
The New Job

I was running to catch the train. I had overslept after hanging out late. I didn't need to be late on my first day at my new job, but it wasn't looking good. I reached the train right as the doors closed and it pulled off.

"No! Almost made it."

I sighed and crouched down. I would have to take the next train and I wouldn't be able to avoid being late. This wasn't going to look good, but at least my boss was my old college roommate. That was the only positive about the situation.

I got off the train and ran to Grayson Industries. Security scanned my staff pass and I rushed to the elevator. The doors opened as I arrived and there was Richard. He smiled when he saw me.

"You're late," he said.

"I missed my train, but I'm not too late."

"15 minutes is still late," a short woman standing behind Richard said.

The short brunette stepped in front of me. Her wire rimmed glasses resting on the tip of her nose. She looked me up and down. She slid her glasses to the bridge of her nose.

"You're John Walker?"

"Yes ma'am."

"I'm Meredith Brooks. I am the event coordinator. You are supposed to be helping me prepare for our upcoming tech reveal party, but if you can't be here on time you are a liability."

"I'm sorry ma'am. It won't happen again. I'm sure that it will be a pleasure working with you," I said as I offered her my hand

She rolled her eyes at me. She shook my hand and gave me another appraising look. She crossed her arms over her chest and stood beside Richard.

"Did you say your name was Meredith Brooks?"

"Yes. Why?"

Richard covered his mouth to suppress a snicker. He looked at me and diverted his eyes. I got the impression that I shouldn't pursue my train of thought. Meredith was looking over her glasses at me again.

"I just wanted to make sure."

Meredith looked at me suspiciously. I simply smiled and looked innocent. Meredith scoffed and pushed her glasses back up on her nose. Richard cleared his throat.

"Since John is my assistant, he will be helping you unless I have something else for him to do."

" Understood Mr. Grayson," Meredith said.

"Ugh. Mr. Grayson is my father," Richard said. "Please don't call me that."

"I'm sorry, sir. What would you like me to call you," Meredith asked.

"Robin," I suggested.

"What? That doesn't make sense. Rich, Richie or Dick would."

"Exactly," I replied with a smile.

Meredith looked confused. Richard chuckled quietly. He cleared his throat with a smirk on his face.

"You can just call me Rich." He turned towards me. "Come by my office at lunch time. I have something for you to do."

"Yes sir," I said with a mock salute.

When I turned back towards Meredith, she was looking at me incredulously. I gave her a sweet smile. She rolled her eyes. She turned and motioned for me to follow her. She led me to the large reception area where the event was to be held.

"We only have a week to get everything together and I want it to be flawless. Are you sure that you can handle this? You were late and you were disrespectful to Mr. Grayson."

"I've never been disrespectful to Mr. Grayson," I said.

"No you haven't," Rory Grayson said as he approached with a big smile.

"Mr. Grayson, I didn't expect you," Meredith stammered.

"I know, but when I heard that John was here I wanted to see him."

"You know Mr. Walker?"

"Of course I do. He was Richard's roommate in college. They were also teammates on the football team. I'm surprised that you haven't heard any stories yet. The two of them are thick as thieves," Rory said as he shook my hand.

"I wouldn't say thieves," I replied with a smirk. "We were more of a dynamic duo."

"Of course you were." Rory patted me on the shoulder. "I expect you to be an exceptional part of our family here."

"I'll do my best, sir."

"Meredith, make sure that you give me an update before close of business."

"Yes sir," she replied.

Mr. Grayson walked off with a smile and a nod. Meredith watched him for a moment before looking at me. It felt like she was reassessing me with this new information. She tapped her chin thoughtfully.

"Is anything wrong," I asked.

"No. I guess it's good to have friends in high places."

"I assure you that I can pull my own weight."

"We'll see Mr. Walker."

Meredith began explaining the vision for the event. She showed me where she wanted different things set up. Once she knew that I understood what to do, we began. The time flew by as we worked. When she said that we could stop for lunch, I headed for Richard's office.

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