
I am an Alchemist, but somehow my wife is a demon princess

The title says it all. The main character was and some of his classmates got transmigrated from earth into a fantasy lord to save the world. You get it all right. And somehow, he got the body of a demi-human, half human, half reptile. To top it all off, his job was an alchemist. He forgot shortly his real name, so he named himself Syzoth. He worked with his classmates for a while but then got kicked out. Why? Because the guy that got the job hero wanted all the girls for himself, and Syzoth was the only other male in the party. It also didnt help that the hero somehow managed to get manipulated by a devil, but that is a story for latter. Syzoth did just that, with the humorous knowledge that Syzoth no longer had to make free healing and magic potions for the ungrateful bastards to use. And so, he lived for a few months. The demon lord lived on, and one fateful day, Syzoth found a beautiful woman sleeping in the woods. Did he know that she was the eldest and most favorite daughter of the demon lord? No. But even after finding that out, they somehow got married. Oh, how he just loved to look at the face of the hero now.

LORD_TOADY · Fantasy
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47 Chs

White, black and green spiders

As the deviled one left her room, she started to look around.

Strangely, the hallway was much more different than what she expected.

It was still made out of wood, but this time she realized what kind of wood.

It was made from the metallicum wood.

An incredible durable wood who is only found in the dwarven mountains.

The dwarves were known for cultivating that wood and using it for their smithing.

And even if the other races managed to somehow get a hold of that wood, only the dwarfs knew how to use it.

Them, and some other alchemists.

'Is the master of this mansion a dwarven?'

The deviled one then came to conclusion that that wasn't the case. The simple reason was that all dwarven were to proudful to live anywhere else if not their mountains. Their stubbornness was only matched by their pride, and no dwarven would willingly live somewhere that is not in the mountains.

Another reason is that dwarven were physically incapable of wielding magic. That also meant that the magical emanating from them would be zero. The owner however did emit some magical energy, even if it wasn't too great.

That was the reason why the dwarves were an incredible pest during the great war for the deviled ones, as their craftmanship, their stubbornness, and their ability to hide from the deviled ones allowed them to constantly harass the deviled ones.

The armor they used during that war was also made from the metallicum wood.

It had a great resistance towards heat, cold and even some magical spells.

That was also why when the other races got a hold of some of the wood, it would be practically useless to them as only the dwarves and a small number of alchemists and smiths knew how to shape them.

And here the deviled one saw an entire hallway made out of that wood.

She also saw that the hallway had some other doors.

And all of them had a sign on them.

Going around, she saw a door that had a potion sign, the next one to it showed a fish, the one on the other side had a circle with three eyes.

But then she stopped before on door.

Looking up, she saw that the sign on it had a red spider. But that didn't really matter to her.

For some reason she got curious about that room. She couldn't explain why, but before she knew it, she had already opened the door.

'Did the doors only open from the outside?' She thought.

The door opened up with quite a loud creek.

And for a moment she stood still.

Before her very eyes, she saw a giant albino spider webbing something in its eight mandibles.

The spiders had nine red diamantes on its abdomen, and as the door opens, the spider stopped its activity, looking its eight crimson eyes at the deviled one.

The visitor was just about to close the door, but the black spider threw out a giant web at her, pulling her inside the room.

Then, a battle started.

Transforming, the deviled one's skin turned blue, and while a pair of horns grew on her forehead, she started with a normal fire spell, burning the web that pulled her in.

Angrily, the spider started spewing out more webs, trying to catch the unwanted visitor.

As the web burned away, the hunter decided to make a more personal approach, lunging at the blue deviled one.

The deviled one used other attack spells. She used thunder, lightning, poison and even fire spells at the beast, but it was almost as if they had no effect on the beast.

The beast on the other hand was also incapable of catching her.

Every time it tried using her web to pin its prey in its place, the deviled one used fire magic to burn it away.

And even when she lunged at her, its prey's speed managed to turn around her.

When it got to close, the deviled one started using war magic, and after buffing her strength and speed, she lunged at the white arachnoid, punching it in its ugly face.

The spider meanwhile managed to slightly cut her a wound on the deviled one's wrist, before passing out from the punch.

Looking down, the deviled one realized that the attack was poisonous.

She didn't expect the beast's mandibles to be able to hurt her.

Quickly using a healing spell, she cured her wound from any poison or infections that the bite managed to harm her.

Looking back at the white monstrosity, she decided to finish it before it came back to its sense.

Summoning a sword, she lunged at her enemy, but something stopped her.

Another web caught her.

From top, the deviled one saw another spider, this time it was a slightly smaller one, a black one, but shared the same crimson eyes and red crystals, but the new spider had only five on its abdomen.

The deviled one wanted to use her fire spell to burn the web away, but before she could do anything, an orange lightning passed throw the silk.

As the electric attack hit the deviled one, she too passed out.

And after a few minutes, the deviled one woke up again.

She was covered completely in web, her arms and legs pulled out in different directions.

She was utterly and completely defenseless.

And now, right under her, she saw the albino and black spider cuddling each other.

They weren't alone. The deviled one then realized that they were surrounded by an uncountable number of green spiders.

When the spider family found out that the prey awoke, the white spider made a sarcastic snarl, being utterly overjoyed by the fact that she would have a nice meal. The younglings ran around like silly children, being also delighted that they would something good, as their parents promised them.

The male black arachnid meanwhile also didn't dare to look away from his caught prey.

Just when the deviled one started casting a fire spell trying to free herself, the male spider let orange electricity flow through the web, which caused the deviled one stop casting the spell.

Slowly, the green spiders which were starting to climb up.

'Is how I will die?'

Just when the thought went through the deviled one, the door opened again.

The spiders stopped in its tracks, and everyone looked at the newly entered being.

It was a grey cat whose eyes burned with a blue fire. It was only half the size of the black spider, but the albino's spider smirk changed into one of dismay.

She made a big snarl at the cat, but it only meowed back.

Then looking at the deviled one, the cat meowed at the spider family, which almost sounded like a command.

The spider children went back to the ground disappointed, the male spider wen up and started to free the deviled one from the web.

The only one angry her was the albino spider, who made a big snarl at the cat, almost threatening her, and snarling back at the black spider, which caused the black arachnid to stop in its tracks.

Staring at the almost dwarfing white spider, who should technically be able to swallow the cat in one whoop, the cat made a sigh, and did something unexpected.

The cat threw up five big dead animals, who what seemed to have been giant hogs. Looking at them, the deviled one realized that those were demonic war hogs. She also questioned how this amount of food managed to fit in the cat, as it shouldn't be possible for a fully grown demonic hog to fit inside such a small cat in the first place, let alone five.

For a second, the albino spider showed joy.

But then she looked at its family, starred back at the big pork, and then snarled at the cat again.

And to the deviled one's utter bewilderment, the cat threw up twenty more dead demonic hogs.

Now, the albino spider gave a sign towards her mate to free the deviled one, while she and her children ran at the food.

The male spider than freed the deviled one, made a slight bow, and reunited with its family.

Only now did the deviled one see the full see of the spiders.

The small green spiders were slightly taller than the cat itself, and grew only up towards her ankles. The male black spider grew up to her shoulders, while the albino spider, who she guessed being the mother of the spiderly family, toward over her. The black spider was only about two thirds of the albino spider.


The deviled one the starred back at the grey cat, who was now at the entrance, and looked like to be waiting for her to follow her.

'I will never, ever, enter a door alone. Who knows what other beasts the owner to has.'

Those were the thoughts the deviled one had in her head, all the while her respect for the mysterious owner grew.