
I Am A Villain At Night

Zhou Heng looked at the message in his retina. [Host has arrived at the determined age] [Integrating Villlainous Lives Management System] [Congratulations to the Host] While rubbing his eyes, even with the blurred sight, he can still read those words clearly. ''What's happening? Is this... my chance...?'' Zhou Heng soon will embark on what means to be a Villain in different worlds with different backgrounds, with the hope of changing his life for the better, not knowing that maybe his reality is more fantastic than those lives he can simulate with the system. *** - The MC lives in another world, that may have similarities with our own. - There may have different power systems for each life, including the 'real' one of the MC. - I don't know if it will be a harem, so, at your risk. - It's my first time writing a novel, so any help you can give is appreciated. - The cover is not mine, found it on Pinterest, very probably its also not from the one I take it, but any claimer can communicate with me. - The rhythm of chapters will be varied, as is my first novel and is something like a 'test'. - As for 18+ chapters... I don't know, maybe there will be, or maybe not.

ThatOneFella · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Leaving the Gray Way Orphanage.

[Host, time to wake up.]

''...'' Zhou Heng looked at the message reflected on his retina.

His expression didn't change too much, he didn't wake up because of the message, he woke up five minutes ago but was only waiting for the message to get up from the bed.

Rolling his head he directed his gaze toward the window, the golden of the dawn was invading the room.

Closing his eyes for a second he got up from bed, putting away the message of the system.

Zhou Heng in Aurora had the custom to wake up early in the morning, but since he arrived at this world he lose it in his first five years of childhood, the laziness of a child was stronger than the resolution of an adult.

So he used his very useful system as an alarm, it may not have sound but it exists in his mind so it can forcefully wake him, and, after a few years of using it, his body was accustomed to waking up a bit before the alarm arrives.

Zhou Heng got up and started stretching his body for five years he has been doing exercises in the garden of the orphanage and after waking up.

His body grow a lot after these five years, he should have more or less nine years but his body looked like a young boy of eleven.

The only place that one could find fatness was on his cheeks, he was a bit helpless about that, he had a few visible muscles on his body but it wasn't that excessive.

His training until seven years consisted mostly of flexibility and cardio, he only started doing more heavy training after that age, where he practiced with invisible targets the martial arts he trained in Aurora.

He changed of clothes and left the room, walking toward the first floor of the orphanage but his mind was in another place.

Today was a special day after all, in these five years since he recovered consciousness he not only prepared his body for the future but also thought of many ways to have the best position at the time of dealing with the hero.

The system aid wasn't much too, almost all the benefits will be after the mission is completed, so he could only use it as an alarm and a data box.

Zhou Heng wasn't a genius, in Aurora he was considered a very intelligent talented youth by his grandfather and the professors of his school but he worked hard every day.

His mind wasn't bad but was far from reaching the perfect memory, but with the help of the system, he had something like hyperthymesia, all memories from both this and his real life were on the Records Section, so if he wanted to remember something the system would open the section and show him what he wanted.

Either categorized by age or themes, the system could adjust to his aid. If he wanted to remember what he was doing on a certain day of his seven years, then the system would help him using his memories to localize the day.

If there were special situations like he lost consciousness for an entire week, then the system would tell him the time he lost consciousness and regained it by using other memories as a guide.

Another way was the theme, if he wanted to remember something about someone with a particular trait then the system would categorize all people he has seen with special traits, and compare them, after getting a result it would be shown on his mind.

Even a phrase from a book that he saw decades ago could be traced back as long as he uses the system with a lead, like hearing the same phrase or reading it in another place.

The disadvantage of this is that he can't do it the entire time, he needs to wait up a bit as if checking a mobile, needing him to order the system to look for it using his memories. Another point was that the system may use his memories to compensate for lack of information, but it couldn't go more than that, if he was blind then no matter how much information his other senses give him, he can't calculate the height of another person.

The system was truly godly, yet Zhou Heng could only smile bitterly, he was a human, he committed mistakes every time, and the skill may help him with many situations but if he isn't in the appropriate mental state he won't use it on the best way.

Maybe even one day in a situation where this skill can help him to solve everything he will just forget about it, or he won't have the appropriate lead.

Shaking his head, Zhou Heng realizes that he was currently standing at the start of the first-floor stairs, he can see other kids looking at him in a strange way.

Ignoring them, he walks toward the bathroom, cleans his face, and goes to the dining room to have breakfast.

The personnel of the orphanage greets him with smiles and he answers them with the same. He receives his breakfast, bread, juice, and crumbled fish on sauce.

He starts eating alone in one corner, he didn't mind, his sociability didn't improve too much after five years, the trio of bullies disappeared after reaching fifteen years, the same for the trio of workers, that he heard started working in the same place, the little brother Jin Wei is also in the dining room, eating with his new friends, he lost his shyness after growing up a little.

He also didn't accompany Zhou Heng, after all even if he wasn't shy anymore, that didn't mean that he wasn't scared of Zhou Heng, his attitude and eyes made the kid keep a long distance.

The problem with Evan five years ago ended as Zhou Heng thought, they approached Evan, gave their proposal, Evan arrogance was delighted and bragged about his achievements to his father.

Father who only laughed at his son's words and throw more fire on the ego of the young boy, telling him about the true strength of a noble like him.

The next thing that Zhou Heng heard about the matter was how the three young workers got a job in one of the noble proprieties, they learned about the word flatter and how far they were from their dream.

But with a bit of advice from Zhou Heng and his knowledge of a more futuristic society, the three had a smooth development, and he got a good relationship with three talented youths of the Ram district.

He will surely take advantage of those favors in the future.

''What are you scheming so much in the morning?'' A pleasant soft voice came in front of Zhou Heng.

He cut his thoughts and raised his head to meet eyes with the hazel-haired young woman in front of him.

With a soft smile, beautiful long hair that reached her waist, gentle eyes that gave a motherly feeling, she can truly be called a young woman, even though she was only seventeen years old, her body put on shame older women.

Zhou Heng sensed a bit of achievement for that, his training, beauty advice, and encouragement on nutritive food created her. In the words of the modern Aurora, she was a beautiful seductive big sister.

Her chest was already big for her age, the training couldn't stop their growth and even helped her give them form, her long legs, and slender frame. Zhou Heng was both grateful and resented that his body still didn't have the necessary hormones to lust after her, so he can quietly enjoy the sight.

Relatively speaking she was now his big sister, even though his body is now nine years and in Aurora, he was Sixteen he doesn't sum up the age, the experiences weren't enough for him to be called 25 years old.

So even though he remains stubborn in classifying her as a little sister in his mind, he began to respect her quite a bit.

''Who's scheming, when I do things like that?'' With a pair of innocent blue eyes, Zhou Heng replies.

''Hmph, apologize to all the unfortunate people you pitted since you had five years.'' Rolling her eyes, Alisa sat up with him and started eating with a smile.

She has been working officially in the orphanage after reaching fifteen years, as her aunt is now the new head of the orphanage after the old wrinkled grandma died four years ago, Alisa didn't want to change her life so is now part of the personnel.

These five years came with small troubles along the way, Alisa's beauty flourished and even some of her kind uncles and outsiders were tempted, so it isn't a lie that Zhou Heng schemed a bit to pit them as punishment for their intentions.

But she wasn't entirely defenseless after all she learned a bit of martial arts and her physical condition was very good.

As for him, he was strong for his age, but that didn't mean that he could beat up adults, so he used other strategies to deal with them. He didn't feel frustrated, his grandfather taught him many things while growing up, a particular phrase was 'If you fall for schemes you aren't strong enough if you fall for strength you didn't scheme enough'.

Everything can be used for survival, that's the way of his grandfather.

''Is everything ready...?'' Alisa murmured.

''Yes.'' With complex eyes Zhou Heng replied.

Alisa's eyes were a bit puffy, her younger brother, the genius boy that always treated her as if he was the older, was leaving.

Zhou Heng took advantage of all these years in the orphanage, but it wasn't enough for his goals, he couldn't wait until he is fifteen, the orphanage may be good for his physical growth, but his mind will be too relaxed he won't have the trained mind of a 'villain' staying here.

He already had a plan, so he only needs to cut this relaxing part and start working, the foundations were built.

''Can you at least tell me why?'' Alisa didn't try to keep him here, he said to her that he needed to leave a week ago, his preparations were ready a week ago, yet she asked the same every day.

''I need to do something, the orphanage is not good for that.'' He repeated the same every day.

''...'' Alisa had an enraged face, he is just nine years, what does he need at that age? When she asked him, he always said the same, it is his way of telling her 'I won't tell you', at first she thought it was a joke but he was serious, the past week she complained and cursed him a few times, yet he always had the same expression.

She even wanted to accompany him regardless of his opinion but he scolded her gravely with a cold face, even all these years knowing him couldn't stop her from being scared and shocked by how angry and serious he was.

''If you don't contact me at least once a week I promise to walk all streets of Ariethis asking for you.'' She was tired of fighting with him, he didn't want to change his opinion so she could only say that. No matter what he is the person she is closest the most, if he is that serious ongoing and she can't stop him, then he can't stop her from concerning.

''... A month.'' He said helplessly.

''Week!'' She said with a glare.

''I will contact you once a month.'' He wanted to agree, but he can't be sure that he will be free even for a month so he can't put her at risk, the streets of the Rat district are dangerous, even more with her beauty.

Biting her lips Alisa didn't say anything more and continued eating.

The two finished eating in silence and walked toward the gate of the orphanage.

She is the only one in the orphanage that knows that he will leave, he had a good relationship with the personnel and it was troublesome convincing them of letting him go so he decided to let her explain, some excuse of the type 'My family appeared and took me away'.

No matter how much they like him, they aren't like her that will surely go asking even the gangs for his location, the thought amused him and made him smile, he felt warm for her concern.

He used her when she was young and lied to her a few times, but with the years he truly considered her family, he is willing to go for a few troublesome matters for her and doesn't need to evaluate if is worth maintaining a relationship with her.

She saw him smiling and wanted to slap him a few times asking him if he was that happy to leave, but she soon controlled herself, and without saying a word she grabbed him and hugged him.

Having his face suffocating on her chest he didn't struggle and just let his mind wander about the times she took a bath with him recently, once again thanking the fact that he didn't have those hormones yet.

After the two separated they looked at each other for a few moments.

''Going.'' He said softly.

''Hmm.'' She nodded.

With an awkward face, he started walking away, leaving her enraged about how insensitive he his for leaving after saying only that.