
I am Karma in COTE

Warning: R18, Smut, Dark Reincarnated as Akabane Karma.

Art07103733 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

(R18)(edited) Tool #1 acquired

Warning: R18 scenes, skip for fetuses and sensitive morals. This chapter is not for the faint hearted.

I was trying to remember a specific event in the novel that I could take advantage of. And this is one of the key points I think I could do that.

It only reminded me since the person in question is coming in the classroom.

"Hello Kushida-chan!"

"Let's go out later after school okay?"

"We'll be waiting for you!"

The girls in Class C is getting along with a student from Class D. Her name is Kushida Kikyou. With her social skills she could even make friends with students from other classes, despite being rivals. She truly mean it when she said she wants to be friends everyone in school.

"Hey Kushida. It seems you're starting to get along well with my classmates huh." I initiated the conversation.

"Yes, I really want to be friends with everyone. Regardless of class or year." She said with a cherubic smile on her face.

"Ehh really? Then can we also exchange contact information? I also wanted to be friends with Kushida."

"Of course!"

The girls in the class began whispering with each other. I was famous on the class for being the most popular. Not only was I the smartest in our year, I also had the looks that could belong in the top 5 of this school.

Wether it is by jealousy or the potential budding romance between two popular boy and girl. I could already imagine other people branding us a good match with each other. I'll leave it all to their imagination.


The next day.

My application was already forwarded to the student council president. I was called to the office to finalize my membership as a student council.

"I'm here president." I didn't even knock at the door and invited myself in.

I saw two people inside. A guy with serious look in his face wearing his glasses, and a cute adorable girl with her hair tied in a bun.

"What are you doing getting inside without permission?" The girl said clearly displeased by my attitude.

This is the student council secretary, Tachinana Akane.

"Sorry sorry. I didn't really mean to be rude. But is there really need to knock when I'm being called over? But ahh... could it be..." I looked at them with mischievous grin on my face. "Tachibana-senpai and Horikita-senpai are doing indecent things in the student council room?"

"Wh-wh-wh-wh.... What are you saying! That can't be happening alright?!" Tachibana-senpai looks utterly flustered, she looks so cute when being teased.

"Enough of that, Tachibana. This is also a bad time for jokes, Akabane." Horikita-kaichou said.

Tachibana then placed tea cups from a tray and poured green tea on our cups. I appreciated the hospitality and took a drink.

"You are the first ever student in the history of this school to ever achieve perfect scores in the written test in entrance exams. We also heard just the other day of your pop quiz an another perfect score. We of the student council welcome your application, Akabane Karma." Horikita-kaichou said.

"That goes for me too." I answered.

"Now that we're here, another first year student also wished to apply on the student council. We are still reviewing and finalizing her application. She's only second behind you in the written exams."

"Hee~ So does the student council only select people with big heads?" I asked the question.

"No. The student council president has all the power to select the members. Of course in order not to tarnish the reputation of the school, students with abilities are naturally selected. Deficient students won't be accepted." Horikita-kaichou said.

"Namely, this first year student that submitted the application will be rejected. She might have excellent grades, but there's a problem that made her unqualified." Horikita-kaichou said.

I already knew of the first year student he was talking about. She's the class representative for first year class B, Ichinose Honami.

Her dark history might be the reason why Horikita-kaichou rejected her application.

"The student council has three vacant spots. I will appoint you for the first-year-representative. Would that be acceptable?"

"Alright, I don't have any complaints really." I answered.

And with that I officially joined the Student Council.


It was already night time. I was waiting in the rooftop of the school building.

"I think it was about time for that to happen."

I took out my school issued smartphone.

"Ritsu, can you hear me?"

<<Yaaawwnnn~ What is it Karma-kun? I was just about to go bed.>>

Ritsu as an artificial intelligence doesn't really need to sleep. But after Koro-sensei tweaked on her program, she attained human-like characteristics and personality.

"Ritsu, can you help me for a bit?"

<<Okaayy~ What do you want me to do?>>

"Can you check the security cameras around the school for me? I'm looking for a student named Kushida Kikyou. Can you track her location for me using her smartphone?"

<<I will give it a try!>>

Ritsu moved and executed her command with superspeed efficiency. The screen displayed the information I wanted.

"Can you try to detect if there's any students nearby? Instead of smartphones, I want the footage of the surveillance cameras."

<<Okayy~ >>

I looked at the footage displayed on my screen. As expected, a male student will try to go after Kushida at this time of the story. He's calling on Kushida's smartphone but she wasn't answering. This is my chance.

"This will be the last Ritsu. Can you send a message to this student's smartphone using Kushida's number? Tell him that she doesn't want to talk for the time being. Make sure to make the text believable to match Kushida's personality too so he wouldn't be suspicious."

<<You're really a slave driver Karma-kun.>>

"Don't worry, I'll make it up to you. Didn't I reward you for your efforts the other day?"

<<Really? >>

"Yeah. I'll give you a tour around the school grounds even the surveillance cameras couldn't see."

<<That's a promise okay?>>

And just like that Ritsu hacked into Kushida's smartphone to send a message to the male student. From the footage in my screen, the male student seems to receive the message. It looks like he received the message. He doesn't seem to suspect anything from the message.

"Even if you're the masterpiece of White Room. You didn't have the education of the world's most dangerous assassin and greatest teacher. You're an easier assassination target compared to an Octopus that moves in Mach 20." I chuckled.

Now, the only thing I need to do is wait.

After a little while, the doors opened. Kushida showed up to the rooftop just as expected.

She walked to the center slowly dropping her bag to the ground.

"Ahhh, so annoying!"

Kushida's voice is so low, she didn't sound anything like what she did this when contact number. She was revealing her true hidden self.

"She's seriously annoying! God, how irritating. It'd be better if she just died...."

She grumbled to herself, as if chanting the words to some kind of spell or curse.

"Ugh, I hate stuck-up, snobby girls who think they're so cute. Why is she such a harpy? A rotten girl like her couldn't possibly tutor me."

"Ah, she's the worst! She's just the worst, the worst, the worst! Horikita, you're so annoying! You're so damn annoying!"

I had all this video recorded on my phone. Of course I made sure that all of her voice is recorded. I placed myself near the water tank and there is moderate distance between us, but that would be enough. I even had a voice recording device as backup if ever the audio wasn't audible. I also asked Ritsu to secure the footage from the security cameras for me to record her outburst.

My preparations is perfect. Not only I have a Plan B, but also a Plan C. That should be enough for the likes of Kushida.

"Oya oya? What's this, isn't this quite the show you're showing now. Right Kushida?" I clapped my hands in applause trying to get her attention.

After a brief silence, Kushida coldly asked, "What...are you...doing here?"

"How can I NOT be here? I received a love letter from someone asking me to go in this place, I was waiting for her. Aren't you the one who gave me this?" I showed him the envelope with a heart sticker on the stamp.

It contained cute girly decorations and the color is pink. This love letter is the first I received ever since coming to this school. Of course the confession has already happened a few days ago, so I'm really bluffing that I was waiting here for a romantic confession.

I jumped down from my position and went closer to her making sure she could read the words written behind. It says "To: Akabane Karma <3".< p>

Kushida looked straight at me, clearly she didn't care about the circumstances why I am here. I'd never seen such an intense gaze before. Sadly she wasn't trained in assassination, if she had she would be exuding her bloodlust.

"Did you hear?" she asked.

"Hmm? I wonder? Did I hear, or did I not hear?" I playfully teased her.

Kushida's gaze only intensified even further. She already know the answer to her question.

"If you tell anyone what you just heard, I won't forgive you." her words as cold as Ice.

"Hoohh? And if I did tell?" I still have he same confident smile on my face.

"In that case, I would tell everyone that you raped me." Kushida said.

"Oh really?" My smile only widened clearly showing I wasn't afraid. "That will be false charge you know?"

"That's okay. It wouldn't be false." As she spoke, Kushida grabbed my right wrist and slowly opened my hand. She pushed my palm up against her soft breast.

"Your fingerprints are on my clothes. That's evidence of my claim. I'm being serious. Understand?" She said with all seriousness on her face.

"Hoohhh you're only becoming more and more interesting Kushida." I said.

When Kushida saw that my face remained the same despite how far she went with her actions, her face shown the slightest hint of uneasiness.

"What are you... Kyaamnhhhh!"

Kushida wasn't able to quickly react. The hand that the wrist she was holding moved too quickly for the eyes to follow and unbuttoned all of Kushida's uniform, it showed her underwear.

"If you're going to blackmail me of rape, then why should I stop from just touching? I'm going all the way." I smiled as sadistically as I can to induce more fear.

I could see through Kushida's eyes of my reflection. It showed my face with metaphorical horns.

"Don't fuck with me! Let me go!" Kushida struggled, but I quickly restrained both of her wrist and pinned her down to the wall. She yelped from the impact, though I was rough I made sure she wouldn't be hurt. But despite being treated roughly, her face is blushing hard red like tomato.

"The moment you decide to frame me up with rape, you should have already prepared yourself for my retaliation. You underestimated how much guts I have to do this. If you decided to direct malicious intent at me, you should do it as if you're trying to kill me, that's what makes it fun." I gestured with my other hand across my neck.

"Yaaaaaahhhhhmnnnn..!!" Kushida decided to scream for help. I quickly covered up her mouth with my hand, placing her to my body in a hostage position.

I unzipped her skirt showing off her cute panties. Since Kushida is already a highschool student, her panties could only be nothing but cute and erotic.

My right hand is on her mouth to make sure she won't be able to call for help. My left hand wriggled like tentacles as it went in between her legs beneath her panties.

"Ughpp... Mmnnggh!"

"It's useless to call for help."

I continued my hand work in between her legs. Her thighs are closing hard trying to resists, but it doesn't even help as I continued.

I turned her face towards mine, as I move closer to her face in a seductive manner, and then I planted my lips deeply into hers.

Bitch-sensei's assassination technique.












Kushida's body lost her will to resist only partially. As my kissing technique is slightly inferior to Nagisa I could only do it in 10 HIT combo for now.

After doing that for a minute, her pussy started dripping juices. Her resistance has lowered, she must be exhausted flailing around so much.

I grabbed her hair at the back of her head and slammed her face to the wall. I positioned her legs wide apart as I slowly lowered her panties, showing off her pink pussy dripping with juices.

I unzipped my pants lowering it as it exposed my extra large T-Rex. I hold the shaft making the tip touch the entrance. I moved it around finding the whole until the tip started sinking in. I did it raw.

And in one thrust of my hips, my long rod dug deep inside on Kushida's vaginal walls. As soon as it reached the deepest depth, blood splurged out of her making my penis dripping red liquid.

The new sensation of bodily warmth of a woman embraced my lower body. The feeling is great and so comfortable.

Kushida's walls are pulsating involuntarily sucking my penis to penetrate more.

"Stop it... I'm sorry okay..?" Tears are dropping out of her eyes as she cried out. But despite her pleas, her face is showing ecstatic expression full of pleasure.

"You say that but you're face is telling me otherwise." I pulled out and thrusted it back in.

I was rough with Kushida. She was trying to resist, but there was no way of her to overcome the difference of a male as a female.

I went in fast and hard without mercy. Kushida stopped her resistance and only cried. She was crying, but the look on her eyes are giving me murderous vibes. The killing intent behind is worth only a worm.

I was wondering, if I were to nurture Kushida into a Pawn, then I might create a useful tool that could be promoted to a Queen.

I switched our positions several times. Wether it was doggystyle or missionary, her body completely stopped resistance.

I could feel Kushida orgasm several times when I continued the work. It was when the sun has come down and the sky is now completely dark.

Her walls is so warm and comfortable my penis is feeling snug fitly into her vagina. With one last push, I came in Kushida balls deep. Kushida's body twitched as if shivering from that, it seems she also came.

I released Kushida from my hold and she dropped helplessly down on the ground with her ass up in the air like a puppet who's strings has been cut. Her pussy is dripping with semen as she continued to invountary twitch.

I sent down to give her a whisper, "This is what you get for making an enemy out of me, Kikyou."

"You bastard..!" As if she snapped out from her nightmare and regaining consciousness, her eyes glared at me like an evil oni. But even with her angry expression, her eyes are still full of hearts.

I know that Kushida wouldn't betray me at her state of mind, but I can't be too sure about it. After all I still hasn't reached the level of technique Bitch-sensei has when it comes to kisses.

I pulled out my smartphone and showed a video. In there it was Kushida's naked body showing her face. She was moving in constant motion, it was clear to see that she was engaging in sexual activities.

"Go ahead, you can report this incident to the school. But you should know that if you do, it will be the end of your life."

I also showed her videos of venting her frustrations of Horikita, and her trying to falsely accuse me of rape. She had no means of escape if she go against me.

"What do you want from me?"

"Nothing. Not for now, that is." I gave her an evil smile.