
I am a System Interface?

After a drunken night, Noah Carter woke to find himself trapped in an unfamiliar world. Usually, these types of things come with added perks, but in his case, there was no hack. He only got two unique skills. It was him to decide how to use them efficiently. He has to navigate the mystery of his arrival while attempting to ask for help from strangers. Over time he assumed many roles but ultimately he need to become the beacon of hope for others. But will he save this reality from disaster, or will he be the cause of its demise?

devonsewn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


After the meeting, Noah went outside and began thinking about a new plan. He first summoned five identical rifles, Sig Spear LT, an advanced M4 variant rifle along with hundreds of round of ammos. It was great that he didn't need to think about the weight and can just max it out accordingly to summon them together.

Without this feature, he had to do it individually which would mean the ammos would take separate slots making it impossible for him to arm large amount of villagers quickly. He stored them in his room safely because he would need it tomorrow and went out for a stroll.

He realized, he haven't explored the village being injured all the time. There were not many villager out because most of them were injured and those that weren't, were taking care of those that were. The houses looked a lot rustic than he remembered.

Noah never fully experienced the quiet countryside life and had always been around the modern 'concrete' forest most his life. As an orphan and making a life out for him in the special forces, the most time he spend in rural parts were during his deployments.

Remembering where he was just a few days ago filled his mind with complex emotions. There were many things in his past that he tried to forget but being by himself without any outside influence to dull his sense made him aware just how much he was bottling everything inside.

He would normally wallow around in his misery, gaining weight binging on junk food and watching stuff on his phone to pass his days. He started to feel the stress that came with responsibility first time after getting discharged from his job.

Looking at the rustic mud building reminded him about ' that' incident again. He remembered how they use long solid weed tail grass to make a simple wall that acted as frame after which they would drowse it with mud solution to make it solid.

He remembered putting these up with 'them'. He learned a lot in those few months than he ever did in his entire life, how hard it was to live life being cut off from the world. This small little village must be similar, they do have different design but being situated in top of the mountain they should have faced same problems.

" I don't have time for this." He immediately shook his head, thinking to himself to get a grip. He sat down and again began looking at the quaint village. He felt the need to at least help them, that's the least he could to elevate his internal guilt.

He walked back taking a detour through the farm fields. They had a completely different culture when it came to food. He mostly remembered having some grilled meat and what appeared to be porridge with a hint of salt.

Fortunately when he returned, he saw them cooking food for everyone. They seemed to have come together for a communal meal which was prepared by middle aged ladies because most of the young ones were injured.

He could see a big pot hanging over a large fire and ladies were putting the ingredients after cleaning them. It was some sort of soup, at least it smelled delicious.

" Why are you brooding? Did she really reject your marriage proposal?" Suddenly he heard a child's voice from his side. Tang came over with a huge grin on her face.

" So that's what why people had been looking at me weirdly?" He couldn't be bothered by dispelling the rumours. Those that witnessed him fighting with Cyra were having the time of their life.

" It's fine. Don't let it keep you down. You will find some other girl, if you ask me there are some here that are interest in you but they are too afraid because they are under the impression that you are already taken by the Chief!" He never thought her as someone who loved to gossip but Tang was revealing her true colours.

" You mean Mera? There is nothing going on between us." Noah sighed. Who would be attracted to such a violent girl? But he couldn't deny she being the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. A certain image flash in his mind which agitated for him for a second.

" Hey, hey, no need to make that face. Our Chief is famous for her beauty, just see the situation we are in because of it."

" I never said she wasn't but I am not interested in surface stuff."

" Said like a true man! But why do you look so sad?" She asked again. Is this her way to console him? Was she under the impression that he was heartbroken or something?

" It's not something a kid like you should be concerned about."

" Kid? I may not look like it but I am an adult! I am already fifteen years old!" She proclaimed proudly. She was under the impression since she was still short and kind of tomboyish which made him under guess her age.

" From where I come from, fifteen is still a kid." He scoffed looking at her proud face.

" That place must be boring then! Where do you even come from?"

" A very faraway place."

He didn't even realize before he began explaining about Earth. It must be because he didn't talk to anyone for a while but words seemed to come out from his mouth looking at her so curious about what he had to say.

They talked for hours, going back and forth about different things. Noah realized how smart the little girl was, she answered most of his questions about the state of the village and even the surrounding territory. From farming and different ingredients to politics of the village she seemed to know everything.

She was much more candid about it speaking without holding back which he appreciated. She was like a cute little sister that he never had!

Is this the power of gossip?