
I am in Kirigakure no Sato!

A man of Science gets the chance to visit worlds which were pieces of fiction and entertainment for him. An he gets a Gamer Otaku as his ROB. Multiverse Self Insert. Derived from my previous works. First stop Naruto World.

6Arkanos6 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Grinding for Info as a "Normal" Baby!

*Edited* (Changed the mistaken level from 35 to 55.)

I wish I could say I was a jutsu-spewing world-splitting Super Demon Baby, but I could do none of that.

My time was spent entertaining my mom, draining her dry literally, crawling out of the crib and all around the house making my mom chase me all over, and crying loudly to make my mom clean me and change my diapers.

I was not a menace as I never cried during ungodly hours, and my mom called me her darling Tenshi when I kept her entertained and happy.

After a month or so, my mother had to train to resume active duty, and I was left at a shinobi couple who had a teenage daughter and a retired kunoichi mother.

My mother would need to take a few week long missions along with her Corps to conpensate her absence. Needless to say, I was already greeted by the current generation of the Ninja Swordmen.

I was very generous with smiles and giggles with the swordsmen and earned a good reputation from the six of them. I even kissed my mama in front of the men to assert my puny dominance over my mother. Despite their boisterous laughter and teasing afterwards, I clutched onto my mother like a Koala.

The third day after I was born, I had noticed I could optimise my User Interface for richer immersion and fluid "gameplay".

I had minimised the explanation and detailed descriptions of skills and abilities, as I wanted an optimised UI to never miss a notification.

Like a GMail inbox, my notifications were clutter-free and sorted into Quest Notifications, Reputations Change, Skill Related, New Quests, Stats Change and Loot Notifications. This not only made my notifications organised with a Tab in the corner of my display, which was minimised during combat situations, but also ensured that there was never a need to keep going through useless notifications to scan through them and reach the important ones.

I also made it so, that the Notifications of Loots or Completed Quests were saved into Archives and no longer displayed in the Notifications.

This kind of optimisation increased my grinding efficiency and chance to level up quicker. As can be noticed, the Lv. of my mother at Lv. 55, means in no way that the levelling up would be easy.

At my request to reduce painful numbers blasted before me, the Rank system was also added along with my other requests.

The ranks go up the scale from Tier I through IX. And there was a qualitative difference between each individual Tier. Just for scale, a civilian is Lv. 1 of Tier I and a regular Jonin is somone from Tier II. Madara and Hashirama are of Tier III, the same is true for all the Otsutsukis. But devils and dragons from High School DxD or Saiyans of Dragon Ball all start from Tier III.

Needless to say, I had a long way to go, and a lot to learn before I am anywhere capable to deal with these monsters.

I decided to learn about the current world affairs from my mom, and from the babysitting mom and daughter.

I learnt about the social history of Kirigakure and the other shinobi villages.

Contrary to the rest of the villages, Kirigakure has a class structure or heirarchy based on birth. The 'Brahmins' of the Shinobi village are the founding clans of Kirigakure who were allied Tribes during the Warring States Era.

After the First Mizukage, by show of force, united the tribes to establish this village, there were skirmishes from the nearby region to decentralise this alliance. A few of the Kekkai Genkai clans decided to curb violence to prosper, when the other Hidden Villages began to emerge.

After the Mizukage received the Tailed Beasts from Shodaime Hokage, the allied clans saw it as a turning point and joined the Village. These allied Kekkai Genkai clans became the second in heirarchy in the village.

The civilians and other minor clans who joined later, migrated or seeked refuge in the village became the third class in the village.

And finally, after the Shinobi Wars with surrounding region and rapidly expanding aggressive assault, Kirigakure often managed to secure the Surrender of a few enemy clans, the civilian villages, the Bandit Camps, and even Clans from the borders of the other Enemy Lands. These clans or people who were "acquired" from the war efforts, either by force or by domination were the Lowest Class in Kirigakure no Sato.

And the Ninja Academy for Clan and Clannless Shinobi-in-Training is different. The Civilian Shinobi Academy is what gave the name of Bloody Mist to Kiri, since here the graduating class of students are forced to kill their class members to graduate.

In Kirigakure Shinobi Academy, which caters to upper class students, and Shinobi Clans of the 'Upper Loyal Class' of Students, the training is rigorous, as students admitted at age six already know Basic Chakra Control Exercise, basic Taijutsu Kata, Basic Shurikenjutsu, Kunai Throw and basic Bukijutsu, mostly Kenjutsu. There is no Academy Three, as Water Clone is used as Chakra Control Training, Henge is taught only to Infiltration, Sabotage, Tracking and Seduction Corps. And Kawarimi is taught as a part of basic Survival Training in the third year at the academy.

The Clan Shinobi are motivated to practice their Kekkai Genkai to their best, since during physical growth stage, practising Nature Tramsformation and Nature Change Exercises stabilised the balance of the individual Chakra affinities within the body.

And at the Academy, the Shinobi are taught to counter each type of team from other villages, along with the counter jutsu for enemy villages. Even the basic training for Hidden Mist Jutsu and Silent Killing is taught to those who wish to specialise in a certain area.

Apart from a fundamental education in Language, Taijutsu, Bukijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and collaboration Water jutsu, the students are free to take classes from the vastly offered courses as per their choice.

More often than not, clans make a scheduled course plan for the clan children to prevent deviants and lazy students. Orphans are mostly offered advice by the Elders whp actually are helpful for a change, unlike the Konoha Elders who care more about Civilians than their own village.

If the current trend continues, I can see why Madara wanted to deconstruct this village from within and sabotage the village to reduce it into a barebone shinobi village by the time Cannon arrives.

But if Kiri gains Dojutsu users, primarily Mangekyo Sharingan users and Byakugan users, then Kirigakure can prosper while ensuring Zetsu and his plots do not reach us until the Final War, which was merely Zetsu Army and Reincarnated Shinobi supported by Obito, Zetsu, and Kabuto.

The Greatest Cunt to ever live: Kabuto Yakushi, who single handedly is responsible for escalating a skirmish into a full fledged war, and reincarnating Madara which led to its own can of worms.

And I can see the skeleton of a plan take place in my mind. I know the utter underdogs of the shinobi world who would be mistreated or neglected. I can get them by being kind to them and gain powerful zealots who are loyal to me. All the while keeping Timed Detonators within Kabuto Yakushi which would render him neutralised by the time Obito's plan rolls out.

And I need to secure a pair of Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan and Byakugan from Konoha to ward off the Boogeyman of Naruto world: Black Zetsu.

And keeping a closed connected surveillance in the village will ward off the Zetsus who can infiltrate the villages. Very straightforward tasks, but need power and abilities to actually accomplish. And I see a quest pop up.