
5-You want me to train you ?

Toji and Hajun walked out of the classroom together, the rest of the students trailing behind in stunned silence. The group led Toji to a quiet spot behind the school, where a few other students were already smoking. Hajun pulled out a cigarette, lighting it with a practiced flick of his lighter. He took a deep drag, exhaling the smoke with a contented sigh before turning to Toji.

'These people don't seem to care about smoking, isn't it forbidden ?' Toji didn't know that smoking was so widespread. In the foreign army, it was a habit for many people. But these kids are smoking at school?

"You know, I didn't expect to get my ass handed to me today," Hajun said with a slight grin, the remnants of blood still visible on his face. "Not bad, man. Not bad at all."

Toji shrugged, leaning casually against the wall. "You put up a good fight. Most people can't even land a hit on me."

To be honest, he thinks there is no one who can beat him in his age group. But the world is big, so he can't be 100% sure.

Hajun raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "So, where did you learn to fight like that? You clearly aren't just any street brawler."

Toji's expression remained calm, though his eyes held a hint of amusement. "I've been in my fair share of fights. Learned a bit here and there."

"Come on, you can't be that vague," Hajun pressed. "Which school did you go to before this one? You must have some kind of training."

Toji considered his response carefully. He didn't want to reveal too much about his background. "I transferred from a school in a different district. As for training, let's just say I've had some good teachers."

Hajun nodded slowly, taking another drag of his cigarette. "I mean, you just knocked me off my throne. That makes you the new top dog."

Toji chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm not interested in being anyone's boss. I just want to get through school without too much trouble. If that means taking down a few trash along the way, so be it."

Hajun smirked, clearly liking Toji's attitude. "Fair enough. Most people would jump at the chance to be the big shot, but you... you're different."

Hajun is not a hypocrite to say that he is a "good guy", he himself harasses people to collect money. Chang-dong is an example, he is just one of his troubleshooters.

But this guy Toji has monstrous strength, for what purpose? He assures that he does not want to impose domination. Weird guy.

'Is he at the level of North Gangbuk High's Top Dog? I don't know, maybe I overestimate him too much.

Toji didn't respond, letting the silence settle between them. He watched as Hajun took another drag of his cigarette, the smoke curling up into the air.

"So, what about you?" Toji asked, breaking the silence. "How did you end up as the boss around here?"

Hajun leaned back against the wall, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "I just came and challenged the boss. But it wasn't just about fighting. It's about fear, about showing people you're not to be messed with. Imposing a hierarchy is necessary."

Toji nodded, understanding the sentiment. "Respect is earned, not given." Dominating people through fear is one of the ways to have power, so he didn't pay attention until someone came to piss him off.

"Exactly," Hajun agreed, exhaling a plume of smoke. "But you, you've got something different. It's like you don't care about any of this, yet you still command respect. That's rare."

Toji shrugged again, a slight smile playing on his lips. "I guess I just have my own way of doing things."

Hajun looked at him for a moment, then nodded decisively. "You know, I think you and I could get along. What do you say we hit up a karaoke joint later in evening ? I know a good place nearby."

Toji raised an eyebrow, surprised by the invitation. "Karaoke, huh? Never took you for the singing type."

Hajun looked at him with dead eyes. "Not me, I'm not into that. There will be other colleagues. If you want to sing, no one's stopping you." A doubtful look formed on Hajun's face.

Toji thought for a moment, then nodded. "Sure, why not? Could be interesting."

Hajun grinned, clearly pleased. "Great. Let's meet at the front gate after school. I'll show you the best spot in town."

With that, the two shook hands, a newfound respect forming between them. As they walked back to the school, Toji couldn't help but feel that his time at West Gangbuk High might not be as bad as he initially thought. And who knows? Maybe a night of karaoke would be just the thing he needed to make his school life less boring ?


"Make me stronger, please." Kim Suhyoon grits his teeth and bows at the knee on the school roof.

'The fuck is this?'

*1 hour ago*

Toji and Hajun walked back to their respective classroom, the latter's cigarette smoke still lingering in the air as they entered. The once-tense atmosphere had calmed slightly, but the students still cast wary glances at Toji, the new top dog in their eyes.

Of course, the news spread very quickly. Hwang Toji defeated Gu Hajun unilaterally.

Chaerin was already seated, her eyes narrowing as she watched Toji approach. "So, you decided to play hero after all," she said with a hint of sarcasm.

Toji gave her a casual smile. "I told you, I'm not a hero. Just having some fun."

Chaerin clicked her tongue in annoyance. "And now you're hanging out with Hajun? You sure know how to pick your friends."

Toji shrugged, unfazed by her tone. "Hajun ? You're close to him, that means, good to know. He's not that bad once you get to know him. Besides, it's more entertaining than sitting here all day."

Chaerin crossed her arms below her breasts, her irritation palpable. "You think this is all a game, don't you? Can't you be serious for a second ?" She sighed tiredly while massaging her temples, she no longer has the strength to oppose this guy. He is too nonchalant.

Toji leaned back in his chair, his smirk widening. "Maybe I do. But that doesn't mean I don't know how to handle myself."

Before Chaerin could retort, the bell rang, signaling the start of class. The teacher entered, and the students reluctantly settled down, though the tension in the air remained.

As the class went on, Toji noticed Kim Suhyoon glancing nervously in his direction.

'Does he want to tell me something? Do I look scary?' Toji met his gaze with that of Suhyoon who quickly turned his head away.

During a break, Kim Suhyoon finally mustered the courage to approach him, his hands trembling slightly.

"Toji... can we talk? On the roof, after school?" Suhyoon's voice was barely above a whisper.

Toji raised an eyebrow, curious. "Sure, why not? See you there."

Suhyoon's face lit up with relief, and he quickly nodded before scurrying back to his seat. Toji couldn't help but wonder what was so urgent that it needed a private conversation.


After the final bell rang, Toji made his way to the roof ignoring Chaerin's remarks. The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the school grounds, and a light breeze ruffled his hair. He found Suhyoon already there, pacing nervously.

"Hey," Toji greeted, leaning against the railing. "What's up?"

Suhyoon looked up, swallowing hard. "Toji, I need your help." He knelt down, making Toji confused about the situation.

"Make me stronger, please." Kim Suhyoon grits his teeth and bows at the knee on the school roof.

'The fuck is this ?? Do I look like a teacher ?'

"Get up, Kim Suhyoon," Toji said, his tone more impatient than concerned. "What's this about?" He have time to train this guy, but he has no desire for that bullshit.

Suhyoon hesitated before standing, his face still determined. "I need to get stronger, Hwang Toji. I want to defeat Hajun."

Toji's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Hajun? You want to take him down?" This weakling wants to oppose a wall like Hajun? What does he have in mind?

Suhyoon nodded vigorously. "Yes. I only have a few days to do it."

"A few days?" Toji repeated, incredulous. "Why the rush?" That's really weird.

Suhyoon looked away, biting his lip. "I can't tell you everything. But it's important. Really important."

Toji scrutinized Suhyoon, trying to gauge his sincerity. The kid looked desperate, but there was a fire in his eyes that Toji had seen before . He was clearly driven by something powerful, even if he wouldn't say what it was.

"Look, Suhyoon," Toji began, his voice stern. "Getting stronger isn't something you can rush. It takes time and effort."

"I know," Suhyoon interjected. "But I don't have time. Please, Toji. Just teach me the basics. Anything that can help me stand a chance.He had no idea what this guy's plan was.

Toji sighed, crossing his arms. "Why should I help you? What do I get out of this?" He had no idea what this guy's plan was.

Suhyoon blinked, taken aback. "I... I just thought..."

"You just thought I'd help you because you asked?" Toji shook his head. "I'm not a charity, Suhyoon. And I've got better things to do."

Suhyoon's shoulders slumped, but he didn't back down. "Please, Toji. I need this. I need to prove to myself that I can stand up to him."

Toji stared at him for a moment, his expression unreadable. He was about to refuse again, but the sheer determination in Suhyoon's eyes gave him pause. What could be so urgent that he'd risk getting his ass handed to him by Hajun? Curiosity gnawed at Toji.

"Alright," Toji said finally, making Suhyoon's eyes widen in hope. "I'll help you. But don't expect miracles. We'll focus on the basics and build from there on this short amount of times

Suhyoon's face lit up with gratitude. "Thank you, Toji. I won't let you down."

Toji waved a hand dismissively. "Save it. We're starting after class. First thing's first, we need to see your stamina and basic strength. We'll start with some running and exercises."