
Problems Lurking Everywhere

A caring father, a loving mother, a cheerful sister, a playful brother.

Oh how much I longed for a life that includes at least one of these types of members.

"Honey~ We have arrived!"

It has been a while since I stopped expecting for my idealistic desire. It starts to feel like a utopian thought to me.

"Oh, did you three get any problems coming here?"

"Not really. We had a chance to sightsee some interesting and beautiful landmarks."

"That's great to hear."

Well, I do not blame myself to think like that since not everyone is the same. My pessimistic sentiment won't be the same as for a spoiled child born with a silver spoon.

"It has been a while since I have last seen your kids. How are you two?"

"I am fine, thank you."I'm fine."

It's not like equality is a thing now. It was never a thing since the beginning of time. So why the hell are some people trying to impose that kind of irrational view.

I guess humans want to see a change, to do better than in the past.

"Where is your son?"

"Ah.....I have not told him yet about us..."

"But why?"

"I fear that he would not be able to accept such a future with you all. Moreover, he might behave inappropriately before you. So, when the time is right, I will.....tell him....."

Still, every turn in life comes with thorns, obstacles that can overthrow a person's mentality.

People who suppressed or overcome their problems live to see the day. Those who succumb to it, suffer excruciatingly.

That's why the strong survive.

"Die you fucking plebs!!"

*Click* *Click* *Click* *Tap* *Click*

Problems are endless, that's the world we live in. There is not a single day gone by where it is deprived of even the smallest of problems.

"Where are you running from! There is no place for you to hide! Hahaha-!!!!!"

If there wasn't, it couldn't be called living. But every day, facing big problems might be categorized as other than just living.

It is survival.

"That's another kill for me! You all are no match for me!!"

That's what I experienced every day.



I laid back on my comfortable chair as I looked up to the ceiling satisfied with the game I just played.

I won them and achieved some difficult accomplishments. That's one of the best moments I ever felt in a while.

I grabbed my phone and turned it on to see what time it was. On the phone, 07:25 a.m was written.

"Already morning..."

I got up and faced the long-standing mirror beside the cupboard, at the corner of my messy room. I took a long stare at myself before ruffling through my black hair to adjust my bed hair.

I did not put water or gel to fix it, but instead, I wanted to minimise it as much as possible. After a while, I got the results I wanted so I proceeded to go to the washroom.

I brushed my teeth and took a shower respectively.

The stinky smell from my body was gone and I was looking cleaner than before.

I put on some casual clothes in my room. The sun rose a bit earlier, shining some light into my room.

The mirror reflected me more clearly now, looking neater for the day.

I unconsciously smiled as I remembered why am I doing this routine. I adjusted my hair one last time before I exited the room.

I left the house and turned right as I opened the main gate.

The house that I just exited was a bit more luxurious than the neighbouring houses. Yeah, well, not to brag about it but I have a bit of an affluent background.

Not that I care though.....

After a 20 minute walk, I arrived at the train station. With my flip flops, I was standing behind the yellow line for my designated train.

The breeze hit differently from when I was in my room through the window. I stayed quiet while my mind was starting to be calm.

All of that screaming I did all night, I needed some tranquillity.

There was a big crowd though that intruded the quiet space I wanted. The majority were students who were trying to go to school.

"Now that I think about it, the schools should be around the second semester.

I cannot do anything but sigh at them. I got on the train while the small bumps and pushes happens as usual.

After some time, the train stopped at another station. That's where I needed to get off.

From then on, I had to walk for another 20 minutes to reach my destination. Not that I mind.

Anyway, I arrived at the entrance of the cemetery. I grabbed the equipment necessary for me to enter.

What I had in my hands were a wooden bucket and a dipper. I had to fill up the bucket with water and all was set.

I also have a pack of incense in one of my back pockets. I am prepared to go into the cemetery.

Some concrete stairs led to the elevated ground where some other gravestones were placed. I had to go up there.

The sun was not that bright or hot so I was not sweating so profusely. I especially like this type of season that induces serenity in the surroundings and myself.

Whilst thinking about the season, as. I marched up, I could see the engravings of a certain. gravestone. My footsteps continued slowly.

I got on my knees in front of it and touched the gravestone gently as if petting it.

"...Good morning..." Similar to a mumble, I talked to it.

I put down both bucket and the dipper and started to pour water on the gravestone.

"It's a nice weather, right?"

I conversed as I washed every nook and corner of this gravestone. There was communication between me and that stone.

My voice became more cheerful as I continued cleaning this place.

After finishing that task, I lit up an incense and put it in a small spot near the gravestone. The burning serene smell tardily wafted everywhere.

Then, I sat there and chatted with the soul engraved in that gravestone. I did not care if much time passed or if it was going to be night again.

I just wanted to be there, smiling and talking like I used to be.

A full 4 hours, I was there, unbothered by the time ticking away. This was the happiest part of my life.


I exited the cemetery as I looked at my phone to inquire about the time.


For the rest of the day, I did not have any big plans except in the afternoon. I had to join a game server with other online friends.

We were about to pull an all-nighter.

So the logical thing to do for me would be to sleep, right?

But I did not feel an ounce of drowsiness. So I did not know what to do.

Then suddenly, I found an idea at the back of my head.

"If I remember correctly, there should be an arcade around that corner."

I walked leisurely as I try to find the location I want to go to. I never wandered off when I arrived here but once I had the urge to do so because I had nothing else to do.

In doing so, I stumbled upon an arcade at the last minute which was not far from the cemetery. I was surprised and I wanted to go in for a few games but I did not have the time.

But now, I had enough free time.

I walked around the corner, searching for the arcade. For another few minutes I strolled when finally, I found it.

'There it is.'

I entered and it pretty much resembled any other arcades I have been into.

There were a few small kids that enjoyed the illuminated dance floor minigame. Even though their legs were small and they chose a fast-paced song, they were at an extreme disadvantage.

Well, in all, they had sweats on their face but an enthusiastic smile plastered on them.

There were also some adolescents and adults that came to take off their frustrations in combat based games.

I was scanning for some of these games but it seemed like they were all occupied. Except for that, I could see.

It was a type of arcade machine where two players can play at the same time against each other.

The seats are placed on the opposite side of each other.

Well, only a pair of seats was empty so I took one of the seats. This game has the option of playing against someone or just by yourself, meaning the AI in the machine.

Since no one was with me, I chose the option 'solo' when I entered the game.

It was a fighting game with martial art moves at its core.

There was a series of opponents that needs to be defeated. It was kind of a ladder system where you defeat one opponent, then it takes you to fight with another but stronger enemy than the previous one.

It goes on until at the last boss, the AI is near perfect, and almost impossible to beat.

That's what makes it interesting.

I selected my fighter and climbed up the ladder of opponents, beating them one by one.

The fights were gradually becoming longer due to their difficulty but it posed no problem for me to win.

After about 30 minutes, I finally got the final boss. He looks overpowered with his high damage and fast attacks. However, AI has patterns.

If you scan and observe it, then it is easy to counter.

Even though it sounds boring, I find it entertaining when I solve such problems. My fighter had considerable health and the final boss had half.

I was licking my lips unconsciously as I was focusing on the fight.

I thought I was going to win...



".....Yes?" I turned back annoyed at the disturbance in the middle of my game.

What I saw next, made my mind stiff.

"Can you get up? Me and my girlfriend want to play."

I knew who that was, that's why I stopped caring about that game I was about to win overall.

Blond hair with a stern-looking face that causes fear in me. He squinted his eyes, making him look more terrifying.

The girl beside him, his girlfriend had a condescending stare at me which was a terrifying as the boy's.

It is an unfortunate coincidence that I recognize those faces.

This guy is called Kojima Akazuki. He is infamous in the school he goes to.

A troublemaker since day one.

I heard that he picked a fight with not only first years but sophomores too. He has guts and was also good at fighting. He is regarded as fearless and dangerous.

Other schools also were interested in him and wanted to stop his onslaught. Well, that was in vain.

He has a small gang inside the school which consists of first years and second years too who are skilled brawlers themselves.

It is amazing that such a first-year like him could be so skilled and dangerous.

The reason why I know all of this:

We go to the same school, a first-year like me.

Nonetheless, he does not know me but I know him due to rumours.

It is not like I go to school every day but, I heard what news are spreading in the school.

The girl is called Ueno.....Manami, I think. She is popular due to her beauty, especially amongst sophomores since she is a second year.

She often hangs around with other fashionable girls and her grades does not disappoint any teacher.

That same girl is giving me the look of a Demon Lord.

It just seems unreal to me that a girl like her would date a guy like Akazuki. Maybe she likes strong and bloodthirsty guys?

"You lose!"

The game that I had stop playing signalled the end of my fighting thrill. I got angry that I did not get to finish off the last boss but I did not show it in my facial expression.

I do not want any more trouble, especially from a guy like Akazuki.

I forced a smile and got up from the seat.

"I'm sorry." I bowed then I veered my head to the exit, "I'll get going."

I wanted to get out of there, away from troublesome matters.

I did not want to ruin my day.

I was about to exit the arcade when I heard.

"Oi, wait!"

It was definitely Akazuki's voice. Oh god, I just want to leave and be done with this encounter. But if I ignore him, he will definitely not be happy about this.

So I turned and responded to him for my safety. I must be respectful towards him.


"What's your name?"

".....Hanma... Katsuro."

"How old are you?"

"Eh? Um, 16..."

"Same as me...huh.."

I tilted my head in confusion because of the question that he asked. But it did not stop there.

"Which school do you go to?"

"Why are you talking to him?" His girlfriend inquired about the sudden questioning about me.

He turned and replied, "I am curious about him."

"About what?" She asked while looking at me up and down.

He said, "That's what I want to know."

She raised her eyebrow and again observe me. I was also confused as her since I don't know why is he so curious about me.

Akazuki faced me and asked again.

"So? Which school?"

I was hesitant to say the truth however I feel that telling a lie will land me in big trouble.

So I said, "Shuuhei High School."

"Same as us."

He murmured something but I could not hear.

"Are you from here?"


"Do you come here often?"


"Is it your first time in this arcade?"


"Why did you come here."

".....Because I had nothing else to do."

Seriously, what the hell is this!! This is similar to being interrogated by the police. And how long will this take to satisfy this guy?

Even his girlfriend intervened.

"For how long are you going to talk to him? Why don't you go straight to the point and say what you want?"

"Ah geez, I get it. You are not a fan of mystery are you?"

"I am not a fan of YOU trying to be so mysterious and suspenseful."

Akazuki pouted while her girlfriend, Ueno laughed at his expression.

'Why am I even here while they are having their lovey-dovey moments.'

I am just tired. I want to go home. My lips dropped and made me look so apathetic about this situation.

When Akazuki returned his gaze to me, I reverted to having a thin smile.

Akazuki got straight to the point, as his girlfriend instructed, and proposed.

"Can we play a game?"