
I Am Cured From Being Zombie

I used to be a Zombie, moving mindless corpse. but now i am cured and become a human. what should i do now? -_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_-- thank you for reading this novel. it will be quite annoying at first but bear with it because there is a reason for everything. please leave comment and idea as this book will not be a good one without you in it.

Northsouth · Fantasy
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Hello Cured Zombie

silly me haha

i, Catherina Westfield, have actually walking non stop in the middle of thinking my own monolog.

so currently i am in the middle of nowhere, which is fine. i know where to go. i just don't know which way to go.

well any direction is a right direction if you are in the middle of nowhere, so let's go forward.

and while i am walking aimlessly, let's do another monolog.

so regarding this world.

since the rise of zombies, the world become very strange.

first on list of strange is magic.

standard, i know. everyone dream of having magic. to fly to cast fire out of nothing or to hit someone from distance.

but magic here is kinda different.

first, there is no limit to how many magic can use. magic somehow use your stamina instead of so called magic power. so now gym training become more relevant especially for those who want to wield magic.

second, there is no such thing called talent in magic. everyone can use it. what makes people different when using magic is skills and experience. new born baby and old man can wield the same amount of devastating magic. it just baby Don't know how to wield magic because it is not learned by instinct, and old man can blow a sky scrapper just because he heard how to.

third, war become more chaotic and Dangerous. we used to fight with guns and armor, tanks and jet. the range of destruction for such weapon is not as wide and as random as magic.

imagine you wield magic for war and use Fire Gatling spell to shot Hundreds of small fireball. but then the enemy used Reflect spell that return your shots to you. then you said that you suppose to use magic that can be use closed range and safe from reflect effect. but your enemy also think alike and ready with several counter measure.

what goes from "if he use gun, i use bigger gun" become like "if he use gun, i use dinosaur, megatro*, ange*on and yugiyes"

fourth and the final, the word magician is no longer about trick. not always.

ah last one not funny, not even for a scientist who made it herself which is me.

in summary, magic f*ck us all in many different way.

and where am i right now. hmm

why is there so many dead zombies here?

and why are they gathered in this single building?

and the wierdest is who the hew is twisting zombies head?


i think i know.

the only "living" creature in this whole facility other than me that will definitely act different than normal.

o ho ho hello Cured Zombie.