
I Am A Villain At Night

Zhou Heng looked at the message in his retina. [Host has arrived at the determined age] [Integrating Villlainous Lives Management System] [Congratulations to the Host] While rubbing his eyes, even with the blurred sight, he can still read those words clearly. ''What's happening? Is this... my chance...?'' Zhou Heng soon will embark on what means to be a Villain in different worlds with different backgrounds, with the hope of changing his life for the better, not knowing that maybe his reality is more fantastic than those lives he can simulate with the system. *** - The MC lives in another world, that may have similarities with our own. - There may have different power systems for each life, including the 'real' one of the MC. - I don't know if it will be a harem, so, at your risk. - It's my first time writing a novel, so any help you can give is appreciated. - The cover is not mine, found it on Pinterest, very probably its also not from the one I take it, but any claimer can communicate with me. - The rhythm of chapters will be varied, as is my first novel and is something like a 'test'. - As for 18+ chapters... I don't know, maybe there will be, or maybe not.

ThatOneFella · Fantasy
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29 Chs

I Want To Meet Him.

''... It seems that Anthony should go to hell sooner than planned.'' After the initial surprise and fear, Helena recovered quickly, but the paleness of her face was still there.

Zhou Heng raised an eyebrow at her reaction. He already had some doubts coming from Anthony's malicious smile when he mentioned the man.

But to the point that Helena, A woman who gives Zhou Heng a feeling of dependence and confidence, reacts in an exaggerated way enough to lose her composure and forget the tray on the ground, means that this particular man is more dangerous than his previous guesses.

''Why do you react that way? Are you afraid of him personally?.'' He was curious if this man was scary to everyone or does only Helena reacts this way.

''... I may have my own grade of fear toward him. But, those who know him well also share a feeling of terror...'' Helena took a deep breath before answering his question, her eyes had complicated feelings.

''He is... Unrestrained. He is not dangerous for being physically strong, in fact, you could say that most ordinary soldiers could contend with him in the pit.'' She paused a bit.

''You could say that the problem is his mentality.'' Helena looked at Zhou Heng.

''He doesn't have morals and ethics?'' Zhou Hen assumed.

''More like... He has his own morals and ethics.'' Helena answered, then she frowned and took Zhou Heng's hand, ''Anthony should have mentioned him to temp you... It could be said that he can help you... But, he is too dangerous.''

She had a very concerned expression, her hand that hold his, tightened, ''He has many contacts, many influential and skilled people owe him a lot, coupled with his eccentric behavior... There are high chances that you can find what you want from him... ''

Helena spoke very slowly, she didn't want him to be in contact with that man, but, even if she doesn't tell him this information, he would learn it sooner or later.

She doesn't know if he has the will to endure the path he is taking. She can be impressed by his daring attitude of coming here with lies, and the calmness he is showing when she exposed him.

But that doesn't mean that he can reach his goals. Until now he hasn't seen or felt the pain and fear this place can inflict on a person, when she thought of this she unconsciously felt a burning sensation on her limbs and her face paled a little.

Shaking her head, she looked into his eyes. She told him earlier that his eyes had too much life to live in the revenge path, beautiful blue eyes, in them she saw calmness, curiosity, wariness, and a hint of resolution.

These eyes were strange, too mature, without the naivety of a child, the thought makes her have a heartache. Every time she saw a child living in a way that wasn't supposed to be she felt this pain.

Even if the child was a stranger she never spoke with or was considered an annoying brat that brought nothing but problems, she would try to help him.

Many considered her a crazy meddler, even when the child didn't want to be helped and reacted aggressively against her, to the point of hurting her, she retained her gentle smile and didn't care.

Taking deep breaths, Helena continued, ''But he will ask you to pay whatever he wants, there isn't a fair deal, it's just an 'I do something for you and you do something for me'. He won't care about your age, gender, or background. Many times the 'debtor' regrets it and, he makes sure that it becomes a symbol to his future trades.''

Zhou Heng nodded, he could understand what she meant by symbol, but that only made him more curious, ''Can you tell me examples of what he has done?'' He didn't want to ignore her disturbed state, but he couldn't do anything about it.

He only knows that she likes children, the information he got earlier from the four kids was that she helped them without limits, having a high reputation among them, but that's only the surface, her life was another matter.

He wanted to comfort her, but looking at the situation he would need to make concessions on his actions, he has a good impression of her but that didn't mean that he will throw good opportunities for her.

''...There was once a man that wanted strength too. He had an extremely weak physique. he made a deal and disappeared for a time... It wasn't until a full month passed that he came back...'' Helena said with a dazed look, ''The man's body was filled with scars, his face was indifferent, giving a bloody feeling. He participated in the pit and won every single fight, like a madman without care for his body...''

''He participated in the pit every day without stopping, having many fights daily. He became a champion... Until he was defeated, it is said that he was poisoned before the fight, but that didn't matter...''

Helena's knuckles were sickly pale, ''The man stood in the middle of the pit with a lost expression. The crowd was silent, looking at him without understanding, he started laughing with despair, it wasn't weird to see something like that in the pit, many gamblers do the same when they lose everything...''

''...When the man's laughter stopped, he smiled as if he was really happy and kneeled...'' At this point Helena let go of his hand and raised hers towards Zhou Heng's face, she put in his cheek and said with a solemn expression, ''The man hammered his face against the floor, breaking his teeth, nose, and skull until he passed out.''

Helena loves children, she wants to protect them all, even if it means using extreme means like scaring them and generating traumas that could keep them safe.

''There are many stories like this, some of his... 'clients' die with despair on their faces, and some die with relief... Usually, those with relief are the ones that commit suicide.''

Zhou Heng was silent, he was also looking at her, she had common brown eyes contrary to her particular red hair, these eyes were calm as if she wasn't in the least disturbed, but he noticed that her eyelids were shaking a little. Even if he couldn't see it, he knew that she was urgently trying to suppress him.

He understood her intentions, and his goodwill toward her increased, even if she had her selfish motives to care about children and was extreme in some ways, he couldn't help but feel warm from her care.

But... She committed a mistake, he wasn't normal in the slightest, and his mind turned to a part of the story, 'A weak man in only a month became a champion'. What could happen if he stayed for years? Even if he needed to die later as long as he finished his mission, could they chase him to Aurora?

Even if his body breaks apart and his life expectancy doesn't go over the thirty years, he is fine with it. He doesn't plan on living here for a lifetime.

When Zhou Heng thought about this his eyes darkened, a figure was presented in his mind for a moment, but he quickly shook his head and centered his attention on Helena again.

Helena was at loss, she looked at him deeply, and her heart sank when she couldn't find the fear she was expecting, she bit her lips tightly.

She planned to introduce him to some of her friends that could teach him, they aren't the best around here but it was enough to learn decently, without risk.

She knew that compared with 'that' man contacts, the skills couldn't even be called in the same league.

''... You need strength but that doesn't mean that you need to try it so hard... Your enemy, shouldn't be invincible, as long as you have the skills is enough...'' She tried to convince him.

Zhou Heng smiled bitterly, she doesn't know that his enemy was the jewel of the world, he is destined for greatness, he didn't deny that maybe the 'Hero' was not the physical strong type, but the smart and influential one... but it was too uncertain.

Exactly that, is the reason for Zhou Heng to work harder, he doesn't know his enemy, and the slightest weakness could mean his dismissal.

The system refuses to help until he meets with the 'Hero', so he could only build foundations at all costs.

''I want to meet him.'' Zhou Heng concluded.

''...'' Helena's eyes darkened, and her bitten lips had a few drops of blood but she paid no attention.

Zhou Heng took her hand off of his face and stood up, carrying the empty tray, he pulled a bit of distance from her and crouched to take her tray that was still on the ground.

''I thank you for the advice you gave me... And the food... But this is something I need to do. You don't have to worry, I don't plan to die soon.'' Zhou Heng looked at her with complex emotions.

''... Life should be something you don't have at risk... Why lose a peaceful childhood for someone else? If your enemy needs to die, then I will pay for his life, even a noble will die for a price...''

Zhou Heng shook his head, the system already took care of that option forcing him to kill the 'Hero' with his own hands.

Seeing him like that, Helena clenched her teeth and fist, after taking a deep breath she loosened and stood up. With her particular gentle smile that seemed a bit off for her bloody lips she said, ''I will take you to him.''

Zhou Heng frowned, it didn't need to be a genius to understand that her change wasn't normal. He suspected that she could take drastic actions and keep him away from that man.

His mind run wild, he wasn't going to go with her, it was better to find the gloved man on his own, remembering everything Anthony and Helena said about him he tried to deduce where the man should be.

It's not like he needed to meet with that man today but something Anthony said kept rolling in his mind, 'I don't always stay in this place'. What if the gloved man was the same?

Anthony was annoying, but he understood the place, he understood Helena's personality and what Zhou Heng wanted. As a man that laughs at a burning world, he probably already imagined everything that happened.

With that in mind Zhou Heng had a clear thought 'The gloved man is near' it was only a matter of who Zhou Heng found first, the red-haired woman or the gloved man.

Helena took a step forward and raised her hand toward Zhou Heng, ''Come.''

Zhou Heng sighed, he shook his head and said, ''No... Even if you don't let me meet him this time I will sooner or later find him.''

He took a step forward but not to go to her, but her side going directly to the place they received the food, he needed to return the trays.

She remained motionless, watching him pass her. Her gaze glued to his back, with every step he took her expression darkened more and more.

With a trembling voice she gave up, ''I will... take you to him... Just... Let me talk to him first.''

Zhou Heng stopped and looked at her, she approached him and stood by his side.

The two looked at each other and started walking.