
Broken and Alone

3 weeks have passed since Timothy left. Elaine laid sobbing on the fold out bed her eyes and head hurt from crying so much and her chest felt like an elephant sat on it. Timothy's last words to her played over and over in her head.

"I don't give a **** about you or the baby! How do I even know its mine?" he had said when she yelled at him for not putting in job applications but rather playing games yet again the day they went to the library.

The baby wasn't anyone else's Elaine was sure of that she had not been with anyone for months before her and Timothy had gotten together. The pregnancy was a huge surprise to her she had been on birth control and even without it she had been told a few years ago it would be unlikely for her to ever conceive a child.

Now three weeks later here she was back in the home her parents rented out living with people she didnt really know. the house was a boarding house of sorts with a shared bathroom and kitchen and then everyone having their own room. Elaine was broken and so unsure of where her life was going now. She was convinced noone would ever love or want her knowing she already had a child. she was never what people would call pretty she had always been a little over weight and cared more for reading than partying or going out. Social anxiety and PTSD from years of abuse as a child would do that. One thing Elaine never questioned during the past 3 weeks is the love for her child, if anything it made her more determined to keep her promise whether she had to do it alone or not her baby WOULD have a better life than she had.

The next few months passed quickly, Elaine made new friends in the boarding house and at work who made her feel less alone and cared for her and her unborn baby. Timothy had come to her when she was eight months pregnant and told her he was moving across the country and wouldn't be around anymore and would not be involved with the baby boy she was carrying.

Around the time Timothy told Elaine he was leaving she had reconnected with a friend from school. Kyle had always been sweet to Elaine and she thought it would be nice to have someone to hang out with outside of work friends and people she lived with. She was to blinded by the joy she found in knowing someone found her attractive despite knowing she was having a baby that she didn't realize things with Kyle were moving to fast.

"Kyle wake up" Elaine called trying to throw on clothes not bothering to dry off.

"huhhuh? itsstilldarkcometobed" Kyle said mumbled sleepily.

"Get up and go get Melody, My water broke!"

"huh?" Kyle mumbled rolling to the wall eyes still closed

"MY WATER BROKE YOU MORON!!! I NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL THE BABY IS COMING NOW, GET UP!!!!" Elaine yelled as another strong contraction hit. Dispite the fact that Kyle was here with her for some reason she always felt alone. Today was the most important day and she wanted Kyle there but if he didn't get up she was leaving without him and would go to the hospital alone. The thought of this caused her heart to crack a little but she didn't have time to think about it to much because just then another strong contraction hit her.