
I am an Alchemist, but somehow my wife is a demon princess

The title says it all. The main character was and some of his classmates got transmigrated from earth into a fantasy lord to save the world. You get it all right. And somehow, he got the body of a demi-human, half human, half reptile. To top it all off, his job was an alchemist. He forgot shortly his real name, so he named himself Syzoth. He worked with his classmates for a while but then got kicked out. Why? Because the guy that got the job hero wanted all the girls for himself, and Syzoth was the only other male in the party. It also didnt help that the hero somehow managed to get manipulated by a devil, but that is a story for latter. Syzoth did just that, with the humorous knowledge that Syzoth no longer had to make free healing and magic potions for the ungrateful bastards to use. And so, he lived for a few months. The demon lord lived on, and one fateful day, Syzoth found a beautiful woman sleeping in the woods. Did he know that she was the eldest and most favorite daughter of the demon lord? No. But even after finding that out, they somehow got married. Oh, how he just loved to look at the face of the hero now.

LORD_TOADY · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Heroes are not immortal (Part 3)

I awoke in a magnificent palace, my senses overwhelmed by the sheer opulence and grandeur of the surroundings. The room I found myself in was adorned with gilded tapestries, intricate mosaics, and crystal chandeliers that cast a warm, enchanting glow. The air was filled with the faint scent of exotic flowers, and the sound of melodious music wafted through the halls. It was a place of unparalleled beauty and magic.

I was not alone in this wondrous chamber. Surrounding me were eleven men and eight women, each a different race, and all of them dressed in attire that hinted at their diverse origins. They, too, wore expressions of awe and astonishment, mirroring my own feelings.

As I observed my newfound companions, I couldn't help but be intrigued by the diversity among us. Some wore regal clothing that hinted at nobility, while others were dressed in simpler attire. Despite our differences, I couldn't help but wish to know more about them.

I exchanged glances and tentative smiles with a few of them, realizing that we were all in this together, thrust into this extraordinary world for a reason.

Moments later, the imposing doors of the chamber swung open, and a contingent of knights, resplendent in gleaming golden armor, entered. Their swords were sheathed, but their vigilant gazes left no doubt of their readiness for action.

The leader of the knights stepped forward, his voice resonating with authority as he addressed us, "Welcome to the Palace of Eldoria, brave souls. I am Sir Aric, Captain of the Royal Guard. You have been brought here for a reason."

With that, they led us through the palace's opulent corridors to a grand hall, where a regal figure awaited us. King Alaric, a man who wouldn't look any different from any other regular grandfather, if it weren't for as his eyes that beamed with ancient wisdom and his crown glinting in the soft light. He, along with some other figures, stood at the head of a long table.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I bid you welcome to the realm of Eldoria, a land of magic and mystery. But I have summoned you not for the sake of our kingdom alone, but for the entire world."

He went on to explain the dire situation. The kingdoms of the world were in turmoil, besieged by a demonic threat of cataclysmic proportions. These vile creatures, spawned from the darkest depths of the Chaosrealm, sought to plunge the entire world into chaos and despair. It was a perilous time, and the combined might of all the realms was needed to thwart this malevolent force.

As I listened to the king's words, I couldn't help but remember the last words I heard from Pyra. I could feel a sense of duty and determination welling up within me, and glancing at my companions, I knew we were now bound by destiny, entrusted with the fate of not just Eldoria but the entire world. We were a diverse group, each possessing unique skills and abilities, and together, we represented hope in the face of darkness.

With King Alaric's proclamation, our journey into this fantastical realm had taken on a weighty purpose, and I knew that we were about to embark on an adventure that would test our mettle, forge unbreakable bonds, and ultimately determine the fate of the world itself.

Before our journey to confront the looming demonic threat continued, the King did something I never expected. In order to maximize our effectiveness and cover more ground, the king made a decision that would forever alter the dynamics of our team.

With solemnity in his voice, the king gathered us in his grand hall and outlined his plan. He divided our group of twenty heroes into two distinct teams, each led by a different leader. The decision was not made lightly, and it was met with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty.

I was assigned to join Leon, the man who got the Hero-class. Leon was entrusted with leading one of the teams. His unwavering dedication to justice, charisma, and leadership qualities made him the ideal choice to command a portion of summoned. 

The other team would follow another leader, who had also proven their worth and possessed unique qualities that complemented Leon's leadership style. The division was made based on the diverse abilities and strengths within our group, with the intention of achieving a balanced and strategic approach to confronting the threat.

While the division marked a significant change in our journey, it was a necessary step in our mission to protect the world. The king's decision aimed to increase our chances of success and bring our collective strengths to bear on the impending battle. 

As I embarked on this extraordinary journey with my newfound companions, each one unique in their own way, I couldn't help but form impressions and opinions about them.

Leon, our leader, exuded an aura of heroism and nobility that was impossible to ignore. His dedication to justice and his natural leadership were nothing but inspiring. I couldn't help but find myself looking up to him, feeling reassured knowing he was our leader. To me, he was the embodiment of courage and strength, a beacon of hope. 

Seraphina's, our holy maiden, offered spiritual guidance and moral support to our group, reminding us of the values that bound us together on our quest. Her unwavering faith and selflessness were an inspiration to us all, and her presence was a reminder that even in a world threatened by darkness, the light of compassion and faith could shine brightly. She also possessed the gift of healing, but she used it sparely, only when our team members where on the brink of death. She was also Leon's girlfriend.

Duran, our sturdy dwarf, became the group's formidable guardian. He wielded a massive shield and a Warhammer with unmatched proficiency. His unwavering presence on the battlefield made him the ultimate protector of his comrades. Another interesting thing I realized was that he was for some reason incredibly loyal to Leon. I didn't know why, as Duran was a man that rarely talked.

But I managed to get a close friend. Her name was Maria, just like me! Her gift was engineering, and so, she often took care of our weapons and equipment, sometimes even making her own. I, as a pyromancer, often helped her. She was incredibly beautiful, and I could see that she caught the sight of one of our team members, but for one reason or another, he didn't try to get closer to her.

As for our druid, Doro seemed to possess an incredibly deep connection to nature. His reverence for the natural world was something I admired greatly. It was as if we shared a secret language with the elements, and in his presence, I felt a deep kinship and a sense of balance that came from our shared appreciation for the beauty and power of nature.


Our group also had an enchantress. Aria's mastery of the mystical arts left both me and everyone else in awe. Somehow, she could effortlessly wave magic and create enchantments. Her natural beauty, poise and elegance added a touch of enchantment to our group, and I couldn't help but admire her grace and power. 

Goro had a younger brother named Roran. He was a Beastmaster, which allowed him to both communicate and command creatures of the wild. His bond with the animal kingdom added a unique dimension to our team. I admired his compassion for all living beings and his talents in navigating the wilderness helped us many times.

We also had an archer. Lyra had an impressive precision with a bow and, as an unwavering focus was evident in her every move. In all those years, Lyra's arrow never missed its target, and if not killed, and the enemy was damaged enough to be dealt with. We could always count on her watching our backs. 

The Storm-Sorceress, Elara, with her elven heritage, possessed a deep connection to the mystical energies of the world. She was a skilled sorceress, specializing in elemental magic. Her gift allowed her to command the forces of nature, wielding lightning, water, and wind to brought forth many miracles to the battlefield.

As for the two final members, we had Gavin and Syzoth. Gavin's quick wit and agility brought versatility to our team. While his roguish tendencies did occasionally raise eyebrows, I knew that his resourcefulness would be invaluable, especially in situations that required finesse. He also had a knack for thinking on his feet, and I respected that. 

Syzoth's, our most secretive member, possessed a both enigmatic and somewhat aloof demeanor, which often times puzzled me. There was an undeniable depth to his knowledge of alchemy and the arcane arts. While I couldn't quite figure him out, I respected his expertise and recognized that his unconventional methods could hold the key to solving some of our most challenging problems.