
I am an Alchemist, but somehow my wife is a demon princess

The title says it all. The main character was and some of his classmates got transmigrated from earth into a fantasy lord to save the world. You get it all right. And somehow, he got the body of a demi-human, half human, half reptile. To top it all off, his job was an alchemist. He forgot shortly his real name, so he named himself Syzoth. He worked with his classmates for a while but then got kicked out. Why? Because the guy that got the job hero wanted all the girls for himself, and Syzoth was the only other male in the party. It also didnt help that the hero somehow managed to get manipulated by a devil, but that is a story for latter. Syzoth did just that, with the humorous knowledge that Syzoth no longer had to make free healing and magic potions for the ungrateful bastards to use. And so, he lived for a few months. The demon lord lived on, and one fateful day, Syzoth found a beautiful woman sleeping in the woods. Did he know that she was the eldest and most favorite daughter of the demon lord? No. But even after finding that out, they somehow got married. Oh, how he just loved to look at the face of the hero now.

LORD_TOADY · Fantasy
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47 Chs

The burning of Eldertown

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a dark shadow over the once-prosperous Eldertown. It had been two days since the inferno had consumed the town, and the once-vibrant community was now nothing but ash and ruins. Buildings that had stood for generations now lay as charred skeletons, and the once-bustling streets were silent, save for the crackling of smoldering embers.

Leon, the leader of the cohort, strode alongside Seraphina. The holy maiden's radiant presence was a stark contrast to the desolation that surrounded them. Elara and Duran remained silent. Elara's eyes was wandering and looking all over the survivors of the tragedy, while Duran's sight remained on the once beautiful city.

Soon, the group found Maria. The fire mage was hunched over a small fire pit, her once-fiery mane now a dull, ashen color. She was in bad shape, her clothes singed, and her skin marred by burns and blisters. She looked up as the group approached, her eyes bearing the weight of her discovery.

"Maria," Leon said, his voice laced with concern, "what happened here? How did Eldertown come to this dreadful fate?"

Maria raised her head to meet Leon's gaze, her own eyes weary but filled with determination. "It was Syzoth, Leon," she replied. "I found him here, in Eldertown. I thought I could capture him and bring him to justice, but he set the entire place ablaze."

Seraphina's eyes widened, her golden hair shimmering in the fading light. "Syzoth?" she inquired. "But how was that possible?"

Maria winced as she shifted her weight, her burns causing her pain. "I don't know, Seraphina. I cornered him, but he was different, changed. He was much more powerful than I expected, and he had no qualms about using his alchemy to unleash this destruction. I tried to stop him, but he slipped away, leaving nothing but cinders. His fire somehow even managed to hurt me. I wasn't able to…"

Elara approached Maria, her eyes scanning the fire mage's injuries. "I can't imagine how you fell right now. I have never seen you burn, and never expected to see it one day. We need to get help," she said, her voice filled with urgency. "These burns are severe. You shouldn't be left untreated."

Duran nodded in agreement; his expression grim. "Elara is right. Maria needs immediate care. Seraphina, could you help her? We can't afford to lose another one of our own."

Leon turned to Seraphina, his resolve unwavering. "Seraphina, use your divine powers to provide some relief to Maria. Elara and Duran, help her to your feet, and we'll make our way to the nearest healer."

Seraphina, at first wavering, nodded and to channel her healing magic. Soon, a gentle warmth enveloped Maria, easing her pain. Elara and Duran lent their support, helping her rise. Together, they made their way out of the charred remnants of Eldertown, leaving behind the haunting specter of its destruction.

After taking care of the survivors, and bringing them to the nearest town, The group, led by Leon and joined by Seraphina, Elara, Duran, and the healed Maria, had left the smoldering ruins of Eldertown behind. Their footsteps echoed in the desolate landscape, their purpose now clearer than ever: to find Syzoth, who had left a trail of devastation in his wake.

As they continued on their journey, they were met with an unexpected encounter. Emerging from the shadows of a dense forest, two figures approached, their presence shrouded in an air of mystique. The first figure took the shape of a formidable samurai, her katana gleaming with an aura of deadly elegance. The second was a serene monk, his eyes reflecting a deep well of wisdom. They both hailed from the other contingent of the twenty heroes, sent to a different continent to face distinct challenges.

The monk, whose name was Ling Xiao, spoke with a voice like a gentle breeze. "Greetings, Leon. We have been searching for you and your group. Our leader believes your help is needed to confront a grave threat that has emerged in our continent."

Leon frowned, his thoughts still consumed by their quest to find Syzoth. "I understand the request for assistance, Ling Xiao, but our path leads elsewhere. We must first address the matter of Syzoth."

The samurai, known as Hana Takahashi, looked intrigued but respectful of their priorities. 

Ling Xiao spoke again. "Synergy among the twenty heroes is crucial. What could have happened for it to break so easily? Could someone provide some insight into the situation?"

Elara briefly recounted the events. Their finding of another comrade, her murder by the alchemist, and now the utter devastation of Eldertown.

"I don't believe that he had done it willingly. I am sure that he was possibly mind controlled. After all, if he could make a fire so dangerous that even Maria got injured, I am sure that he could have killed her there and then. But he didn't. That means he is still there. He is fighting against whatever force is making him do what he had done. We cannot simply abandon our pursuit of our comrade. There is more to this than meets the eye. We can still save him."

Seraphina nodded, her ethereal presence shimmering. "We must consider the well-being of our comrade, even if he has strayed from the path of light. If he is indeed under the influence of some dark force, we must save him from himself."

The monk and the samurai then started to talk to one another. They were clearly arguing about what to do.

Hana Kurosawa wanted to deal with the alchemist, whereas Ling Xiao was sure that they needed to deal with the more dangerous threat, before it completely got out of hand.

Hana's eyes sparkled with determination. "Then I shall find Syzoth and bring him back alive. You meanwhile should follow Ling Xiao to deal with the enemy."

Ling Xiao was definitely not a fan of this.

"Your help would be also incredibly valuable. We can't split of our forces now."

"You know just as much as I that my skills are useless against an enemy that can't be stabbed. I am far more useful here. Maybe I can even save Syzoth. I may not know him as much as you guys, but I got the impression that he was a quite interesting character. It would be a shame if his talents were to disappear.

Ling Xiao gave a heavy sigh. The monk then offered a respectful bow to Leon. "So be it my friend. But be careful. We have no idea what that lizard is capable of. I will meanwhile guide our friends here to our leader, who can explain the nature of the threat that plagues our continent. Perhaps, in time, we can unite to face these challenges together."

Maria, who had been listening intently, spoke up. "I'll go with Hana to find Syzoth. I have already experienced his might once. Hana would also need to know any possible information."

Leon finally agreed, though with a heavy heart. "Very well. We will divide our paths for now. Elara, Duran, and I will accompany Ling Xiao to meet your leader. May we all find the answers we seek and the strength to face the trials that lie ahead."