
I am a visitor, but you call me a courtier

Lion travels through a dangerously high-level martial arts world, locked into a system of exploration. Only by exploring can he become stronger, isn't that right? To gain strength, he must resort to greed, accepting bribes and profiting for himself as a middleman. He becomes a target of ridicule for everyone, hating that he can't kill those who slander him. But behind the scenes, he uses his greed to secretly amass wealth and power, without leaving a trace. One side with a bad reputation, the other side reigning over the world! The Empress, with tears falling silently, speaks her truth: "My love, I yield to you. Come to my palace tonight!" The talented and beautiful women of the court speak out: "My lord, no matter how the world looks at you, I will be with you as your partner in life and death!" The heroic women of the martial world declare: "To fulfill Lion's destiny, we will cross any obstacle!" Others ask in confusion: "He is clearly a despicable person, why are you still protecting him?"

TheDreamerWorker · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Our talents are revealed! This damn old man is very ugly!

Greetings to Your Majesty, may the King live for ten thousand years and more!"

"All attendants may rise!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"If there is any business, it may be brought up now. There is no need to wait for the court to be dismissed!"

At this moment, an official stepped forward, clasped his hands, and spoke loudly: "Your Majesty, I wish to accuse the new scholar candidate, Lion, of wrongdoings in his position at the National Academy."

Everyone turned their heads to look. This person was the one who had accused Lion before and was a representative of the old official named Holland.

The crowd became excited at the spectacle before them, enjoying the entertainment.

Lion laughed.

"Is this all you can do, my dear Holland? You can't wait to strike as soon as you have a breath to spare?"

"It's because of his reckless behaviour, Your Majesty! Lion was absent from duty and visited the pleasure quarters, neglecting his duties and causing a great disturbance. I request Your Majesty to investigate!" Holland spoke loudly.

The Empress's expression remained unchanged as she asked, "Lion, do you have anything to say?"

"Yes!" Lion turned to Holland and asked, "I also want to ask Holland, how did I stroll around Bach Hoa Phuong? How did I play with the skilled women? According to our laws, is there any regulation that prohibits playing with skilled women?"

"When Lion spoke, based on our laws, playing with skilled women is not prohibited but also not encouraged. However, you are the head of the National Academy, and as a role model for the students, you must set higher moral standards and requirements. Others may be able to stroll around Bach Hoa Phuong and play with skilled women, but you cannot. If you do, what kind of example will the students follow? The atmosphere of the National Academy will be ruined by you. Therefore, we must investigate thoroughly and not show any leniency," said Holland with satisfaction.

Everyone present nodded in agreement.

The Empress also nodded lightly and said, "Holland, your words make sense!"

Holland was even more pleased.

Lion laughed coldly and looked at him, waiting for his response.

Lion's expression remained unchanged as he asked, "May I ask Holland, what is the definition of playing with skilled women?"

"Playing with women is only done through the exchange of money, and goods, and engaging in physical acts with others!" Holland immediately said after making preparations.

"This is alright!" Lion opened his arms and said, "I have been to the pleasure quarter many times without paying, so how can it be considered playing with women?"

At that moment, everyone was shocked!

Upon careful reflection, it was true that Lion had walked around the pleasure quarter without paying and even ate and drank without any exchange of physical acts.

According to the definition, this didn't count as playing with women!

Holland was speechless, "Well, um..."

"Not paying and not engaging in any acts doesn't count, at most, it can be considered flirting!"

Lion laughed out loud, "Moreover, I was just drinking in the hallway, following the rules and regulations, how could I engage in any physical acts? Everyone at the brothel can attest to that!"

Holland was again at a loss for words, "Well, um..."

"So..." Lion raised his head, puffed out his chest and said confidently, "I didn't pay and I didn't engage in any physical acts, so how can I be considered playing with women? Holland, when you accuse others, you should have clear evidence, don't make baseless accusations and twist the truth!"

Everyone was suddenly in awe of him!

This could also be the main point of his argument!

What a clever person he was!

Even the Empress was shocked and her eyes widened in disbelief. This man was really capable of saying anything!

It was always reasonable and logical!

However, Holland, who was present at the scene, was red with anger, his hands trembling as he pointed at Lion, "You have a sharp tongue! You are obviously stealing someone else's argument! If you weren't playing, then why did you go to the pleasure quarter?"

"Holland, I think what you said is really unreasonable!" Lion laughed out loud, "As far as I know, you pass by the pleasure quarter every day! Do you not want to go to the pleasure quarter? You go there every day, don't you?"

"You are just talking nonsense!" Holland was out of breath, "How can I have such dirty thoughts? I just happened to be passing by the pleasure quarter on the way to see someone, that's why I pass by every day!"

"That's fine! It's the same thing! I was hungry at the time, and the pleasure quarter was right in front of me. Was it wrong for me to go in and have a drink and a meal? Who says you can't go to the pleasure quarter?"

The tide was fast and ended quickly.

As they were leaving the court, Lion and Holland bumped into each other.

Holland's face turned black with anger: "Lion, this time you got lucky! Hmph!"

Lion smiled, with thorns in his heart as he said: "Holland, I thought you were going to accuse me of embezzling money from your sect, but it turned out to be just a small matter! If you really did that, I would have respected you as a righteous man! But the result is disappointing! It seems that your sect is just a name without substance!"

Holland's face turned even darker. How dare they bring up this matter and accuse Lion?

Win or lose, they all would suffer the consequences.

In summary, it was a waste of effort and no result came of it.

"Lion, don't get too pleased with yourself, we'll meet again!" Holland waved his sleeve and left.

Lion waved goodbye: "Holland, don't forget to put on a good show!"

The tide ended, and Lion went to the National Academy to present himself.

Today was the day he was officially appointed.

Following tradition, he wanted to pay his respects to the leader of the place first.

Led by a doctor, Lion entered a beautiful study and saw an old man over sixty.

This man was the leader of the National Academy, named William. His position was that of the wine and food master, equivalent to the headmaster of the National Academy, a fourth-rank official, who had been in charge of the National Academy for more than ten years and was highly respected.

Lion bowed and said: "I am Lion, here to see Master William, the wine and food master."

William greeted him with a big smile and said: "You have come at the right time! Not bad, you are indeed handsome and polite!"

"William Master is too kind, I dare not accept!"

"No need to be so polite, sit down quickly!"

"Thank you, Master!"

The two drank tea and chatted happily.

Not long after, a stern-looking middle-aged man arrived.

Lion wondered: "Who is this...?"

"Lion, let me introduce you!" William stroked his beard and said with a smile: "This is another senior official of National Academy, from the Ton family, named Jonh! He has been here for more than four years, and is my most trusted aide..."

"Lion, do you understand any work? Speak up, and I will assign it to you!" William said with a smile.

Lion was delighted, seeing this as an opportunity to make money!

"Thank you, William, for this opportunity!" Lion said seriously: "As for mathematics, accounting, and financial management, I excel in these areas. So, you can assign me the accounting work!"

"Great! I will communicate this work to you shortly, Lion!" Jonh said without hesitation.

"Thank you, Ton master!" Lion said happily.

Seeing Lion's happy smile, William's mind was in turmoil, remembering a rumour.

Lion was not only a new graduate, but he was also greedy for money. During two previous inspections, no one knew how much he had taken. If he were allowed to manage the accounts, it would be like giving a steamed bun to a dog. He would never return, and the money he had taken would be unknown.

"Wait a minute!" William shouted.

"What's the matter?" Lion and the others looked back.

"I feel that Ton Master should continue to be responsible for the accounting work. He is experienced and stable, and unlikely to make mistakes. Lion, you should choose a simpler task for your work!" William said.

Lion's eyes were filled with resentment.

What a bastard this old drunkard was!

"If Ton Master continues to be responsible for the accounting work, I can manage the logistics side of the work, and I promise to do a good job!" Lion said again.

"Good, wait a minute, and I will assign the logistics to work to you, Lion!" Jonh said.

"Thank you, Ton master, for your trust!" Lion said excitedly.

"This... is still too slow!" William shouted again: "I feel that Ton master should still be responsible for the logistics work, and Lion, you should choose another task!"

Lion's eyes were even more resentful.

This old bastard was really wicked!

William felt somewhat uneasy under Lion's gaze.

In the end, Lion proposed several options related to money and finance, but they were all rejected by William without hesitation.

Finally, Lion was so angry that he wanted to cry: "William..."