
I Am Hades, Lord of the Underworld! (Saint Seiya AU)

A young soul merges with the nascent Lord of the Underworld, giving birth to a new Hades. This new Hades embarks on a path completely different from the original myth. Guided by the demonic star, he breaks through seals and shatters his bindings. He steps into the Underworld to reclaim everything that rightfully belongs to him. He retrieves the demonic star, creates the realm of the dead, and defeats the Titan King, Kronos, to become the new Lord of the Underworld! With seven archdukes, seventy-two demon gods, 108 Underworld Warriors, Anubis, and Yama of Hell... A new Hades and a new Underworld are just beginning.

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30 Chs

Chapter 5: The Three Paths of the Gods: Laws, Faith, Divine Realm

The nature of gods is fundamentally different from the primordial deities of the ancient chaos. In that primordial system, the path forward was well-defined. Simply put, with diligent cultivation, one could become increasingly powerful over time. Even if you couldn't attain the level of the Hunyuan Da Luo Golden Immortal, it would be a personal shortcoming rather than a flaw of the world itself.

However, the nature of gods is different. Essentially, gods are as they are from birth. To transcend one's limits is exceptionally difficult, almost impossible. 

Ancient Gods are born Ancient Gods.

God-Kings are born as God-Kings.


To this day, the only one who has managed to transcend this fixed destiny, apart from the Titan God-King Kronos, is none other. Take Hades for example: although he was born a God-King, he is currently a Second-tier God. Of course, this is due to various issues, and it's not something to dwell on.

Ultimate Power!!!

This is the core of everything.

Ultimate Power is a unique force that emerged when the Absolute God created the world. It is the purest, most fundamental power. Besides the eight Ancient Gods, no other deities should be able to wield it.

Yet Kronos, a second-generation Titan, managed to harness this Ultimate Power, which was supposed to be exclusive to Ancient Gods.

It is noteworthy that Kronos didn't become a God-King by ambushing and severing his father's connection to the heavens with a sickle. Instead, through sheer Absolute Power, he battled his father, the first God-King and Ancient Sky God, in a prolonged confrontation, eventually defeating him in direct combat.

The essence of Kronos's achievement lies in the Ultimate Power.

So, what exactly is Ultimate Power?

It could be likened to an incredibly powerful engine or the pinnacle of a cultivation method. For ordinary gods, their limit is typically at the level of Major Gods. Aspiring to the status of a Titan Chief God is almost unattainable for them.

Regarding the level above that, God-Kings, remember this:

If you are not recognized by destiny as a God-King, no matter how hard you try, you theoretically cannot reach the level of a God-King.

Why theoretically?

The reason is simple.

Kronos, the second-generation Titan God-King, mastered Ultimate Power and overthrew his Ancient God father.


Other gods could also potentially reach the level of God-King. Among the twelve Titan Major Gods, besides Kronos, the strongest, known as the "Strongest Man" - the Sun God Hyperion - was supposed to be a Titan Chief God but has already ascended to the status of a God-King.

This proves that while the destiny of gods appears absolute and limiting, it is indeed possible to break it.

After all...

Although the realm of God-Kings is absolute, enhancing divine power is merely seen as breaking personal limits rather than defying fate. It just indicates that the god's innate talent was high enough to surpass their own limits.


The Ancient God level is different. Without Ultimate Power, no matter how exceptional your talent or efforts are, crossing this threshold is absolutely impossible.


Why is Kronos, even as a Titan God-King who has reached the level of an Ancient God, still bound by the curse of fate? The core issue is that this is a curse placed by Uranus, another Ancient God. As a subsequent generation, Kronos must accept this, unless...

Well, let's leave it at that. 

Such matters are not worth pondering.

"Ultimate Power," Hades murmured quietly. "If I want to completely change my predetermined fate, whether to defeat my father or avoid being killed by the godslayer in the future, this is the power I must understand."

Hades was well aware.

To transcend destiny...


Becoming an Ancient God is the only way. Below the level of Ancient Gods, all beings are bound by fate. Regardless of how hard they strive, it ultimately amounts to nothing more than prolonging the inevitable.

This is akin to Zeus's destiny. Zeus's fate is to be overthrown by his offspring, just like other God-Kings in the Greek pantheon. No matter how much effort he puts in, he can at best delay this eventuality.

Hades's destiny is to be slain by the godslayer in the future, leading to his permanent death. This is Hades's inevitable fate.

Poseidon's destiny involves being shattered by Athena during the mythological age, with his divine soul perpetually trapped in a cycle of sealing and slumber.

These are the fates of the three God-Kings of the third generation. Unless they can ascend to the level of Ancient Gods, no amount of effort or alteration will change their destinies. They are merely delaying the inevitable.



"Divine Realm."

"These are the cores of a god's cultivation."

Hades pondered the three paths of godly cultivation.

Although to break free from the chains of fate, one must reach the level of an Ancient God, this goal is far too distant, possibly in an era where even myths would have faded. Who knows how many billions, or even trillions of years away that might be?

For now, he needed to focus on the present. How should he advance over the next 500,000 years to better his position? Otherwise, he might meet his end without even knowing it. His father had promised 500,000 years, but after that, he would face the onslaught of the Titan gods.



Divine Realm.

These are the three paths for a god's cultivation.

Faith is straightforward. Every god creates their own inner cosmos to harbor believers, absorbing the power of faith without limit. This power of faith then enhances their understanding of laws and divine power, allowing them to advance further.

It is worth mentioning that once a god has absorbed the power of faith, it remains with them. Don't assume that a god's power collapses if their believers die. No! No! The power of faith is but a part of their strength. Once absorbed, even if the believers perish, the absorbed faith is not returned.

The path of Laws requires little explanation. Every god is born with certain laws, and their comprehension and mastery of these laws form the second path to power.

As for the final path, the Divine Realm...


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