
I am Krillin!(Completed)

One day our protagonist was walking home from work, unfortunately for him he was met by truck-kun just a few blocks away from his house. After a talk with God he got reincarnated in the dragon ball universe with literally nothing else besides his scattered knowledge about the anime/manga. I do not own the cover picture. my patreon support me if you can :) https://www.patreon.com/KaiokenGuy Daily chapters! Patreon donations increase the number of daily chapters based on the donation.

KaiokenGuy · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Buu and Janemba(Edited)

The yellow fat blob with holes in around his chest and stomach area was jumping up and down at me and continuously said:

"Janemba Janemba"

He was just like a pokemon who could only say his name, I could feel the sin starting to strengthen him and his power level was still increasing at fast speeds. I couldn't use any fatal technique on him though, just like with Rhaast the sin took an innocent as a host to manifest itself in a demonic form. I'm not sure why it took this form, however...

The best way to purify the sin and not hurt the demon inside would be to use the spirit bomb, I started to gather energy in my palm but Janemba didn't want that. He jumped towards me with his giant fat body trying to tackle me down, I had to use the after-image technique to flash around while I kept one hand up to gather the energy, I mixed it with some of my sacred ki and it started to take a rainbow quality.

Janemba attacked me again but I clenched my hand with the mini spirit bomb inside making it even smaller, I used instant transmission to appear directly near him and drove my sacred ki infused spirit bomb directly into his stomach.

He immediately started to cry as steam started to blow out of his holes, he spits out a demon with headphones and punk clothes. I grabbed the demon and teleported him a safe distance away with some other warden demons.

Before he could thank me I teleported back to Janemba, it seemed things weren't done yet!

The fat yellow blob started to shrink and became human-sized, he gained a yellow eye sclera, upper armor color being dull-purple and his skin tone and tail are bright red. He also gains two dull-purple curved horns on his head while gaining dull-purple wristlets, pelvic armor, and ankle supports.

He immediately started to shout something which I couldn't understand and he grabbed a purple handle out of air. This was spatial manipulation!

The sword was long and the base of it was red while the handle was a deep purple, he started to laugh at me showing his long canines. He started to flicker out of existence like a lagging Windows XP folder. It was just like a glitched game.

I couldn't sense him anymore! He appeared in front of me ready to drive his sword through my chest, I dodged it instinctively and shot a ki blast towards his face. He immediately used his spatial powers again to disappear, I waited patiently trying to guess where else he would come from and made a plan on how to counter his ability.

Back on Earth Fat Buu looked at Babidi like a child would look at a toy, Babidi immediately tried to use his mind control magic, unknowingly to him it did not affect. Babidi started to talk:

"Buu attack these guys!"

Buu replied with a childish voice:

"Are they strong?"

Babidi looked flustered at the question, shouldn't his mind control give him complete control of Buu? what changed? He didn't know that the mind control he prided himself in, got his father killed and that's why Buu was sealed in the first place, well that and the Supreme Kai's sacrifice.

Buu's smile immediately widened as he looked at the Z Fighters and said:

"You guys play with Buu okay? If you aren't great at playing you become candy!"

The human Z fighters immediately used all of their techniques while the Saiyans turned super Saiyan two directly. Buu said:

"Iney miney miney mo, I choose you!"

He pointed towards Gohan and launched himself directly to him, Vegeta Goku and the others tried to interfere but Buu pushed them back with his gummy body and steam started to get out of his head:

"Not fair not fair, you all fight Buu by ganging on Buu, NOT FAIR!"

He started to flicker as he multiplied, his power level very little reduced and started to laugh:

"Better now better now, Buu can play better."

Cell was watching from the distance eyeing the pink creature with weariness, his power level in base now was one billion and he fully mastered the Kaioken and his stand to perfection, behind him appeared the original's Cell perfect form, his power level increased by fifty times. He was ready to swoop in and save the human Z Fighters if anything happened. I ordered him to.

Goku and Vegeta clashed with the clones but they were overpowered, Gohan couldn't do much if even Goku and Vegeta were getting their ass beaten, the human Z fighters were at an even higher disadvantage, Buu was getting bored, he immediately pointed the protrusion from his head at Yamcha and said:

'You boring, become candy now bye-bye!"

Yamcha growled as he fused the stand with his body, fur started to appear on him as he transformed into a werewolf, he dodged the candy beam and charged a spirit ball towards Buu, Buu just ate the spirit ball and said:

"Not sweet enough!"

He punted Yamcha in the face with an enlarged fist and knocked him out, other Buu clones fought with the others human Z Fighters, while the Buu clone was fooling around about his victory, Cell appeared out of nowhere and driven a fully charged special beam cannon trough his chest. He took Yamcha from the ground and flashed away. Buu was angry as more steam was going out of the holes of his head and he started to screech:

"You guys not fun, Buu angry and hungry!"

Seeing he couldn't defeat them in the short run he pointed his head appendage at Babidi, Babidi started to sweatdrop as he said with a shaky voice:

"Uh, Buu what are you doing, I'm your master you can't!"

Buu just said:

"Buu HUNGRY!" and he transformed Babidi into a Gingerman and ate him, Buu patted his belly and recalled all his clones, He looked annoyed and he said with a no so cheery voice anymore:

"Buu bored of you if you not stronger Buu makes you all candy now."

All of the remaining fighters grimaced, Cell knew that if things came to worst he should help them escape and teach them the fusion dance so they can win. Goku and Vegeta grinned as they started to shout both transformings in a super Saiyan three at the same time.

Buu looked curiously at the both of them nodding his head as he felt their power, They both charged at him at the same time and Goku hit him in the face and Vegeta in the stomach, afterward, Goku flashed above Buu and grabbed him by his appendage and threw him upwards into the sky, Vegeta was already charging his final flash and shot it at Buu when he was thrown upwards.

Buu became pieces of gum that started to rain from the sky, Goku and Vegeta reverted to their normal forms and sighed. A laugh could be heard from every individual piece of gum as they stuck back together.

"Hahahahah you guys fun, Buu can play with you guys a lot!"

Chiaotzu took two senzu beans from his hat and threw them at Goku and Vegeta, Goku and Vegeta looked at each other with serious eyes, they knew they couldn't destroy Buu thoroughly at their level, they needed to master super Saiyan three for that to happen, they could delay him and fight to a standstill even blow him up, but they could not blow every piece of him up.

They both ate the senzu beans and they didn't know what to do, suddenly Cell appeared near them and told everyone:

"Guy's follow me, I have a way to defeat him, unfortunately, we have to let him free for some time."

Buu looked at Cell with wonder in his eyes not being sure what he was and asked:

"Buu wants to play with you too, can you play?"

Cell responded to Buu:

"I can get you a stronger partner to play with but you have to wait can you do that?"

Buu put a hand under his chin and thought hard and responded after a few seconds:

"Is he stronger than these two?" He pointed towards Goku and Vegeta, Cell nodded his head and responded to his question:

"Wayyyyy stronger!"

Buu smiled again very wide his teeth were showing:

"Buu can wait, but Buu needs to eat too, if you guy's don't give Buu food, Buu can get himself!" He was ready to fly away and make people into candy. Gohan immediately stopped him by appearing in front of him and said:

"We have plenty of food and a place where you can wait, please don't go!"

Buu nodded his head at Gohan and said:

"Well, Buu will follow if you have good food!"

Gohan's back was drenched with sweat, he knew he was no match for the pink blob. He needed everyone to make food for Buu so things would work well. Cell took Buu to the lookout with everyone else, while Gohan invited his mother, Videl, and Hercule to help with the food, they also had Bulma get some cooks and patissiers so they can make Buu food and sweets. Both Hercule and Videl were good at cooking due to them working at their restaurant for most of their life, of course, Hercule quitted in the other half to follow his dream as a martial artist but Videl still helped from time to time. And Gohan thought her food was heavenly.

Hercule and Videl flew at high speeds towards the lookout, Hercule had a tiny dog in his hand which Videl was observing and she said:

"Dad what's with the dog, don't we have to feed that Majin Buu?"

The dog looked pretty bad his left hind leg was injured, Hercule answered his daughter with an awkward laugh:

"Well I saw this little guy and I couldn't abandon him, master's friends have these green beans which can heal you fast I wanted one so the dog could get healed." Videl looked at her father and nodded her head, Hercule was a good guy even if his appearance didn't show it.

They both arrived at the lookout and Majin Buu was playing around when he saw the dog and Hercule and said:

"A doggy, funny hair man can Buu play with doggy?"

Hercule looked around but Cell was teaching the Z Fighter's the fusion dance so they didn't have time to entertain Buu, Hercule thought that the guy didn't look that evil so he gave him the dog, the dog started to lick Buu's face, as Buu observed the dog he saw that it's injured and he said:

"You feel bad? Buu makes you feel better!"

He healed the dog with his ki and the dog immediately started to run around and bark, Buu started to follow him and play around. Hercule afterward immediately started to cook with the help of Videl. Buu started to salivate at the aromas that were assaulting his nostrils. Buu immediately sat down with the puppy in his lap and waited for the food.

Kami was watching from inside the lookout and sighed to himself, Piccolo was with him and asked Kami:

"What's up old man why are you sighing?"

Kami responded:

"This guy Majin Buu, he is innocent, but there's a deep evil hidden inside of him, we don't have to kill him, I can feel that he also has some bits of sacred ki hidden in him, maybe there's something hidden about him?"

Piccolo looked at Kami with a questioning gaze and asked:

"Old man how would you even separate the evil from him, it's impossible unless he does it himself as you did."

Kami nodded his head and said:

"Maybe we could convince him with food, it looks like he enjoys it a lot from what I see."

And enjoying it he was, he was engulfing food like a tornado not stopping at all, whenever a plate with food was shown it would be engulfed by his mouth, plate included. Hercule the cooks and Videl sweatdropped.

Popo was looking at Majin Buu from a corner with a glint in his eyes and muttered to himself:

"Such a pure evil inside this guy... I could use it." Then he shook his head and sighed:

"Too bad that noseless freak exists, I can't do anything to him what a freak in maggot."

Vegeta was red in the face, he was trying to learn the fusion dance but he didn't like the idea of fusing with Kakarot or anyone else, he wanted to go into the chamber and try to master super Saiyan three, Goku was of the same idea as Vegeta, but Mr. Popo barred them the entrance for some reason.

While they trained back in hell, I was fighting Janemba with all I got, from time to time I would hit an empty space just to hit Janemba in his face, I started to guess where Janemba would come out of space, it was just like how Goku guessed where Hit would try to attack him during the time he skipped. It was, of course, way easier than what Goku did. It didn't take me much time to start to be able to hit him more and more.

Janemba started to screech hysterically as he put a finger forward and drew it in the air making shards of ki that looked like needles fly at me. I mimicked his technique and the shards collided in mid-air destroying each other.

This fight had gone long enough, I learned quite a few things from Janemba, and by observing his space manipulation I learned how to do it as well. For now, it was time for the personification of sin to be purified.

I turned on my Supreme Bodhasivata mode as the dots on my forehead morphed into a dragon with crystals where its eyes are supposed to be, the dragon's crystal eyes started to shine as my power increased to the realm of gods. At fifty-two percent ki purity, I'm pretty sure I hit levels of power comparable to super Saiyan god Goku or even a bit higher than him, this amount of power couldn't be counted in numbers anymore.

Janemba screeched and tried to run away using his space manipulation, unfortunately for him, it was too late, I appeared near him before he could truly dissipate into space and threw a right hook infused with sacred ki towards his disappearing stomach, it transformed into dust then into purified sin which flew back into the machine, the machine started to roar to life as I thoroughly destroyed Janemba and all of the sin purified itself. I closed the hole into the machine with my magic ki and materialization.

The pipes of the machine we're going directly upwards into the yellow clouds, and even higher into heaven.

inside heaven we could observe Dabura, but he was different now he looked like a pious and pure follower, he was walking along a big patch of flowers and smelling them, nearby there were the pipes of the machine that was purifying sins in hell.

Out of the pipes, the form of Janemba appeared but he was different, he took an even more humanoid form and his skin was a normal white instead, the only thing that would link him to the old Janemba was his headpiece and the sword he held in his hand. He bowed towards Dabura and said in a clear voice:

"Ah Dabura, it seems you have gone to heaven as well?"

Dabura nodded and continued to smell the flowers and enjoy life in heaven, he looked like hell didn't exist for him anymore.

I teleported back to Earth and felt all the powers on the lookout so I teleported back there, Shin was also there watching as the others trained in the fusion technique, he was expectant of how they would defeat Majin Buu.

He immediately got a message from King Kai nodded towards me and said:

"It seems you did your job perfectly back in hell, I'm not sure what god position you got, but keep doing what you do."

I sweatdropped at the supreme kai's lack of knowledge, poor thing I must unseal the Elder Kai so he could teach this youngster some things.

After Buu ate tons of food he patted his belly and burped, he looked at the Z Fighter's as they did a strange dance and said:

"Buu can wait for even more for the strong fighter, actually Buu will just take a nap here." He started to sleep like a rock, a snot bubble coming out of his nose.

Everyone sweatdropped this guy... Cell and the others were hard at work to master the fusion dance while I was contacted by King Kai:

"Good work on the hell job my disciple! and from what I heard from Supreme Kai Shin-sama you unlocked your god ki already." he started to sniffle and said how his disciple already grew so fast. He ignored the threat of Majin Buu, seemingly trusting in me to save everyone.

After a few days of training they all perfected the fusion dance and were ready to fight, Majin Buu woke up as the snot bubble burst and he yawned.

Vegeta and Goku immediately started to dance, they did it perfectly as their power levels were lowered at the same amount they touched their fingers and a white flash appeared. I always wondered what the fusion of Vegeta and Goku would look with the fusion dance, Vegito was cool but what would come out of the fusion dance instead of the potara?

I was answered by the sound of their fused voice:

"Yoshaaa, Majin Buu, Gogeta is here be ready to get your ass kicked!"

They immediately powered up to their super Saiyan form and took a combination of Goku's and Vegeta's stance.

Majin Buu smiled at Gogeta as he felt the combined power of Goku and Vegeta. He started to power up himself as steam started to come out of holes on his head, he immediately started to change from his fat self as he became buff, his power level started to rival Gogeta's but that was only Gogeta's in his base form.

Buu started to laugh and said:

"All that food made Buu stronger, let's play!"

They both launched at each other and started the fight.

Unfortunately I don't have much to say in this author thoughts besides have a great day!

Thanks towards my patrons:Bdogarum and Carson!

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KaiokenGuycreators' thoughts