
False hope

"It's to cold for this crap" Elaine thought as she walked home from work. The beginning of February is to cold for anyone to be walking across town in a tshirt and thin sweater but especially someone who was 4 months pregnant.

Of course Timothy was nowhere to be found he had promised to pick her up from work tonight but here she was walking through almost a foot of snow at 1 am. There was no promise of warmth when she got home either, the house they lived in barely had electricity let alone heat. Not that heat would help with windows missing.

"Timothy has got to get a job soon, I can't keep living like this! I refuse to bring my child into this world living in this house. It's not even a house we live in a basement" Elaine was almost home, but her thoughts had caused another panic attack. She sat down on one of the stone walls outside of a shop close to home and caught her breath, putting her hand on her stomach she promised the little one growing inside that she would fight with everything she had to make sure he or she had a better life than she had growing up.

Finally calm Elaine walked the final to blocks to home and unlocked the door. Timothy was there, playing games on her computer same as always. without saying a word she grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom to change. When she returned to the room Timothy was in the same spot as when she walked in he didn't even take his eyes off the screen.

At this point Elaine snapped, she saw could feel her blood boiling and her vision was tinted red.

"WHERE THE HECK WERE YOU TONIGHT? HAVE YOU REALLY BEEN PLAYING THAT DAMN GAME ALL NIGHT???" She screamed. Timothy finally looked up from the computer screen.

"Why are you screaming like a psycho? You're home early how was I supposed to know you got off early?" He snapped back at her.

"I'm not home early it is after 1am! Did you even put any applications in today? We need to get out of this place Timothy. We Cannot bring a newborn into a place like this, he or she would never survive.. hell we can barely survive" Elaine knew this conversation was going nowhere, it never did. Just like she knew he hadn't bothered looking for a job today. why would he when she did everything.

"We can go to the library tomorrow babe, I'll get on the computers there and have you help me look. I promise I'll have a job before the baby is here, I love you both"

Thank you so much for reading, I know this is not a typical story like most others on here but I appreciate the support. Also this is my first time writing anything, so I know there are errors and that it's short but I wanted to publish 1 chapter before I lost my nerve.

Chantey_Freelscreators' thoughts