
I am a System Interface?

After a drunken night, Noah Carter woke to find himself trapped in an unfamiliar world. Usually, these types of things come with added perks, but in his case, there was no hack. He only got two unique skills. It was him to decide how to use them efficiently. He has to navigate the mystery of his arrival while attempting to ask for help from strangers. Over time he assumed many roles but ultimately he need to become the beacon of hope for others. But will he save this reality from disaster, or will he be the cause of its demise?

devonsewn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


"Will she buckle under my threat, Chaucer?" Commander Sablethorn asked the man standing beside him.

Other than his army and the contracted sorcerers, he also brought someone as an advisor. He is from the Enchanted Emporium Group, that mostly do business on the island. With the size of the Merchant Guild, it was impossible for them to control every island independently.

Which is why, these type of dominant groups would sprout up and made a collection of biggest individual merchants to form a supergroup that was contracted under the guild. They had their own economics and controlled the prices around their region also acting as a deterrent for other smaller or medium sized merchants.

" Worry not young master. There is no where for her to hide but after you taken her hostage, you have to give me what you promised."

Sablethorn had to make a deal with him prior to his attack. A business embargo to not supply to the village for several weeks, even if he wasn't able to breach their large walls it could act as a limitation of how many days they could survive without food and medicine.

" But remember to not harm anyone if they don't attack. I don't want to have any bad blood between us." Killing villagers would mean a death sentence for him and Esmeralda's relationship. She cared a lot about her village and he didn't want to raze it to the ground.

He was certain, she would understand his mercy in the future but Chaucer knew it was a dumb idea from the beginning. He had seen the young girl grow up over the years that he visited the village and knew how stubborn she was.

Sablethorn that hoped to win her body would only be biting dust in the end. She would rather kill herself then to become a concubine to some noble. 

The only reason why he was here so that he could plunder their resources. Their fur and tanned leather were a rare commodity, not to mention several secret medicine formula. Those were like seed of money that would grow into a enormous source of wealth if Enchanted Emporium were able to get their hands on it!

He would let the stupid young brat do whatever he wants and secretly send his people inside to loot up valuables. It was a easy profit utilizing a crazed lover to do his bidding and basically getting everything for free!

They finally saw her standing on top of the wall and Sablethorn called out to her," You are finally here!" His eyes wander all over her seductive body.

" Sable you bastard! Why are you when I already gave you my answer?" She yelled from the top.

" Mera let me handle him! I will hack a few of them making rest of them flee!" Alastair was also there. She didn't inform him but the villagers were worried what was going to happen to them so they told him everything that happened.

" No, it will not be so easy. He must have few sorcerers with them or else he wouldn't have dared to come here with measly forty person army." She scoffed but the villagers beside her were not so optimistic.

They had a total of ten hunters that could somewhat act as archers stationed at the wall, among them only three could be considered skillful and that included Tang with her offensive abilities to throw objects.

They also had some melee warriors but only five could hold against a battle hardened army that stood in front of their gate. Just looking at their shiny armor and stallions that they were riding on send shivers down their spins.

" Chief, I don't think-"

" Shut the fuck up! If you don't want to fight then run away and if any of you get hurt I promise I will do everything in my power to heal you!" She didn't want their morals to go down because of one coward. 

Even if everyone leaves, she will stay and fight them. It was a certain death but it was her duty to protect her village.

" Esmeralda! You don't have to pretend. We both know how this is going to end so I will give you an offer. Surrender now by opening the gate, I promise I will not hurt anyone. I will even treat you right but if you resist now, I can say with certainty that this village will cease to exist!"

" What did you say you bastard!?" Alastair was furious! A puny noble like him was threatening him? The commander of royal knights and promising him to erase him hometown!

" That's enough. I will bring you his head right now." Alastair wasn't just saying it. He vowed to not spill blood when he left the battlefield but if he wanted to he could take them. Granted, he would get injured but with his daughter here, he was feeling confident.

" Father no!" Just as he was about to jump down from fifteen meter wall, he heard someone yawn behind him.

" Noah?" None of them had even heard him come up the stairs? and seeing him walk on his own they knew his injuries were healed. He was carrying his iconic orange duffle bag walking lethargically toward the wall's edge.

" Which motherfucker woke me up so early in the morning?" He asked in calm tone but it was heard by everyone.

Tang pointed at the man in armor sitting atop his dark steed without saying anything.

" You? Are you role playing or something? Scram or face your death!" He didn't know about the actual detail but seeing the army surrounding the gate he knew they were under attack. 

" Hahaha, young master, I didn't know they had a crazy person in the village. I guess-" Chaucer was about to finish when everyone heard a loud roar, rifle bullet hit his wrist severing his right hand on the spot.

" Arghhhhh!" He screamed in pain as a stream of blood gushed out off his hand almost hitting Sablethorn's face.

Silence - none of them made any sound only looking at the fat man's screaming at top of his lungs!