
I am an Immortal?

I am Immortal and I didn't knew till everyone I knew died and I didn't age at all

ItzAutor · Fantasy
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The Beginning

In a Battlefield where the world united to fight a single person.

Hundred of Thousands of Adventurers holding weapons towards a single person.

"Who knew I would end up like this, I wish I could remember my parents" The person said.

He smiled and faced everyone

"Come at me all at once!"

Asfaus a village inside the country Imperia.

I was about to born.

"Waa Awaa Whaaaaa!" I cried.

"Look he just looks like you" A wife said it to her husband.

And just like this I was born.

"You are my son, Your name will be Yuu" The husband said. Holding me high in the air.

3 Years Later.

I am able to speak a little and even walk and my growth rate is very fast than a normal baby.

"Lowks like I am quite a smart perswon…" I whispered with a smug face.

"Obviously you are smart cause you are my son" My dad replied.

His name is Ren and he is a respectable farmer in the village from what I heard from him.

"But don't you think he is growing too fast," My mom said, with a worried face "I am worried about his future, How will he be able to get friends?, Will he be able get a girlfriend?, Wait what if a noble took him away? What will we do?"

She is Yuki my mother. She is worried about me all the time that she forgets that I am just 3 year old.

"He is just 3 year old, he has a lot of time to make friends," My dad said, "Ain't that right my baby boy."

He picked me and held me high.

'I don't know why but this is so fun when I am in air.' I thought happily.

2 more years passed by.

I am 5 years old and I am able to read and speak properly and write somewhat well? I guess. To me my writing is pretty good but my dad or mom don't understand what I write looks like I have lot to improve on.

So from what I have learned,

This village is called Asfaus and is inside the country called Imperia.

There are 3 countries : Imperia , Saiblos and Vartus.

Imperia is the land/home of Nobles.

Saiblos is inhabitant because of the high number of demons and monster there but there are still villages inside the country.

Vartus is a Freeland where anyone can come and go. Since Vartus is close to Saiblos there are lots of adventurers who lives there.

Ill surely go to Vartus when I grow a little.

"Yuu, what, are again reading the same book?," My dad came in the room, "Are you not bored reading the same book from past few months."

"I don't have anything else to do and this is the only book we have." I replied.

Since books cost a lot my dad was able to afford one picture book.

My dad teaches my what is out there, so I didn't need any other book to read.

"Hmm, Come with me Yuu Ill show you my how good your dad is." My dad said.

Well its good that he is taking me out, It will be good to get out of my home instead of just staying here forever, but,

"Did you ask mom?." I asked.

"Y-Yes I did now come." He said.

I don't believe him a single bit.

"Should I ask mom?"

"N-no, come on Yuu, don't you know about your mom, She will be mad so how about we sneak out?"

"Huh, If she ask me why I went out Ill say that dad forced me and took me even though I was saying him not to."

"What , how could you do this to your dad, well , OK ill take the responsibility lets go out"


Finally my first step outside my house.