
I AM Elden the Sword Master

Fresh from the kingdom of Inaba to this borderland, standing at the forefront of the King's guard of Carya, behind me the august Moon Princess Tine. Yet as the Sword Wolf, how have I come to apprentice in sorcery? Some time later, Daon comprehended: the Inaba style is not such an inconvenient thing, swordsmanship and magic are still techniques of the blade, Inaba style is unbeatable

DaoistY7Nyr3 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Drinking with Lani

During the following days, the situation of the war was as calm as the waters of Lien Lake. It seemed as if the Dujue had no intention of attacking, even the catapults ceased to fire, they just coldly watched the Kalia construction teams repair and thicken the city walls.

It was as if an unspoken agreement had formed between the two sides. Neither Kalia dispatched people to harass, nor Dujue. They just quietly faced each other across a kilometer distance. Done, with his hand resting on the city wall, watched towards the south, where the transport teams' wagons constantly came and went. It seemed Dujue had no intention of leaving.

"Hmph, truly holding the enemy in order to bolster oneself?"

As long as the manor was in the hands of Kalia, these Dujue troops could use this as leverage to repeatedly extort military expenditures, putting the Reya Ru Kalia Academy in an awkward position.

Without giving them money, Dujue could just leave, what could prevent a Kalia's massive army from coming their way? If money was given, whether they were willing or not wasn't the issue, it was no different than aiding the enemy.

"Hehe, those traitors are in a tough spot now." Yaren silently came up next to him, slapping the battlement with joy, he laughed:

"I heard they're even recalling wandering mages. Huh, they don't see that battles are currently breaking out everywhere, how many would obediently return."

Recall mages? How come I didn't receive this news?

Done muttered a complaint, under his strong request, his merits and the title of the Knight of Glory were concealed. After all, "A man fears reaching fame like a pig fears getting fat", he didn't want to be watched by a bunch of people every time he went out. Anyway, Kalia was prolifically surrounded, many people couldn't equate the 'Hound Knight' with the mage apprentice, this secret would not leak out for a while.

"But speaking of which, wouldn't the Magic academy use Queen Reya to force us to take action?"

"Don't worry, they wouldn't dare."

"Why? Just because they kept a Kalia knight?"

"What does that Mogram count as?" Yaren stretched out his hand pointing to the far off massive tree, "As long as the Golden Tree doesn't fall, even with ten times the courage, those mages wouldn't dare harm Her Majesty!"

These words were spoken with resounding conviction, Done listening, slightly nodded his head, indeed the words weren't wrong. At the borderlands, no one knew whether Radagan was dead or alive. If one day the Elden King suddenly returned, how would the Mage Academy explain themselves?

Betrayal can be eradicated with profit, but where would someone place the dishonor of harming Radagan's ex-wife? Without one's dignity, what kind of Elden King could they still be?

"So, the academy simply needs to play tai chi with the Dujue. I suppose that Mathews isn't stupid either. Just let them wrestle each other. Speaking of which, isn't today's victory celebration also an attempt to test the waters?"

The manor was bustling with activity, tables were filled with mutton, fish and shrimp, and strong beverage was all lined up. The hundred warriors who remained on the wall were salivating at the sight.

"Are you a worm in Eiji's stomach? You even know this." The knight scoffed, patting Don's shoulder, "Everything is prepared. If Dujue dares to plot any tricks, they are guaranteed not to return whence they came. Go on, this is your due celebration."

"Mhm, then I'll go." Done turned to leave, but his wrist was gripped.

"You are really too impolite, aren't you? Not even willing to make some courteous conversation. Go on, go on, just remember to save some stomach space for when it's time to change shifts, so you can drink with me. Then, you will get to witness the capacity for drink of a Kalia knight!"

Done wrenched himself free, shrugged, and thought to himself, you are really courting death. He isn't a man of many hobbies, only enjoys sipping a few cups when idle. How does that saying go?

"All life I only love poetry and wine, wielding my sword's radiant gleam to guide the world."

Thinking of the taste of the borderland's fruit wine, he quickly wiped his mouth.

Damn, saliva is coming out.

Done descended the stairs, Kalia soldiers who recognized him greeted him one after another and he reciprocated each greeting, showing no signs of considering himself superior now that he had become a knight. When he reached the open space and looked around, the scene that met his eyes was too chaotic to describe.

There were swarms of people everywhere, normally stern-faced cooks were also happily serving up delicious food, several trolls sat cross-legged on the ground, using their huge swords to hang ropes. Some half-grown soldiers were swinging on it, others were jumping up and down on their shoulders.

At that moment, a person wearing a shining stone cap ran by. Done stepped aside to avoid him and noticed a bald mage chasing after him. After a few steps, he was clutching his knees and gasping for air, causing those around them to burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, Roderi, no wonder you always keep your cap on even while eating. I have a secret hair growth formula, would you like to try it?"

"Damn it, this bald head is a symbol of wisdom, what do you know." The man tidied up the few scruffy hairs on his head and walked off grumbling to ask his companions for help. Seeing his 'carefree' appearance, and the few strands of hair fluttering rebelliously in the wind, Done doubled over with laughter.

Hahaha, it's a good thing this body isn't bald, otherwise, I too would not dare to take off my cap.

"Hey, what are you laughing at?"

Done felt a strong pat on his back. He grimaced and turned to see a burly female warrior standing behind him. The wounds on her face had healed, but the scars looked rather fierce.

"It's just that the mage was quite funny. Speaking of which, captain, how did your injuries heal so fast?"

"That idiot from the medical unit learned a few things from the royal perfumer, his techniques are not bad." Karin's chest boomed as she patted it, she whispered in a teasing tone: "You are now a noble knight, I can't bear the title of 'captain'."

"We are companions who have been through life and death together, this won't change even if I become the Elden King."

"Well said, I'm liking you more and more. How about coming to my room tonight?"

"Well, let's not," Done responded.

The two chatted as they walked and soon caught sight of Arno, who was waving at them. He had saved two seats and was waiting for them.

Done sat down in his allocated spot and poked at the bandage around the teenager's abdomen. "Speaking of which, you're healed too?"

Arno winced with pain and dodged out of the way. "Can't I come to absorb the atmosphere?"

"Sure, sure. But this wine is mine." Done took the wine glass from his table. Kalia was short of supplies and there wasn't much wine - each person was allocated one or two servings.

"Wait, you never used to drink. You said alcohol would affect your thinking."

Done smiled, giving his young companion four words: "I've figured it out."

A lot of things were unexplainable, why should he pretend to be Done Light? It's good to live comfortably with wine and meat.

Arno was about to continue asking when the noisy scene quieted down. Looking up, he saw Blazer, the half-wolf, appearing on the roof and closed his mouth.

"Everyone, on behalf of Princess Lani, I congratulate you all. It is precisely due to everyone's brave fight that we were able to defend the land under our feet."

The wolf-man's icy voice echoed and everyone, accustomed to Lani's style, listened attentively. But Blazer, not being good with words, simply turned his wine glass upside down and poured out the wine.

"This first cup, is in memorial to the fallen warriors."

As his words fell, he took another glass handed to him by a servant and continued.

"This second cup, is to celebrate your bravery!"

He drank it all in one gulp, and was handed another, which he held up high.

"This third cup, is to wish for Kalia to last as long as the full moon!"

"Great! Kalia!"

The feast continued from dusk until late into the night. The estate was filled with soldiers sprawled out, their bellies bulging. Thankfully, the climate in Lyenia was warm and sleeping out in the open wouldn't result in catching a cold. Rather, Dujun didn't come, but in a show of defiance, also held a banquet in the camp outside the city.

Both inside and outside the city were feasting voraciously, and it wasn't known whether this scene would infuriate the magicians.

The sworn enemies had this unspoken understanding, allowing the originally tense nerves to relax. By midnight, Done, staggering with the wine jug in his arms, descended from the city wall, feeling groggy and a bit tongue-tied.

Damn it, I forgot this isn't my original body...

Even though the body of a magic apprentice was much stronger, it was still sensitive to alcohol. After finally descending the staircase, he leaned against the wall and started retching.

"But I still knocked Allan out, huh, told you that you're courting death."

Done gasped, preparing to wipe his mouth when a handkerchief was handed to him from the side. Taking it without a thought, he felt something was wrong and quickly turned around.

A petite figure in a black cloak stood behind him, the delicate face eerily familiar.

"Your Highness..."

"Shh, I came here without telling Blazer." Lani put her finger to her lips, observing Done's stunned expression, she coughed lightly and explained:

"Don't think too much, as the only remaining member of the royal family, of course, it was necessary to see such an astonishing victory."

You should have come earlier then.

Done was still confused, pointing at the sprawled soldiers around and asked: "Are you giving a speech? Wait a moment, I'll wake up Knight Allan right away."

"Stop!" Lani raised her voice, quickly stopping this fool, giving him a sideways glance, "I'm just looking, how about you, aren't you going to thank me for the gift I sent?"

"So, this wine was sent by you, I was wondering why it tasted different." Done raised the wine jug with an enlightened expression, he had been reluctant to drink it, feeling it was not inferior to the famous wine, 'Dragon Spring'.

"Shh, keep your voice down." Lani was somewhat speechless, pulling him along, " Come with me."

The two climbed to the top of a stone tower, the soldiers stationed here had already gone to rest. The silvery moon cast its light, providing an excellent view, but the snoring sound from below slightly spoiled the scenery.

Done looked around, to his left was the calm Lyenia lake, and beyond the cliff on the right was the vast ocean. He took a deep breath, admiring:

"The scenery is really beautiful."

"I told you, a long, long time ago, Lacard and I would often come here to enjoy the view." Lani sat on the wall, her silhouette seemingly blending into the full moon.

"So that bottle of wine can be considered as a personal token of my gratitude, without you, this place filled with memories would certainly have become a ruin."

Her tone was a bit melancholy, a demigod's life was truly too long, long to the point where all pleasant memories become somewhat blurry, hence making the place carrying these memories precious.

Done didn't speak, just quietly stared at the young girl in the moonlight, her figure looked rather hazy under the moonlight.

"What are you looking at?" Lani didn't turn back, hence, was unable to see her expression.

"I just felt that today's princess is not very majestic, but rather much more authentic."


One long silence later, Done was wondering if he had said something wrong when the silhouette that had her back turned to him suddenly spoke:

"Later, in private, just call me Lani, um, I just feel the title 'Your Highness' seems a bit odd, It always feels like you're teasing me."

"Yes, Your Highness, alright, Your Highness."

"You!" The young girl abruptly turned around, her face showed no expression as she stared at the man, however, he was smiling. After a moment of stalemate, her bright blue eyes shifted, and her gaze became somewhat sly.

"What?" She suddenly reached out her hand.

"What do you want?"

"Wine. I've been observing for a long time today, and I've noticed that you seem to enjoy drinking. So, just this once, I'll accompany you for a few drinks."

Done, cradling the wine jug, didn't move. He was just staring blankly at the princess. He was not reluctant, but a thought occurred to him.

You're a puppet, isn't this considered as cheating!?