
I am in Naruto World

Max finds himself in the world of Naruto after the failure of one of the experiments in his origin world that led to his transfer, he discovered that he has some kind of supernatural abilities, relying on these abilities Max begins to seek the path of strength to survive and find a way to return to his previous world.

MAT_10 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

He took advantage of the ninja's lack of attention and adjusted his sitting position, then closed his eyes and began trying to extract chakra .

Seconds passed into minutes, but there was no external change in Max. He even began to think that this was impossible, but just when he decided to give up, his adaptation ability became active and began to modify something inside his body.

Finally, after concentrating for a full half hour, the results appeared that put a smile on Max's face.

He clearly felt the emergence of an unknown energy from deep within his body. He focused on this energy and began to follow its path. Then, following the same method he felt before, Max began to successfully extract and store chakra in his body.

After a while, he stopped extracting chakra after feeling pain from doing so

Max sighed and muttered

"I seem to have reached my limits, but this is only a temporary thing. I can clearly feel the adaptive capacity working to break through these limits..."

"I have now chakra inside my body but unfortunately I don't know how to utilize it..."

Max thought in frustration, even though he successfully extracted the chakra he doesn't know what kind of ninjutsu, he only has some knowledge in the martial arts called Taijutsu term.

Suddenly an idea appeared in his mind on how to use chakra energy without the need for ninjutsu.

"Ninjas can cover their weapons with chakra energy, and medical ninjas can form scalpels from chakra energy, so that some of them can use them in combat. This step does not depend on any type of ninjutsu, but rather only requires the person to have strong control over chakra energy... "

"I have this control because of the ability to adapt and absorb, which made the chakra energy as if it were a part of my body, as if it had been there since my birth..."

A sly smile formed on his face. He cleared his mind and began to simulate the process of channeling the chakra to take physical form, but without alerting the ninja.

Time passed very quickly, Max spent all his time practicing, after he felt the second ninja leaving, he opened his eyes and got up from the ground.

He looked around as the place was empty. Apparently the other ninja had gone somewhere , Max took advantage of this.

He closed his eyes and channeled chakra into his hand.

A layer of blue light appeared on his hand. This blue light was chakra. Without hesitation, Max controlled the nature of this chakra to take the form of a blade and then cut the poles of the cell with ease.

"This blade has used up half of its chakra reserve," Max murmured with a frown, then hid behind the door and waited for the ninja to enter.

The frown on his face deepened as he thought about what he would do

He slapped himself and thought

"max You have no other choice..." He looked at his hands and muttered,

"If I don't do this, I will be the victim..."

After he made up his mind, he calmly waited for the ninja to come, while at the same time controlling the chakra to circulate within his body.

"Agh!! Damn, man, I shouldn't have eaten that ramen..."

Max's facial expression intensified when he heard the ninja's voice enter while clutching his stomach with a pained expression

"It's now or never…" He roared in his heart and then sent chakra into his hand and formed a sharp blade of chakra energy.


He waved with all his might at the ninja's head.

Although he had not expected this, his reflexes were high as a result of experience, as he moved his head slightly at the last moment. Unfortunately, Max had a backup plan for such a situation.

He gritted his teeth and pumped more chakras.



The ninja's head fell to the ground with a shocked and confused facial expression

Next to the head fell the body, from which blood was flowing abundantly

"Huff... Huff... Huff, damn it! I ended up using every drop of chakra in my body," Max said as he panted heavily, wiped the sweat from his pale face and knelt down on one knee next to the ninja's body.

"Ahh…" He opened his mouth and vomited everything into his stomach. His heart was beating at a terrifying speed.

"I took someone's life..." Max thought and then vomited again

"I had no choice, I had no choice..." He continued repeating this sentence inside his mind until he was able to calm down.

He looked at the headless body of the ninja and let out a long sigh.

Then he placed his hand on the ninja's body and activated his ability. A blue aura appeared around his palm and penetrated into the ninja's body. A few seconds passed before the blue aura appeared again and entered his hand. Max began to regain his color. With his previous face, he clearly felt that his chakra reserve had become full again and had even exceeded the previous size by 10 times.

He had neither the mood nor the time to celebrate this achievement.

He got up from the ground and dragged the ninja's body to the corner and hid it well. He did the same thing with the head.

He took off his clothes completely, took a pair of clothes that were hanging, put on the Konoha forehead protector that he got from the ninja, and left the prison.

He went to the streets of Konoha and mixed with the people there, dragged a civilian into a deserted alley without anyone noticing him, knocked the civilian unconscious, then took his clothes and put them on.

"I don't need this anymore..." He threw the forehead protector into the alley and left.

He again mingled with the crowd and left Konoha under the noses of the ninja and ANBU.