
I am in Hollywood

An advertising director is reborn in 1988 Hollywood as an eighteen-year-old blond-haired westerner named Eric Williams. From then on, he starts writing movie scripts and television songs, becomes skilled in directing every kind of film, wins over all kinds of female celebrities, and takes the road to become a Hollywood legend. --------------------------------------------- ATTENTION! This is not an original novel, all rights in this story belong to JUST DO. The translation of most chapters is done by: Elawn, Nano4bots and Sissy That Walk. My translation will start where they have left it, my translation may not be as good as theirs but I would like it much more people to know more about this story that I liked so much. I WANT THAT I LIKE THIS HISTORY A LOT, BUT I DO NOT AGREE TO A LOT OF THE BEHAVIORS BOTH OF THE PROTAGONIST AND SOME CHARACTERS. IN THIS HISTORY CHARACTERS OF REAL LIFE APPEAR AND I DO NOT ASSURE THAT THE DATA PROVIDED IN THIS HISTORY WILL BE TRUE.

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The Oscar

The next day, "The Hollywood Reporter" used a full four pages, to published the full article Eric wrote, keeping the same title "CAA revelation: how the broker giant was formed" . Eric also chose not to take the $1800 royalties they offered, what's more, because he was unable to explain the sources of the details in the article, he chose to anonymously publish it in the newspaper .

The publication of this article, immediately caused huge waves in the Hollywood circle, almost overshadowing the upcoming 61st Academy Awards that were gonna happen in a few days .

Most of the forces who were still immersed in smearing CAA reputation, suddenly calm down and focused them attention on the Article .

The next few days, the entire US media was boiling, this highly professional article was even reprinted a second time, and a large number of newspapers even followed the trend by publishing studies of the article .

After reading the article, the senior executives of other brokerage firms, finally found out why they couldn't stop the rise of CAA .

The majority of film companies also fully understand why their production costs kept rising, and why they couldn't stop it .

Michael Ovitz also saw the article a few hours after it was published in the newspaper, it took him half an hour to finish reading it, he was frowning the entire time he was reading the article . Even he couldn't help but be overwhelmed with admiration for the author of this masterpiece, the article discussed many things that coincide with his recent ideas, and some things even he didn't notice he was doing . It was precisely because of this idea that he tried to take part in SONY acquisition of Columbia .

But after thinking about what this article will do to his company, Ovitz was so angry he even started thinking about killing the author of the article . Because this article directly placed CAA business strategy in front of all his competitors, before CAA's rivals could only try imitating CAA Bundling Strategy, which involved many complex operation processes . But with this article as a reference, as long as those competitors are a little bit ambitious, they will certainly make a series of reforms to their business strategy, even if they didn't completely imitate CAA model, they will not be defenseless in front of CAA expansion .

Unfortunately, "The Hollywood Reporter" even made a special statement on the front page of the article, looking for the author of the article, but they didn't receive any response .

Two days after the article was published, William Morris Agency CEO publicly said that if the author of the article is willing, WMA will pay him five percent of the company shares in exchange for him joining WMA as a vice president . Although the scale of WMA now is below what it was in the past, but it is still a century-old brokerage firm, the difference between CAA and WMA is not much, five percent of the shares means getting tens of millions of dollars . The same day after the announcement, many people with fake "CAA Revelation" manuscript, went to WMA headquarters trying to swindle them .

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A few days later, Once again, another big star chose to leave CAA like Tom Cruise and several other big stars did, this star is Tom Hanks, except this time this superstar didn't transfer to a large brokerage firm like IMG and WMA, but instead he transferred to United Talent Agency (also known as UTA), Eric Willams personal brokerage firm .

Moreover, Tom Hanks didn't transfer alone, Eric didn't know what method he used, but Hanks was even able to convince his agent a CAA gold medal agent to jump companies with him .

This news caused a variety of speculation in the industry, stealing a gold broker from CAA isn't an easy thing, most of them start from the most basic job as a mail clerk . Then they climb the job ladder step by step, after more than ten years of work, when they prove their strength, they become brokers . Then several years later if they have enough qualifications they become gold brokers, with annual salaries of more than one million dollars .

Hanks's agent leaving, means giving up all the qualifications he accumulation, even if in the future he wanted to return to the CAA, he will have to start from the bottom .

Kapoor and hanks agent Simon Wilson were the witnesses to the secret contract between Eric and Hanks, the only other witness is a well-known notary public in Los Angeles . After signing the contract, Hanks was kind enough not to let Eric set the $100 million fund they talked about in the restaurant .

The only thing that CAA can do is make Tom Hanks pay a small amount of money as liquidated damages, as well as a cut of Hanks "Running Out of Time" paycheck .

After Hanks signed the contract with the Firefly, Tom Cruise learned about Hanks's paycheck conditions, and as Eric expected, Cruise lowered his demands . Finally, the day before the Oscar ceremony, that The two sides quickly signed the contracts, Cruise took a $5 million fee and 5% of "Running Out of Time" North American profits, those conditions were fully consistent with Eric's expectations . And Eric finally decided to start shooting "Running Out of Time" on the 5th of April .

In March 29th, after more than a month of preparations, the 61st Oscar awards ceremony was officially held at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles .

Eric will serve as the presenter of the best-supporting actress award, it is said that the organizers originally intended to invite the newlyweds, Melanie Griffith and her husband, Don Johnson . Although Don Johnson isn't very famous, his wife Melanie Griffith has directly jumped to the frontline star position by virtue of her new film "Working Girl" . But unfortunately, Melanie Griffith couldn't compete with Eric, who had the support of Columbia who had a lot of contacts with the Oscar organizers, who chose the more famous Eric, over Melanie Griffith and her husband,

"Eric, is my dress okay, there is no problem, right?" in a Lincoln car that was slowly moving toward the Oscar red carpet, Virginia nervously asked Eric, she has never dreamed that she would walk on the Oscar red carpet .

Eric patted her hand and said: "Vicky, relax, you look beautiful . "

Still unsure of herself, Virginia gently touched her hair trying to find any loose hairs . Remembering another thing, she asked: "ah . . . . . . Eric, if "Tin Toy" won the prize, Are you really going to let me go up to receive the prize?"

"Of course," Eric nodded . "I don't want the first time I get on stage in the Oscar, to be for the best animated short film?"

John Lasseter, who should have been present at the awards ceremony, has become a complete workaholic after Eric put Pixar management in his hands, right now John wishes he could live in his office . If the Oscar organizers didn't send the invitation, John would certainly forget about the short film award .

But after receiving the invitation, John Lasseter directly called Eric, saying he was too busy and can't leave, and that if "Tin Toy" won the award, Eric should receive it .

Eric didn't need to be persuaded either, he was sure if Pixar walks on the same road Pixar did like in his past life, then winning the Academy Awards in the future will be easy, so he didn't feel bad about it . Originally John Lasseter and Steve Jobs wanted to win this award, mainly because they were hoping that by winning the award, they can bring more business to the company, but now that he has access to Eric money the Oscar is just a waste of time . At the same time, Eric didn't want to board the Oscar podium for the best animated short film award, so he was gonna take this opportunity to let Virginia show her face to the public .

Just then, the Lincoln stopped at the entrance of Oscar's red carpet, the screams, and calls fans could still be heard even though he was in the car and they were far away .

Eric got off the car first, then went to Virginia side, and very gentlemanly opened the car door for her and offered her his arm, then they slowly walked toward the red carpet .

Maybe all actresses are born to walk the red carpet, Virginia who was very nervous in the car, once her feet hit the red carpet, she relaxed as if all her fears just evaporated into the air, she gently took Eric's arm, and walked along with him on the red carpet, gently waving to the crowd from time to time, with a charming smile on her beautiful face .

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When they were about seven or eight meters away from the fans' area, some girls saw Eric's figure and started screaming his name, with some of them screaming "I love you" and so on . Most of the actors who attended the Oscar were over the age of thirty, compared to them the young and handsome Eric has a huge advantage .

In addition to his young age, he also starred in "17 Again" not long ago, which enabled him to have a large number of fans in the youth group . If it were not for staff, who maintained order, he was sure someone would have rushed directly to the red carpet . Fortunately, this didn't happen . Slowing down his pace, Eric put a proper smile on his face, and give them a nod, which created another burst of female screams .

Without even realizing it, he had fans, Eric felt slightly emotional, giving Virginia's arm a little squeeze he moved on .

Because no one was calling her name, Virginia felt slightly lost, She even noticed that some girls in the audience were giving her hostile looks, those emotions subsided only when they reached the media area .

"Eric, look here!"

"Here, here . "

"Eric, Virginia, get closer?"

Compared to the fans who were only concerned about their favorite stars, the reporters easily recognized her . They have long heard that Virginia Madsen, is about to participate in a film made by the Firefly and that Eric himself wrote the script .

From the start of Hollywood development to this day, everyone in this circle knows the rule, that if an unknown beautiful actress or a handsome actor suddenly get a major role in a movie, people will subconsciously ask: who did She or He sleep with to get the role? Those pretty stars couldn't possibly get the chance without reason, they possibly had to pay a price, and in addition to their body, they can't pay with anything else . Most of the people in the circle don't look down on these men and women, they will only envy them, and regret missing the opportunity .

The reporter's eyes shone the moment they saw the two, this is the type of gossip they come her for . While urging Eric and Virginia to get as close as possible and to show some intimacy, they pressed the camera shutter like crazy .

When they finally walked out of the reporter's area, they found the ABC channel reporter was interviewing Michelle Pfeiffer, taking this chance Eric took Virginia and directly slipped to stars resting area .

"Hello, Mr . Williams, I'm Robert Downey Jr . "

"Hello, Mr . Downey," Eric smiled and shook his hand, just as he wanted to give a few words of praise for his works, Eric found that he didn't remember any of the famous young star early works, trying to save himself Eric pointed to the girl beside him and said: "This is Virginia Madsen . "

Robert Downey Jr . politely shook Virginia's hand, he was just trying to mingle with the other stars, in the hope that he can get the opportunity to cooperate with them in the future, so he didn't spend too much talking to Eric, after just a few word, he left, Eric also took the initiative to start greeting other stars .

Like, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Dustin Hoffman, Melanie Griffith, Patrick Swayze, Geena Davis, Bruce Willis and his wife Demi Moore, Cher, Jane Fonda, Jodie Foster, Sigourney Weaver . . .

Like a ball, he bounced from one star to another, until a staff member told them to enter the auditorium where the Oscar ceremony was gonna be hosted .

He didn't know what the Oscar organizers were thinking, but no one came to get him .

After entering the hall and finding the location of the "Home Alone" crew, Eric walked straight to the backstage . Because he was the presenter of the best-supporting actress award he was placed first, there is no strict order to how the Oscar awards are presented . Many times, to attract the attention of the audience, the organizers will first present the more important awards, like the best-supporting actor, or the best-supporting actress .

"Hello, Eric, I'm Tom Selleck . " Backstage, a tall and strong man stretched out his hand and said: "I'll show you around . "

Eric shook his hand and said: "Thank you . Mr . Selleck, I loved your film "Three Men and a Baby", I heard there will be a sequel?"

"Three Men and a Baby" is 1987 box office champion, this warm comedy film was able to get the first place at the box office, only by luck, because in the year 1987 no famous film was released all year round .

As for Tom Selleck, the only thing Eric remember about him is that he starred in "Three Men and a Baby" and him playing Monica's boyfriend in "Friends" the TV show .

After he completes filming "Running Out of Time", Eric intends to keep his promise to Barry Dillerand start working on "Friends" . Although Tom Selleck performance as Monica's boyfriend was memorable, Eric knows he has to choose another actor because his career is flourishing now, Eric was sure he will reject the invitation if he asked him to play in a TV show, Tom might even see it as Eric looking down on him .

Tom Selleck laughed when he heard Eric mention his best work, and said: "Of course, but the film will only be released next year, but to tell you the truth, I don't want my film to be released the same time your film does . "

--- ---

Ten minutes or so after the opening song and dance, a staff member handed Eric a few envelope that contains his lines and the name of the winner . Then under the guidance of Tom Selleck, Eric walked to the stage .

All the things the audience see the guest presenters say and do on stage are written by screenwriters, in fact, no one is allowed to show their own skills .

"Wow," walking to the center of the stage, Eric adjusted the microphone and said: "Hello everyone, after I received the invitation . I asked Allan Carr the producer, why don't I have a female partner like all the other guest presenters, isn't it unfair! Allan stared at me for a long time then said: Because you're too young!"

Speaking up to here, Eric gave the audience an innocent look .

The audience was silent for a moment, then there was a burst of laughter, followed by applause . In the last six months, although Eric has made a series of spectacular achievements, but there are always people in Hollywood who say that 18-year-old boy was just lucky and isn't a genius and that he won't be able to achieve such a big achievement again .

After saying another few words, the audience Laughed again, then Eric got back on track: "In any movie, when the main actors and actresses show their acting skills, There is always other supporting actors in the background, a good supporting actor or actress, can make a movie even more colorful, we can even say that the supporting actors are the secret ingredient that can either make or break a film . Then let us see who was nominated to get the best-supporting actress award . "

Speaking up to here, Eric made a gesture, and footage of those who were nominated for the award appeared on the big screen . The first two were Sigourney Weaver, and Joan Cusack for their role in "Working Girl", third was Michelle Pfeiffer for her role in "Dangerous Liaisons", forth is Geena Davis for her role in "The Accidental Tourist" and the last is Frances McDormand in "Mississippi Burning" .

Personally, Eric wasn't optimistic about Sigourney Weaver, before she was able to win The Golden Globe Award, but now he was sure that the winner should be either Michelle Pfeiffer or Geena Davis .

After the nominated actresses were introduced, Eric slowly opened the envelope and looked at the name . Sure enough, just like he expected it was one of the two .

"This year best Supporting Actress is Geena Davis, for her role in "The Accidental Tourist" . "

After he announced the name, loud applause sounded in the auditorium . A red haired girl about 180 cm in height (6 feet tall) stood up excitedly, hugged the people around her, then hurriedly walked on stage . She didn't rush to take the small gold statue, instead, she hugged Eric excitedly . Eric could only smile and pat her on the back, Geena Davis is already more than 180 cm in height, but with her wearing high heels, she looked much taller than Eric, when the two hugged, most of the audience couldn't help but chuckle .

A few moments later, when he saw that she wasn't gonna let go of him, Eric softly whispered in her ear: "Hey, Ms . Davis, Can you let me go? And why do I feel you're doing this just to tease me . "

"Impatient little fellow!" Geena Davis whispered softly to him, then quickly let go of him . Taking the trophy, she began giving her speech .