
I Am Chaotic Destruction

Within a desert, an army stood while looking at the coffin that had appeared before them all. a coffin that was sent flying, and from within, a handsome young man stepped out of the coffin while looking around. "... Lord Help us all," Onoki said as horror swallowed him seeing the person who had stepped out of the Coffin. out of any Shinobi to be brought back to life... why him? Just why? Were they fated to lose? "I'm alive? This is funny, after going all out to kill me, you bring me back to life... Onoki, you brat. you have become so old." He said with a smirk while looking around, his eyes landing on the only person in the army he knew. Onoki, out of the hundreds of thousands of shinobi who went to war with him to kill him... Onoki was someone he remembered thanks to his skills. "R-run!" Onoki didn't think for a second and ordered everyone to run. this was a monster that badly injured those 2 powerhouses, a man who stood on a level of power that could destroy the world. they were lucky to kill him last time, but even then, he took out over 60k shinobi all by himself. this was a monster.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


Years passed after Kaguya left, she went on to take over the world. She went on to free those who were trapped within the infinite Tsukuyomi after doing a few things to their minds. a few of them were selected to remain trapped, turning into something called white zetsu, and the rest were allowed to live.

She went on to give birth, and although I tried to pop up on the big day, she didn't want to see me, and she didn't want her child to do anything with a father who couldn't put them first. Although it hurt, I agreed with her and went on to move, and went to find another place to live.

She went on to give birth to two twin sons, Hagoromo and Hamura Ōtsutsuki. they were born with chakra, making the pair the first people born with chakra. I watched everything play out, watching as the kids took their first step, said their first words, and so on. All the while I wanted to see if I could put them first... but I couldn't find that desire. so after watching for some time, I returned to my training.

Kaguya on the other hand was known as the rabbit goddess for some time. At first, she was a caring and peaceful ruler, but as years passed, she went from the rabbit goddess to being known as a demon. Why? 3 things were happening that led to this.

The chakra fruit held some effect on this, whether she liked it or not, but her values were attacked by the tree that was absorbing the blood of those who died around it, leading to it having some negative effect on her mind.

second, every time she saw the twins all she saw was that cruel man who broke her heart.

and lastly, be a god long enough and you get annoyed by the ants not knowing their place. so she became more ruthless in showing them their place. As the twins grew... well, you know the story.

She grew displeased with others having chakra, adding the fact she couldn't help but remember those 6 men who had betrayed her just because they had some power. would her son betray her? That was something she didn't want to happen, but she avoided doing anything to the best of her capability, not wanting to be a bad parent like someone else.

Kaguya had raised the kids to be upright and noble, so when a talking frog came to them, talking to them about something being off about the God tree, they grew curious and started looking into it.

It didn't take long for them to find out the secret their mother had been hiding from them. Hogoromo took the blow the hardest, as one of the people whom the god tree was in the middle of turning into white zetsu was a girl he liked, this led to him awakening the sharingan.

So, they went to see the toad once more, there the toad took them to the land of the toad, Mount Myōboku, he had a crystal that recorded everything that happened above ground, so he was able to show them Kaguya's past and truth behind everything... he just happened to jump over everything related to there father.

To say the least, the twins wanted to stop their mother, but they realized they were weak, so they needed to learn Sage power. what was Sage power? it was the power gained from using natural energy, the very same power the god tree was absorbing.

the two brothers went on to learn it, but Hagoromo was the one who went on to master this power. mastering it to such a level he made it his own power, which impressed the toad. but as their mother had caught on to all of this, a battle soon broke out. it turned out that Kaguya and the God tree had become one at this point, allowing Kaguya to even call upon the God tree's power to fight the siblings. it was a battle that shook the world.

"Are you not going to help your children?" within the land of the toad, the toad Gamamaru asked while looking at me.

"They will win. Kaguya never learned to fight, she can only fight those she can overwhelm. since she and the sibling's strength are around the same level, she is fated to lose, although they have to seal her away as they can't kill her, and don't have the heart to keep killing her until all of her chakra is used up." I said calmly while getting up to leave.

"... what about the deal you and Kaguya have?" Gamamaru asked to which I shook her head.

"This isn't her end, there are a few things I want... so I will let fate work for the time being," I said while disappearing. leaving Gamamaru confused.

the battle between the mother and twins lasted months, it was such a destructive battle that the moon in the sky was destroyed, and the earth was left crying from their battle. but the twins won. they sealed away Kaguya and the earth gathered around while she flew into the sky, forming a new moon.

Her Chakra on the other hand was taken and turned into 9 beasts, known as the tail beast. Hagoromo went on to seal these beasts inside him, becoming their host while going on to travel the world to teach them to love humans, meanwhile, Hamura moved to the moon to be closer to his mother. before that whole battle, he was being controlled by his mother, and within that state, he felt her emotions and understood her fear, worries, and hatred towards someone. So, he understood that his mother was doing what she thought was best and he felt wrong if he just left her.

Hagoromo traveled across the land giving chakra to everyone in the world, spreading his ideals and religion of chakra in the process. His great deeds and ultimate desire to bring peace to the war-torn world made him widely known as the Saviour of this World... one day he went on to form a family, giving birth to two boys, Indra the oldest, and Asura the youngest...

well, let's have a small time skip.... Let go to a time when I outgrew my desire to live alone, and finally wanted to find something to do. this happened, more than 700 years later... wait thats too far ahead, let's first see the time I first saw my children.

On his death bed, Hagoromo laid. everyone gathered to see him off, even his brother Harmura came down from the moon to see him off. They were old, as they aged like normal humans even with their mother's blood running through them.

"Wow, you look ugly. you both aged poorly." as they were saying goodbye, I entered the room while calmly walking over. everyone turned towards me while their eyes burned with rage. Hamura's eyes narrowed while activating his Byakugan.

"w-who are you?" Hamura asked in horror seeing my chakra, which was canceling each other out. he had just never seen so much chakra, not even his mother had so much chakra. chakra so powerful that it had to be canceled out or else one couldn't control it.

"I see Kaguya never talked about me, understandable," I said calmly while waving my hand, sending everyone flying to the side, allowing me to walk up to Hagoromo, who looked at me in confusion.

"This is why I didn't want to be a father, this sense of responsibility. This guilt and weight on my shoulders is truly annoying." I said stunning the twins.

"What? Shocked your dad looks younger than you? well, thats because I took my bloodline away from the two of you when you were in your mother's womb. It would be a shame if you ended up like me, having power so powerful you can't control it." I said softly,

"where were you all this time?" Hagoromo didn't know why, but he trusted my words.

"Watching you two from afar, seeing if I wanted to be a father... I guess I was okay with just watching you grow up from afar. I mean Kaguya was doing a good job, although you two ended up sealing her away. the betrayal she felt from me, and on top of that her twins. She might kill me the next time we meet." I said with a shake of my head

"what are you saying?" Hamura asked, going on guard as he feared I would do something 

"If I wanted to free Kaguya, I would have moved in to help her defeat the two of you. instead, I just watched." I said while putting my palm over Hargoromo's chest, and out came flying his source 

"I will be keeping this safe for now. I don't have time to come on your deathbed as well, so I will just take it." I said while Hamura's source came out, flying into my palm, before disappearing, leaving the twins and everyone else speechless... what a deadbeat father they had.

Well, I hated the sense of responsibility, why should I force myself to do something I didn't want to do? But let's go back to when I began to start feeling alone.

There is a reason why I didn't destroy fate, there was someone I wanted to be born. A genius called Tobirama would go on to create many jutsu. Hagoromo went on to spread chakra and although at first it was to try and unite people, it was turned into a weapon, and many techniques to weaponize it were created.

Tobirama would take this to a new level, creating many jutsu that were extremely powerful, I wanted to watch the guy creating such jutsu to learn for myself. I had of course seen many jutsu being created, but they were created on the spot and most of the time it's not like they wanted to do so. Tobirama had a goal while creating the jutsu, and it's something I wanted to see him do step by step.

Within the forest, a black figure stood within the shadow, looking at the building which stood peaceful in the center of all of this. Next to a pond, I sat on a chair while my pet snake lay next to me.

"Black, this is the closest you have come to me, what do you want," I asked calmly, causing the snake to look up, wanting to know who I was speaking to. but it turned around, looking towards the forest where a black humanoid walked out. it was not human, and it was unclear what it was

"... You knew?"It asked to which I just nodded slightly.

"Yeah, I have seen everything. I'm guessing you're losing hope in bringing your mother back, so you came to ask for my help?" I asked to which the black humanoid lowered its head. this was Kaguya's third son, moments before she was sealed, she created it, and ever since it has been working to bring Kaguya back.

It's because of it that Hagoromo children became enemies, going as far as to be fated that each of their reincarnations shall battle to the death. It needed someone with the Rinnegan, and the only one who could do this was Hagoromo's child. you see, the rinnegan was needed to summon the geta statue, which was the Kaguya weakened formed. once the Geta statue absorbs all of the tail beasts, then the 10 tails could be reborn. From there, it needed someone to absorb the 10 tails and become the new body Kaguya would be reborn in.

this was hard and extremely complex, and only the Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo has ever awakened the rinnegan

"Mother stilled loved you..." It said softly, it had bits of Kaguya memory, so it of course knew who I was.

"Don't try and guilt me into working, the only time I let guilt control me was when my son was on his deathbed," I said making it angrily look at me.

"How could you just abandon mother like that?" It asked angrily

"Abandon? didn't she choose to rule the world over being with me? We were both trash parents and trash to each other." I said making it go quiet, not expecting my words.

"You want peace... but it's clear you have gotten bored of this life." It said while turning and walking away, leaving me frowning. I looked at the shake, which looked at me in confusion.

"You seem to be right... well, you have my support. I just refuse to work personally." I said while getting up and stretching my body. Hearing my words, it stopped in its footsteps and looked at me in shock.

"In the end, me and your mother were allies. I will help her protect this world... and I guess I'm ready to be the man she wanted me to be." I said

"then why are you not going to just free her?" It asked unhappily, to which I shook my head while showing two fingers.

"One, I'm too strong that I'm weak. and second, I want to go live in a village to see if what I want is true." I said calmly, making it unhappy, but it nodded in understanding. if its mother came back hearing that I wanted to be her husband, just for me to take my word back, she would explode.

At the same time, he knew about my power. I was strong, too powerful for my good and I was weak thanks to the fact I couldn't use too much of my power. It was sad really, but although I was the strongest person on the planet, I was considered average strength due to me being so powerful. what an odd paradox