so I can fix them.

Thanks to my patrons:Bdogarum and Carson!

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