
I am Baelon

[House of Dragonsl] became the crown prince of a day who should have died young, but Baelon survived tenaciously. Being sick and weak can't defeat him, and losing his qualifications as heir can't give up. Start the scouting mission, search for the lost treasure and embark on the legendary path of conquering the seven kingdoms. Explore the Black Death Skull: Obtain the dragon's legacy, fire resistance +50%. Explore the auspicious white stag: Get the blessing of the auspicious beast and ask for a long life. Explore Blackfire and the Dark Sisters: get the King's Gaze and the Knight's Oath. Baelon rode the dragon, sat on the Iron Throne and scorned the machinations of all careerists. Winter is coming, I will ride the dragon.

DaoistjLm6g1 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 23: Dragon Training Manual

Baelon poured out all the gold and spread it across the entire bed.

He lay on the gleaming bed, feeling amused despite the uncomfortable distance.

Taking his time to open the book he had retrieved, Baelon, proficient in ancient Valyrian, began to read.

The book records a brief history of a Dragon King family called "Daigalian."

That medal with the dragon pattern is the emblem of this family.

It is carved with two giant dragons intertwined and surrounded, full of life.

The Daigalian family is a large family with a long heritage in ancient Valyria.

There are more than 300 dragons registered.

At its peak, the family had the astonishing figure of sixty-seven living dragons at the same time, regardless of their age or size.

Such a foundation ranks at the forefront of the forty Dragon King families, surpassed only by a handful of families.

The spatial bracelet in Baelon's hand is one of the inherited treasures of the Daigalian family.

The holder is the heir of a certain family.

The bracelet was lost outside for unknown reasons.

The more Baelon read, the more frightened he became. Gradually straightening up, he read each line of text with seriousness.

The book briefly introduces various Dragon King families allied with the Daigalian family and roughly analyzes the strength of these allies.

After reading about the first book, Baelon took the second.

What is recorded in the book is not as important this time.

This is just a detailed account of the vassals of the Daigalian family.

Changing books again, Baelon continued to absorb knowledge from the book.

When he didn't know what book to read, he finally found something useful in the historical explanation.

---"Dragon Habits"

Baelon was encouraged and prayed silently, "The content is about dragons, I hope to get something different."

"What is a dragon?"

"How are dragons born?"

"Dragon Controller and the giant The connection between dragons..."

The initial chapter describes how dragons exist and introduces when they were discovered and domesticated by the ancient Valyrian civilization.

All are common things, similar to theories analyzed in books written by some bachelors.

Baelon didn't care where dragons came from; he just wanted to know how a dragon egg hatches.

Unfortunately, this is not mentioned in the book.

There are frequent records of dragon masters taming dragons.

"With the blood of a dragon, you can connect with the dragon, ride on the dragon's back, and become a dragon controller..."

The fire wizard has researched and concluded that dragon wisdom surpasses that of beasts and ranks second. only to humans...

"A dragon's lifespan has a long history, and the size of its body continues to grow over time. Many dragons are too large to fly in their later years..."

Baelon looked at it carefully and Suddenly saw a key line of annotations.

"Dragons belong to the sky and nature. Dragon kings let dragons fly to various places to build nests in their free time. During war, they use magical horns to summon their distant companions..."

Magical horn? It's "Another magical item that can summon dragons."

Baelon had never heard of such a magical horn.

All Targaryens give orders to dragons in ancient Valyrian, and there are no special dragon training tools.

Continue reading silently.

"Dragons are not slaves. They are flesh-and-blood compatriots of the dragon masters. If dragons are chained to the sky, they will be severely cursed..."

Seeing this, Baelon frowned.

"You can't treat dragons like you treat slaves, otherwise you'll be cursed..."

Baelon immediately thought of the Dragonpit in King's Landing.

It was a huge building built during the reign of Maegor I to house the dragons raised by the Targaryen family. Powerful dragons like

Balerion, Vhagar, and Vormithor... all once lived in the Dragonpit.

At this moment, there are at least three dragons living in the Dragonpit.

Dreamfire, Corakxiu, Syrax... 

They are all permanent residents of Dragon Cave, especially Syrax.

Syrax, Rhaenyra's dragon, had yellow scales and settled in the Dragonpit after hatching from a dragon egg.

Baelon had never come into contact with dragons, so he didn't know the difference between dragons in the Dragonpit and dragons outside of life.

But he knows one thing: any dragon that enters its pit will be chained.

Dragons are fierce creatures with a strong sense of territoriality.

When several dragons live in the same place, conflicts are inevitable.

To protect young dragons, the bachelor from the academy proposed to imprison dragons in the Dragonpit with shackles to prevent them from killing each other.

Looking at the page without blinking, Baelon believed in the warning of the book.

These books come from the Feud of ancient Valyria.

It was a note left by the powerful Dragon King family that far surpassed the Targaryen family.

It's not some city bachelor's bullshit presumption.

"In search of an opportunity, I should give this book to my father and let him make a decision,"

Baelon secretly thought.

He quickly finished the book, and Baelon carefully stored it in his bracelet separately for fear of damaging it.

Valuable knowledge is worth a thousand dollars, and in each word above lies the fortune of the Targaryen family.

There were many more books, and Baelon slowly flipped through them.

When people are focused, time passes very quickly, like a fleeting moment.

One night passed in the blink of an eye.

It's dawn.

The morning sun dispels the darkness and brings warmth to the earth.

Lei Jia, who had not slept all night, suddenly found the sun shining in the room, emerging from the ocean of knowledge.

Baelon looked towards the door cautiously, quickly packed up the books and the bed full of gold, and put them in the small bracelet on his wrist.

He didn't want anyone to discover his secret, at least not now.

"Seven levels of hell, when will my dark circles disappear?",

lamented Baelon as he looked at the crystal mirror on the bedside table, pointing to a pair of panda eyes.

Fortunately, the books will not disappoint those who try them.

Baelon stayed up all night reading and discovered many small details that had not been spread among the Targaryen family.

For example, taming a dragon requires more than giving orders.

You must also have the tenacity to believe that you can tame the dragon.

If the dragon tamer does not have a strong will, their subconscious mind does not believe they can tame a dragon.

Then, the dragon will sense their cowardice and never agree with an insecure weakling.

The best way to train a dragon is to actively climb onto its back and give it instructions aloud.

Let the dragon feel your strong desire to conquer, fly to the sky, and cross the sea with you.

In this way, the dragon will become one with the mind of the dragon rider.

With excitement in his heart, Baelon simply washed up, held his dragon egg in his hands, and kissed it vigorously before leaving.

He expressed his wishes aloud: "Hurry up and hatch, the sky is waiting for us!"

He firmly believed that he would become a dragon master.

Any self-doubt is a betrayal of the ancient Valy

rian blood flowing through the veins.


When he opened the door, Baelon immediately noticed the look in Ilic's eyes.

Those brown pupils were filled with encouragement.

"Sir, can you stop looking at me with such ambiguous eyes? It worries me."

After breakfast, Baelon expressed his opinion to Ilic.

Ilic was slightly surprised and said, "Alright, but I agree with your ambition."

Baelon blushed slightly and pretended not to care: "Don't pay attention to those trivial matters. There's still a martial arts tournament to watch today." Yesterday,

to welcome Dai Meng, the martial arts tournament ended early.

However, the tournament lasts for seven days in total and will be held every day.

The arrogant Dornishman is still controlled in King's Landing.

Today, there will be a powerful knight who will defeat him and obtain the king's reward.

The Targaryens are not the strongest Dragon King family, and their ranking can only be considered average to low.

This can be seen from the fact that Inar only brought five dragons when he crossed the ocean.

During the time of Aegon the Conqueror, fifty years later, the only existing dragons were Balerion, Meraxes, and Vhagar.