

In the world of Hejdurer from birth your would receive an rune on your back, or as the creed would t would call it fødsel. That rune decided your element. Such as, the most basic fire, water, earth, air there were also element that were the most rarest elements time, space, havoc, and ether. You are also not limited to just one element the average person gets 2. It is theoretically possible to get all elements, but the chances of that are 1 in ℵ1 impossible basically. This world is set in our world with the same continents, but different names. This is a more cyberpunk world kinda what you would imagine the world in 2400 would look like. There is also such things as mana and martial arts. There is no such thing as cultivating or body and spirit bullshit. Ohh I fucking met some old, wise ass guy a girl with big ass boobs and I showed my cool powers and now I have backing wit the great noble families generic shit. Or I reincarnated and My level is five fucking trillion and have 50 billion big tittie girls in my harem dogshit. No reincarnation either or isekai. This is also my first time writing and actual novel so excuse the bad grammar and bad upload times. Please enjoy sincerely, the TheCasualReader. This novel will update when ever like feel like so don't beg for uploads.

This is mainly just a introduction to to the setting and giving you some knowledge of the world

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