
Who Rules the Heaven!

This man was none other than Liam himself. He beforehand had prepared these setups to make his first impression on three of them ,So that they not go questioning unwanted or think something against him.

Even he a real God needs to make some impression of his on others.


I am The Supreme Creator aka God.

This single sentence blowed their minds blank. They never thought about a God in their's life till now. They exist or not they never took concern of it.

Today, suddenly they found out that for meeting each three of them God waited for numerous years. This made all three of them surprised.

Without waiting further Liam continued to speak.

I created and shaped this whole World. Every living being that born in this World are my children. They all contain a certain ratio of my blood.

The ball of light which in past emerged with you all was sent by me only. It had contain a percentage of my blood. When it caught you, it learned that you fulfill some conditions I made.

In process, it integrated with you and you evolved bringing certain changes to you. Which was the reason yoy were able to cross coming troubles easily.

I did it so, I can get suitable candidates for the future plans of your world "Genesis".

The more Alva, Edmyla and Azathes learned the truth the more surprised they got. In the end they believed that the man in front of them is a God,who created this World and living beings in Genesis are all his children.

In the end, All three accepted this fact and listened forward.

There were many candidates like you who got same treatments but were not able to go against their fate during ways and falled down. Only you three reached here meaning you are the ones who went against their written fate.

Now, I have a invitation for you all. I just wanna ask do you accept my proposal?

You can decline also, you will not lose anything.

All three burned some brain cells & went into deep thought for some time. It was Alva who first spoke.

I accept the invitation.

Alva said with a expectations having face.

After some minutes, Edmyla also accepted the invitation.

Only Azathes was left. He was still thinking and on seeing other two accept the invitation, he also got encouraged but decided to ask a question first.

On seeing, the expression of Azathes.Liam spoked with a sweet smile.

If you have any doubt just ask it.

Will it bring certain harm to us??

Alva and Edmyla also got interested on answer of this question.

This is absolutely no.How can I hurt my own children.It's more of a offer, you all will get rewards. I will tell details only when you accept it.

Liam replied with a calm laugh.

I accept yours invitation.

Azathes said with a slight bow.


While Clapping Liam with a happy smile on his face stepped back some steps. He stood back in a slight high position as if going to announce something.


Giving off a fake cough Liam said.

You all come some steps forward.

On hearing it, Alva, Edmyla and Azathes as commanded moved 2 steps forward and bowed down infront of Liam.

As The Supreme Creator,

From todays onwards, You will be known as Supreme Gods. The Deities who only comes second after the World's and The Supreme Creator.

You will be worshipped by the beings on this world. You control the Fate and Destiny of them according to your decisions.The laws are controlled by you.

You maintain the stability of the lower world and when the chaos increases in lower world you take charge to demolish the chaod.

You will be those who rules the heaven, you are those who maintains peace on whole world, You will be knows as The Supreme Gods.

Liam utilized millions to billions of World Source & 3 Drops of Origin which got consumed by each of them.

This led to transformation of there soul & body of three of them.There souls got strengthened countless time equal to will being more stronger. The body also evovled to a body of a Deity.

The blood in their veins also changed from red to cyan Gold. It contained every race/creature/Beasts/monsters essence in it.As a Deity, being similar to God's characteristics.

Now, Their Souls and Body are Immortal. They can't die to the hands of any other beings other than World's and God.

As longs the world gets more prosperous and stronger the more stronger you would get.

Alva, You will be the Supreme Goddess who rules over Life and Death.You will have full control over any beings souls, you reincarnate them or send them through endless hell.

Edmyla, You will be the Supreme Goddess who rules over Fate and Destiny. All Supreme Deities have certain authority over it but, You will have full authority over it. The lower beings Fate will known by you. The Fates and Destiny of them is in your hands.

And Azathes, You will be the Supreme God who rules over Space and Time. You will able to control the flow of the river of time by your will. Space will change and shape accordingly to your Order and Will.


In Genesis,

These words of Liam's were announced all over as the Voice of the World. Every being felt the pressure released by new three Supreme Gods. From cannon fodders to the Overlords creatures everybody bowed their head down towards them.

In their whole life, first time they learned about that Gods exist in there World. There are Three Supreme Gods, who rules the Heaven and they need to worship them.

They not got offended instead some even started choosing to which god to worship.Many temples and Statues were started building in towns, villages and in mains Capitals etc.

Monsters and Beasts also choosed their gods to worship. This happened cause they also felt a natural attactiom to them.

This was happened due to their blood contains all races bloods meant have relation to them. It's made it easier for their belief to spred more.

All designated Laws got attracted to their assigned Deities. They were Law of Life, of Death, of Fate and Destiny and of Space & Time. These were also the Supreme Laws present in this World now comes under control of Supreme Gods.

Those who wants to comprehend these laws needs to get first allowed from them by any means it can be worshipping etc.


Back to Garden,

During their transformation, they got covered inside a cocoon, in which they were continuously evolving further more.

There evolution should now finish soon.

As his speech finished, Alva's cocoon starts cracking and eyes blinding light came from it, at last it broke down whole and Alva's body came into view.

Tell me about the gods you follow.( ╹▽╹ )

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

alex_twilight077creators' thoughts
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