
I am back, But as a divine hunter

After some of his comrades died, The hero Jetrin take an oath to change the world and to kill the demon lord Cain, but after a long journey they finally meet the demon lord and fight with him along with his comrades. The hero Jetrin was so angry and defeated the demon lord Cain, but when he finally think that's the end, He was betrayed by his comrades and stabbed him through his heart using his Holy sword and died with a smile. His comrades was confuse because The hero Jetrin died smiling, but one thing that they didn't know is that someone with an unknown existent helped him and offered him something but in exchange his memories. [Don't worry for I will give it to you in the right time and the right place] The hero Jetrin take a gumble and accepted his offer, Later he found himself living his life to the Earth but sadly he died again. The hero Jetrin meet the Unknown existent again and finally made a contract with him by exchanging his memories to the earth and by giving his class as a hero. "I finally back! but...wait! as a divine hunter?" And that's the start of his journey as a revenger and as a divine hunter.

Jhassi · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: I am back (3)

"Ugh, my head hurts, wait... where is this place? It looks like a big cave for me and it's big that as if something strange in here"

Jetrin stood up and observed the place and while he is observing he heard a noise like as if someone's crawling, He backed off and said.

"Who's there! Show yourself"

After saying that, No one answered as if no one was there, Jetrin moved closer to the place where he heard someone's crawling and while he is getting closer, He saw a strange creature that looks like a big worm with a full body armored and it's so big at least 5 meters long.

When Jetrin saw the strange creature, He quickly hides in the Large rock on his left and said.

"What the hell is that! When I looked at it, it looks like a 'Crammer' to me! A worm with a full body armored that looks exactly to a Crammer, but why it's so big? And I think that creature is 10 times bigger than a normal Crammer, What the hell is going on! "

Jetrin observed the place again and while he is observing he realized that his tattoo on his chest is gone and said.

"W-what? Where is my tattoo that resemble that I am a hero? "

And when he is busy worrying about his tattoo on his chest, The Crammer was already on his back waiting for him to look up.

And by the time Jetrin realize someone was there on his back, He quickly grabs a piece of rock and quickly thrown it to the Crammer like as if he is throwing a baseball.

And when the time he threw the rock, He quickly runs fast and said.

"S-shit! I can't defeat that creature! If I don't have that symbol on my chest! I am just a normal weak person"

Jetrin ran like a mad man and by the time he is getting closer to the cave exit, Suddenly a group of small normal Crammers block him like as if they know that he wants to exit the place.

Jetrin stopped and grabbed a piece of rock and said.

"I don't want to admit it, but these creatures are really smarter than a fox and for me to fight them without my hero class, I think is really hard but not impossible because I Jetrin! experienced war after war!"

Jetrin suddenly ran towards the Crammers and threw the rock in his hand and suprisingly, One of the Crammer were hit by the rock and Jetrin said.

"Come and fight me! you title disgusting worms! you may be smart and strong but I am stronger than you all! because after killing hundreds or thousands of your brothers! I've notice your weaknesses" ( I realize that they have two weaknesses, first! is to find where there eyes located on their body! and mostly you can find it to their back or on their head! and when you find it, stab it or throw something to it! like I did right now! )

After Jetrin thrown the rock, One of the Crammers suddenly died and Jetrin said.

"Haha! see? No matter how big or small you are! you cannot escape from your own weaknesses!"

Jetrin grabbed the rock and keep throwing again and again, He enjoyed it like a mad person and said.

"you are not fast and not super strong, but I know why many of my people died from someone like you! They're just an innocent knight and yet you destroyed their lives"

After Jetrin killed some of the Crammer, He backed off and hide on the large rock somewhere in the cave.

And after a while the corpse of the Crammers suddenly exploded like a bomb, and killed his own brothers.

( This is their second weakness! you can kill one of the Crammers if they gathered together because when you killed one, you will killed the others too, but mostly they are smart and will not gather together like they did right now, This is why Crammers are strong that even a knight can be killed by that explosion, I am glad that they are super slow if not then I don't know what will happen to the world )

And by the time the small Crammers were eliminated, Jetrin stood up and said.

"I don't know where's that large Crammer been to, but I am glad he was not able to follow me, and if I were to fight that creature, I am sure I will die first, well...anyway, I am glad that the exit of the cave was not fully destroyed by explosion, I know its reckless decision to do something like that, but I had no choice because their armors can melt your bones or even a metal"

While Jetrin walked to the exit of the cave, He touched his chest and said.

"Now that I think about It, I did meet that Unknown guy and helped me to get back alive in exchange for my comrades souls, sh*t that guy pissed me off!! But when I accepted his offer, he never said that he will take my class as a hero, Wait... I think he said something like that, aghh..!! whatever..! The most important thing right now is that I am a classless person and I think the first thing I need to do with this new life, Is to practice and adapt to this body of mine, in order to kill those traitors and bring peace to this world"

Jetrin leave the cave and saw a bright light that were shinning though the night and said.

"oh! it's already night, I need to find some place to rest"

And when Jetrin departed from the cave, He saw a group of old men holding a torch, and at their right hand they holding a rusty sword and as if they searching for something.

Jetrin hide through the brush and listen to their conversations.

"Hey Emilio! are you really sure you heard a big explosion in this place?"

"Like I said! Jafore! not only I heard it but also saw something strange! I saw a group of Crammers crawling to that cave!"

"This is bad! Crammers are really strong even a sword cannot leave a single scratch to their armors"

"Y-yeah, Do you think we can defeat them? I think we should report it to the higher ups or to the guild"

"You are really a coward Emilio! Do not worry because I recieve a blessing from Gods and guess what! they gave me a skill that can kill Crammers, that is why I wanted to try to use this skill to them"

"T-then, please take care of us!"

"Haha! you can leave it to me!"

The group of old men were getting closser to the cave and suddenly they heard a noise that as if someone stepping a fallen branch.

"Whose there!?"

Jetrin quickly reveal himself and said.

"my apologize for watching you all, but If I were you, I will not enter to that cave"

"Sh*t kill him!"


Jetrin were confused by them, but he has no time to think because one of the old men were getting closer to him and as if he is ready to kill him

"hey hey! would you guys calm yourself dowm?" (sh*t this guys are not actually a good men!! and to think that I will fight again like this! if only I have class then I will able to defeat them like nothing big deal, sh*t!)

"you demon!!"

When Jetrin heard the word 'Demon', he got confused more and said.

"huh? demon? what do you mean demon?"

"you demons are always denying the truth! when you can clearly tell by your looks"

"what are talking about? I have no horns nor a red eyes! and there's no way I am a Demon!"

"Shut up! demon! You have a black hair and black eyes like exactly a demon!"

"Are you all insane!" (to think this guys believe in superstitious, I can't imagine how many people died from this!)

"Insane? hahaha! to think some weak demons like you making a joke like that, hahaha! Listen here demon! Queen Mekel really hates someone that has a black hair and black eyes! and do you know why? because the former hero Jetrin! was actually a demon as what she said, so don't blame us and just blame the former hero"

"W-what? Queen Mekel? (I didn't think she would become a Queen after killing me! and I thought they would make rumors about me dying before meeting the demom lord! I never thought something like this to happen, you are indeed cruel Mekel!)

"Yes that's right! And you know what? he ordered all knights to kill all that has a black hair and black eyes! no matter how old they are and no matter what gender they had! because as what Queen Mekel said, All those black haired and black eyes have their demons on their bodies!!"

And after Jetrin heard him, He make an expression like he is overflowing with rage.

( Mekel...!! I will swear upon my comrades name that I will kill you and destroy your kingdom, and not only that! I will change this world so that peace can be achieve!! Now I know who is really my enemies, this time I will fight for the right path! )


I am sorry for not updating yesterday because I want to find jobs and so I did found one but guess what?

They chat me today that I am not qualified to work their company.

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