
I am Dosu Kinuta in the naruto world!

A random young man from Earth dies, when he wakes up again he realizes he is now a weak villain of Naruto, Dosu kinuta, luckily a sound system came as a gift, now he can expand and acquire new powers of control and sound manipulation, the new Dosu is determined to surpass Orochimaru and become a powerful ninja!

Marcelinho_Ggazeli · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

everything is as it should be

""Go bring me Sasuke"" Orochimaru


Dosu and Kimimaro were finally sent

Kimimaro and Dosu didn't speak, Dosu didn't care, Kimimaro is extremely faithful to Orochimaru

""Kimimaro goes to Tayuya she's with Sasuke, I'll go to the bottom line and avoid chasing."

""hum"" Kimimaro

Dosu used his speed and headed for Sakon and Ukon's heart rate

Dosu didn't fight the quartet just for fighting, he also used this opportunity to store their heart rate and be able to use their echolocation

Using his speed, Dosu quickly departed


""boy, you and your ridiculous dog can't beat me"" Ukon

In the forest, Kiba was bleeding, Sakon and Ukon beat him with ease

""now die"" Sakon

Sakon was about to kill Kiba, but a puppet came forward

Dosu had his eye on everything, arrived a few seconds ago, but moved further away using his hearing and was not noticed by anyone.

"This fight is really bad, I don't understand how Sakon and Ukon didn't see a huge puppet"

"This fight is pure script, it doesn't make sense for Sakon and Ukon to lose to Kankuro, the strength is quite different, I think it's the fault of the brothers' lack of intelligence"

Kankuro seriously injured Ukon and forced him to retreat into Sakon's body and heal himself.

"stupid, the puppet prison is hidden back in the ground, it's easy to see, just use the chakra under your feet, donkey" Dosu

The more Dosu watched, the angrier he became, Sakon simply refused to look around and fell into all of Kankuro's traps.

"Whatever, their power is still cool, but when I take control of Otogakure, I'm going to beat them up until they learn to pay attention to the environment."

Dosu didn't go to save him right away, he wanted to wait until Sakon was desperate to be more grateful

Finally the two brothers fell into Kankuro's simple trap and were trapped inside the puppet

"it's time"

Kankuro was about to impale the brothers

""sound release - sound explosion""

A strong wave of sound swept through the attack puppet and the Kankuro


Kankuro and his puppet flew away, the power of Dosu's sound too strong for a weaker ninja than Jōnin to handle

Dosu appeared beside the prison puppet, he released his sound to vibrate the puppet and destroy it

Finally the two idiot brothers were released

""sound release - sound clone""

Dosu left a clone of himself to stay and have fun with Kankuro and Kiba, he just wanted to keep the two from chasing someone

Dosu then grabbed Sakon's body and backed off, he totally ignored the dumb twins' opinion.

"I hope Tayuya doesn't let me down"


Tayuya and Shikamaru were very close to each other

The first to give up space would die

Shikamaru can't take it, his shadow hanging fails

""finally, die now idiot"" Tayuya

Tayuya was about to kill Shikamaru when a strong wind jutsu hit her body

Tayuya flew away and only stopped when she grabbed a tree

Temari easily pushed her away

"another wind user, i can only hide my real body for 30 seconds, damn i didn't train enough" Tayuya

""Fantasy Melody""

Tayuya used her sound genjutsu

Temari summoned a strange animal and used wind release in conjunction with the animal

"Fuck this jutsu is too strong, I must hide now, but my chakra will end crap" Tayuya


"Fuck I'm late"

Dosu was close, he saw the huge wind jutsu up close, Sakon was following further behind

"odd, Tayuya's heartbeat is gone, but it's not like she's dead, it's just gone" Dosu

Dosu hid close, he would wait a while to see

"Temari's legs are still tempting, so big and white" Dosu

Shikamaru was out of chakra, he wasn't able to chase and Temari didn't seem to go

"the heartbeat came back, Tayuya was hiding somewhere, luckily she still seems to be useful"

Tayuya had no control over the jutsu, so she appeared again in a place without a tree, without the chakra she was easily exposed.

""still alive, alright then, die now"" Temari

Temari was about to kill Tayuya

""sound release - sound sickle""

Huge scythes of sound cut the tree Shikamaru and Temari were in, the two lost their balance

Dosu didn't care, he just went to Tayuya and picked her up and threw her on her shoulder.

""sound release - sound clone""

Dosu didn't want to fight and waste time, he wants to go to the valley of the end

He wants to see and ensure that Sasuke defeats Naruto and goes to Orochimaru

Tayuya was passed out and Sakon followed Dosu to retreat

Only one clone remained to hold Temari


""Sakon and Ukon, take Tayuya and back off, I'll go after Sasuke "" Dosu

Dosu threw Tayuya to Sakon and walked away, he didn't care for Sakon's opinion.

Dosu had the echolocation and it was easy to find everyone, he felt Gaara and Lee fighting Kimimaro

He bypassed the 3 and went towards the remaining 2 heartbeats

Finally, after a while, he hid behind one of the statues.

Sasuke and Naruto were fighting

After a few minutes of fighting, Sasuke won

"it looks like everything is as it should, time to go back" Dosu
