
Ginger Boss

Spring was approaching, causing the entire city more inevitably chilly in morning. A Volkswagen Arteon S4 slowly parked in a parking lot at tall building. A slender figure descending from the driver seat, locking the car, and walked towards the elevator.

Elevator went up to top floor of the building, the girl wearing a white shirt matched with marron pencil fit pant. she had a waist length hair tied in a ponytail which looks like a black silk.

While the slender figure walking towards her office cabin, morning greetings were coming from all sides and she reacted with a curt nod to all of them.

"why our Vice president looking so grumpy in the morning which doesn't suits her normal self" commented one employee to the secretary.

John, Secretary of Vice president shrugged and replied nonchalantly that "it may be due to Quarter end meeting which is going to start in few hours".

The employee who was a Sales head started John smugly while leaning in John desk "our sales for this quarter was much better than previous quarters and we exceeded the Gross margin target, plus our VP is always an easy going person wondering want happened to her".

"you can ask her directly if you think she is an easy-going person" only GOD knows how he the Great John need to coax his boss with her temper if any mishaps happen. But he is so lucky to have her as a senior in college and most importantly as a BOSS, which she guided him in a right path even there were few mistakes happen, she will approach it only as a learning tool from the cause of problem.

Few seconds passed" Greetings Vice president, the file you asked regarding the sales returns for this month was already submitted in your desk" said John looking behind Mohan.

Mohan the sales head dumbstruck and felt a shivering in his back, while turning around there is nobody and the door looked closed as earlier.

"YOU BRAT!!!, note there is no additional bear in today's dinner for you" he punched in John shoulder and ran away to his workplace.

"Hehee" John shook his head and pull one side of his thin lips, however thinking about the unusual face of his boss something felt wrong. Did somebody feed her ginger instead of her favorite breakfast.

Dears, this is my first novel.

Hope this novel will be liked, , pls do support with this novel which will encourage me positively and to improvise myself.

karthipricreators' thoughts