
No Spoiler

MCU, New York. Iron Man just arrived at Stark Tower where Loki was planning to open the portal to unleash his army of Chitauri. Stark fired his repulsor beams at the Tesseract, but it was protected by an impenetrable energy shield. Impenetrable shield and yet one of the infinity stone made a spark, spark which shoot with the speed of light on one of near building.

Spark started to unleash its powers and opened a portal. The door from which the body of Olivander showed up.

___1pov - MC__

'My head hurts so much.' This was my first thought just when I woke up. Second? 'Where for the mother of god am I?' It was looking like an office but how did I get here? Let's look for some people first. Just when I thought to stand up. I got some funny feeling. Like's my body is not touching the ground. 'Whaat!?? I am flying how it is possible? I feel much stronger to...wait.. I have 10 pack?? Did I reincarnate into Superman? Where is mirror!!'

Boom - I heard some loud noise from outside and believe me I tried as fast as I can to land and run to the window but I was to fast and crashed with it.

Normally the glass should stop me 'hello? ' but I just shot through it like a sharp knife in the butter. Only then did I realize that I was not on the ground floor but on the 30th floor.

The time slowed down. I looked up and saw a big hole with the army getting through it. The big green guy was jumping from building to building and smashing things. Another was flying in the metal suit with a light bulb in the chest. A guy in America outfit is killing his enemies with a shield. 'Am I in marvel'?

'First of all, let's try to fly again'. It was easy like moving your arm. I slowly landed on the ground - of course, no one saw me. Let's be clear. Who would look on some guy who is flying when an fck army of aliens is invading earth from sky.

__1 pov end___

Meanwhile, Nick Fury's superiors, the World Security Council, ordered Fury to launch a nuclear missile at New York City to end the invasion, but Fury refused the order. The Council ordered a jet to launch anyway.