
I am a System Interface?

After a drunken night, Noah Carter woke to find himself trapped in an unfamiliar world. Usually, these types of things come with added perks, but in his case, there was no hack. He only got two unique skills. It was him to decide how to use them efficiently. He has to navigate the mystery of his arrival while attempting to ask for help from strangers. Over time he assumed many roles but ultimately he need to become the beacon of hope for others. But will he save this reality from disaster, or will he be the cause of its demise?

devonsewn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


" A sorcerer with strange powers? Even the flame emperor is residing in the village?" Silver was shocked to learn the new details. He knew that Sablethorn was repelled from the village some time ago but he didn't know that so much had happened. Chaucer's small report didn't do justice to it at all!

For thieves like then, there was nothing more horrible to face against sorcerers. Even if their opponents were knights they were confident enough to fight back or even retreat since they focused more on agility but the sorcerers were weird.

They had myriad of powers making them guessing what type of abilities they would face next. Fortunately, Flame emperor's powers were widely known and he even had complete set of information on his disciples. 

" What? Are you scared?" Aston sneered. He had been fed up with Silver's nonchalant personality. Since he was so confident and even wanted to take the tiny village to himself, he didn't mind to let him suffer some hardships!

" Scared? Hahahaha, are you underestimating our capabilities? I must admit that Flame Emperor is powerful but his weakness lies bare with his pupils. If we can get a hold of even one of them, he would back out of the fight like a coward!" Silver fully understood how scared the bond between master and disciples were in the sorcerer's world. 

Young sorcerers were like unpolished gems that were too rare for this world. Just to train them, they had to go through a large amount of resources, who in the right mind would waste all of it? Especially Flame emperor who was a picky individual.

He had never taken in students before so it was a shocking news when it came out that he directly took two new recruits! Touring around place to place he was trying to temper their powers. He wouldn't have came to the North if it wasn't for the war, everyone knew Lulon Kingdom was doomed, a lawless place which was too dangerous for him to explore with his students.

If Silver manage to convince him a safe passage out of this island, he knew Flame emperor would definitely agree. Since he already severed ties with the nobility, he had to rely on people like Silver to make his escape!

" Whatever, I will give you at most a month. I don't care what happens to anyone, I only want Mera to be safe and sound." Aston added. He knew from Silver's reputation, there was bound to be trouble for the village after he gets involved in it.

" Good, good. I have a perfect plan since I have been thinking about it since last night when I received news about you coming." Silver shrugged looking directly at Chaucer.

" Chaucer?" Aston looked at his advisor with shock. Immediately after which he knew what Silver meant, this little punk was trying to double cross him!

" You dare to go against me?" He asked in solemn tone. Leaking military secrets especially anything about nobility was considered a capital offense! He knew that Merchants were shrewd and vicious, they played with their wit to gain the upperhand but this matter was more serious than he imagined.

If Silver didn't want to cooperate and wanted to harm him, Aston might have lost his life. He came unprepared just because of Chaucer but he never imagined his harmful intention he harbored in his heart.

" Young lord! I was wrong! Please forgive me! I only wanted to keep you safe and asked one of my men to go ahead to see the road was safe! I promise it was not to harm you!" Chaucer knew he was doomed. Even if he managed to keep his life, there was no way, his life would be same in Redwater city.

No matter how much money he had or how powerful the Merchant Guild was, they couldn't outright fight the Nobility in fear of upsetting their delicate relationship. Even if they wiped out the Redwater Nobles, when other find out about it they would immediately perceive them as more of a threat than an ally!

Especially in this disruptive times when everyone was fighting a war. Any weakness would made them lash out. The Guild would definitely made an example out of him just to appease other nobles! The best he could do is save his life and run away from the city seeking refuse with the Guild and start all over again!

" If so, why didn't you inform me or my knights!?"

" No need to fret over this weasel. He would even sell his own parents if it meant he could make profit. This is the general layout of those pesky merchants!" Silver laughed and nodded toward one of his subordinates. He immediately followed his order and brought a small parchment that Chaucer sent last night.

Chaucer face turned pale looking at it. He tried to jump to ruin the evidence but how could he ever compare to elite thieves with his lousy attempt. Aston ordered his knight to apprehend the fat merchant after which he began reading the contents of the letter.

The more he read the uglier his face looked. There was everything, from their current numbers to overall details of what happened in the village. What's outrageous was how Chaucer would refer to Aston in letters, ' Foolish Lord' was a adjective often used instead of his name!

" Fuck! I didn't know I was harboring a snake in my own backyard!" he turned to face Chaucer who knew everything was over. Aston stood up with his hand on his shiny sword ready to deliver punishment for defying him when Silver called out to him.

" Wait! Since we are partners. Let me show you something interesting. It just happens that I need a live target for it." Silver looked at Chaucer with a amused look. He called out two of his people.

" These are the people that I am thinking about sending for the mission."

Aston looked at them, they didn't look particularly impressive. Their build were messy and unkempt, it was questionable if they could even go up the mountain.

" They might look like this but they are proficient in various fighting technique and especially in their agility but their most fearful attribute is their weapon."

" Leoric!" Silver shouted on of their name. As soon as they heard the name, a man waltz passed everyone skillfully weaving through knights heading straight toward Aston.

No one was able to react before the nimble thief reached Aston after which he raised his hand to reveal a strange weapon. The knight thought their master was in trouble but before they could take a step, a loud bang resounded shocking them again.

Chaucer who was few feet away from Aston just slumped to the floor with a horrid look on his face. He didn't know what happened but the only thought he had before dying was everything looked familiar, he felt the same when they faced that strange sorcerer on the wall!