
Designing a System Panel.

More specifically, evolving this world into a System World.

As foreseen by Liam, three of them not first understood the concept of his, but he made them understand at least basics of its. They then started discussing over it.They decided how and from when to execute it fully.

As the discussion dismissed, Every one of them understood their roles and works needed to do before fully executing this idea.

The first problem was none other than a energy source.This project really required a huge amount of energy. Liam decided to consume World Source for it and in needful moment some Drops of Origin can also be used. Even so,It will not be a big problem in the upcoming future.

The second thing they needed to think how to connect all the areas from top to bottom of this world so, that this System can work everywhere. For it the group decided to use Runes.

They had already existed in Genesis used by each races for different purposes. Mostly they were used for communication from long distances. It sets up connections to other rune for a long distance communication.

Normal Runes can't stand up huge energy transmission.To solve this problem group decided to create Divine Runes, it will be able to easily transmits the energy from anywhere to everywhere.

Some further points were discussed and the planning ended.

Now that everything is planned only thing that is left is to start this project.

Liam announced to them. All of them listensed with excited expressions on there faces.

Now, As we planned soon we will start this project. For now you three go and stable your Supreme Gods Positions.Construct an space and name it heaven for the lower world believers.

As you command Creator.


After the newly promoted Supreme Gods left, Liam and Genesis Wills was only left behind. Liam spoke to Genesis Will.

I think we should start establishing Runes

in dinstict areas, between each of them should be equal gap of distance in which they can function to its peak.Just what we need is to design a pattern for its creation.

I have already pondered on it and decided on a pattern.

Liam raised his right hand and pointed out his index finger. Bright yellow light appeared on his finger tip and he moved it in air motioning to draw something. Eventually, a pattered was drawned on thin air.

It was an Infinite.

This sign also existed in Genesis, it was invented by the humans in their early times long ago.

The infinite pattern started glowing brightly and light spreaded spreaded in every direction. In some time it dimmed down and the first ever Divine Rune was here by created.

Genesis Will observed it very keenly with his eyes and found out that it can easily store huge amount of Energy.Which is what they needed for now.

It's a very good Rune, Creator. What you will name it?

Genesis said and asked the name of this newly created rune from Liam.

Moving his right hand towards the rune, Liam used his fingers to fully hold it.It directly jumped in between his fingers and now it was held in his hand. Seeing it slowly Liam spoke,

It will be known as "Rune of Infinity".

Now that it's created you can go to spread it all over the Genesis and place it in the star and moon also.

Yes, Creator. Now I will leave to complete your order.

Genesis Will after a bow left the room,Back to work Liam fully got engaged in further steps to move.

When the connection between these runes will be setted up, On completion of the system suitable for this world will be uploaded into these runes.

Before starting this system, Edmyla will first come in action. As a supreme goddess of fate and destiny, she needs have full view and full control over every living beings fate and destiny.Due to this, problems will not arise more specifically bugs and glitches will not occur in system.

Now, Let's begin designing a system panel.

It should show mainly stats like Strength, Defense, Speed & Magic (Refering Magicules). Additiona will be Players Name, Level + exp, HP, Race, Skills etc.

This will surely take some time to become complete.


While The Supreme Creator was making a System, newly promoted Supreme Gods were having their seperate meeting regarding what to do next.

An space gap was made by Supreme God of space and time. Inside it they were having discussion on building something.

Around a round table on three chairs Alva, Edmyla and Azathes were seated down.

Alva first spoke her advice.

I think we should first make an alternate realm invisible to mortals.This realm should be named as Heaven as said by creator. Our divine kingdoms will be there, the most loyal believers of ours will ascend in spirit form to these kingdoms to serve us and have eternal life.

Next, Edmyla speaks in return,

Yours idea is good. I agree to you. It will also make easy for us to actively watch over this world.Other than matters specifically need us,our followers can take action on small events aside us.

On listening both goddess conversation, Azathes spoke with a wise man's attitude,

Ok, seems like it's decided.I will soon start construction of this alternate realm.Edmyla how's your task progress till now given to you by creator.

Edmyla smiles and replies,

It's progressing good,Now I can fully view and to some extent manipulate fate upto most of the living beings. Soon Creator will be able to start this project.

Now, we should start working as decided.

Azathes said. This meeting had successfully ended. All of them left to Establish Heaven.


In Genesis,

Ecaerian Empire,

After people here get to know about gods.Related to these gods, new religions came into existence.According to their tastes, people in masses joined these religions. King Alvis also decided to join a religion. In end,He became a believer of Goddess Alva.

Reason of choosing this goddess was due to his fear of death, Humans in Genesis have long life spans and the people who continuously grow in power ranks have much more life span. King Alvis now had entered his old age. He currently aged around 1000 - 1200 years, It may look more but there are magicians having life-spans of 5000+ years.

King Alvis solemnly wished that after he dies, somehow if his soul gets received by Goddess then he would be able to live a peacefull after-life.He purely believes that he will not be judged bad by her cause he never commited any crime or something like that in his life till now.

Unknown to him, because he made the Human race grow a certain amount of virtue and merit was generated for him. It's truly come come to a point, that onself Supreme Goddess Alva will arrive to receive his soul.

His whole family also followed his steps worshiping Supreme Goddess of life and Death.

I know this chapter can be called bland compared to before ones. I promise the future ones will surely entertain you.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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