

Hello fellow readers its the author of this child like fan fic here please don't blame me for my child like writing style I haven't written a story sense high schools csap or tcap whatever they call it anyway if your reading this thank you for giving me a chance I'll most likely disappoint you but hey im still a sapling give me time and support I'll eventually grow into a mountain ash tree anyway feedback is appreciated tips tricks anything that can help me grow you know as for what this book is about please read or watch The Eminence In Shadow (disclaimer) i am not the author of The Eminence In Shadow that would be Anri Sakano and Daisuke Aizawa I'm just a fan of there manga/novel this is a fanfic all characters in here are not mine. now if you had watched or read The Eminence In Shadow then this novel gonna play out sorta the same way just less cringe and my own original character as the protagonist with a twist

SUPERbowl_cuz_me · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Birth Of Shadow Garden And The Emergence Of The Order Of Diablos

It's been almost a month, I guess.

While thinking of the day I got my hands on that lump of meat, I sigh deeply while standing in that same abandoned village.

How did things become like this?

The experimentation on the lump of meat went well until around halfway through. Since it was not my own body, I had no qualms about pouring in tons and tons of magic. Not this, not that, maybe this way, perhaps that way, oh, I just had tons of fun with the experiments day after day. Damn, it was fun. I got closer to the essence of magic and felt my strength growing visibly. Everything was good.

I improved on my magic control, making it denser, finer, and more robust, until the moment came that I could completely suppress the magic deviation... then suddenly, I found a young blond elf girl in front of my eyes.

I was so absorbed in controlling my magic that I didn't notice the lump of meat turning into a blond elf until then. It's pretty amazing to return from being that lump of meat. So I decided to send her off like, "You're free now, so return to your home!" or "May you be happy in the future!" But then she said, "I can no longer go home," and, "I must return this debt of gratitude." I mean, seriously, I wasn't helping you; you're just a coincidental outcome, alright?

It seemed like a pain, and I considered just running away, but in the end, I agreed to have her become my very first subordinate as an eminence in the shadows. It doesn't seem like she'll betray me, and she seems pretty intelligent and possesses an unnecessarily capable aura. Even though she is 10, just like me, the rumor that elves mature mentally much faster wasn't a lie.

"Which is why, from today onwards, your name will be Alpha."

α, Alpha, either way, is OK.

"I understand."

She nodded. With her blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin, and outstanding beauty, she's very much the stereotypical elf.

"And as for your duties..."

I stop talking and take a moment to think. This part is essential.

Her job is to support me as an eminence in the shadows, that's for sure. But then I'd have to clarify precisely what eminence in the shadows means and my aim. In other words, I must tell her the fundamentals of my role as an eminence in the shadows.

The setting of any plot is essential. If the reason for fighting is "because I got pissed after losing at Pachinko," then that'll just be dumb.

In that area, I am thoroughly prepared. Before coming to this world, and certainly after coming to this world, I've continuously dreamt of my best idea of being an eminence in the shadows.

Combining the several thousands and tens of thousands of patterns I had thought up previously, I instantaneously arrived at the optimum scenario.

"From the shadows, we shall interfere with and stop the resurrection of the demon Diabolos."

"The demon Diabolos...?"

Alpha tilts her head in puzzlement.

"I'm sure you already know that the demon Diabolos had almost destroyed the entire world in distant history. However, three heroes – an elf, a beast person, and a human – stood up and defeated Diabolos, thus saving the world."

"I've heard that before, but isn't that just a fairytale?"

"No, it happened. Though the truth was much more complicated than the fairytale..."

So saying, I smile wryly.

Combining this world's various legends into a believable struggle in the shadows scenario is a piece of cake for someone of my capabilities.

"Right before he died, Diabolos cursed the three heroes. That is called the Curse of Diabolos."

"The Curse of Diabolos? I've never heard of such a thing..."

"No, the Curse of Diabolos truly exists. But it is commonly known by another name – 'demon possession.' Indeed, it is exactly what you have been suffering from."

"How could that be..."

Alpha's eyes open wide in shock.

"The descendants of the heroes who defeated Diabolos will forever suffer from that curse. However, long ago, the Curse of Diabolos was treatable. Just as you were."

Alpha's skin is now white and unblemished – as if she had never been afflicted with demon possession – which is the most significant proof of what I'm saying.

It's all a big, fat lie, though.

"Demon possession is the proof of being a descendant of one of the heroes. As the children of those who had saved the world, they were valued, protected, thanked, and extolled. All in past tense, though."

"But now we are not thanked. Rather, we are..."

Alpha's face scrunches up, unable to continue her sentence.

"Someone had distorted history. Hiding the fact of it being the symbol of the heroes, hiding the method to treat the curse, and even renaming it as 'demon possession' and turning it into a target of scorn."

"WHO?! Who would do something like that?"

"They are those who are plotting the resurrection of the demon Diabolos. Those suffering from the Curse of Diabolos are, without exception, those with high magic capabilities due to having heavily inherited the blood of the heroes. In other words, they are our precious military strength and, thus, obstacles to Diabolos."

"Which is why they call it demon possession and execute them? They're the lowest of the low!"

"Having been branded with the fabricated sin of demon possession, having been chased from your home and family, do you feel hatred?"

"I. Hate. Them. How can I not?"

"The Order of Diabolos. That is our enemy. They would never stand on the public stage. As such, we, too, must lurk in the shadows. We will lurk in the shadows and hunt the shadows."

"To possess that much influence even without appearing on the public stage... In other words, it means this Order must have many members in mighty positions and manipulate many people without even knowing their existence."

I nod gravely.

"It will be a path filled with thorns and thistles. However, this is something that must be done. Will you lend me your strength?"

"If it is your wish, I am resolved even to offer my life. On top of that, this is my wish as well. We shall succeed without fail."

Alpha fixes her blue eyes on me and laughs fearlessly. Her young and beautiful eyes are filled with resolve and determination.

I mentally do a guts pose.

Damn, yea, this elf is hella gullible!

Naturally, the Order of Diabolos does not exist, so no matter how hard she searches, there's no way she'd find anything. Every once in a while, we'll take out some random bandit gang on suspicion of being a member of the Order. Or we'll jump in and interrupt a fight between some protagonist-like people and say things like "The destruction of this world is nigh!" or "The resurrection of the demon is nigh!" before making a flashy exit. Or we can flashily show up on a battlefield and say, "Oh ye foolish sheep who know not that you are being manipulated..." before taking everyone out. Oh, all the things that we can do! The sky's the limit!

Oh, right, as for the all-important name of our organization...

"We shall be known as Shadow Garden... We who lurk in the shadows and hunt the shadows..."

"Shadow Garden. What a wonderful name."

Today, at this moment, Shadow Garden came to be. At the same time, the enemy of this world, the Order of Diabolos, was also born. I have taken one more step towards becoming an eminence in the shadows.

"Well, for now, let's just improve our magic control and swordsmanship. I will take on the bulk of the fighting, but I will assign you to deal with the small fries, so you'll also have to become at least strong enough to handle that much."

"I understand. The enemy is powerful, so we must raise our strength."

"Yep, yep, exactly."

"And we must also search out the other descendants of the heroes and safeguard them."

"Um, yeah, that too. In moderation."

Playing as an eminence in the shadows with more people would give it more of an organizational feel, but we don't need too many. I'm fine if it's just the two of us.

"Well, for the near future, let's focus on getting stronger first."

So saying, I bring up my wooden sword and parry Alpha's attack. She has made enormous progress after only a month of training.

Her sense is excellent, and she has more than enough magic. It seems she'll be of quite some use.

So I thought as I continued swinging my wooden sword underneath the moonlight. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SUPERbowl_cuz_mecreators' thoughts